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  1. finally Guys it is prooved that three dimention space is not the real existant space and it prooves our vedic philosophy Because, an atom's structure cannot be derived from this three dimention space, and for this purpose the scientists use a special kind of space architecture called gilbert's space which is of infinite dimentions it is a solid proof that most of current scientific theories based on 3D space is limited to the current illution and has no scope, whatever outside this illution ( i mean reality) regards arya
  2. the name given to the absolute source is called " hari" or "vishnu" in hinduism, This may differ in different relegion, but all religion in some way or the other refers to this source. there are different reasons, and different situations, in which the source himself, Or the part of his expantion ( direct incarnation ) , or part of his energy ( indirect incarnation ) comes to different planet and many other places of this universe, including this earth, just to make things right, which were going wrong beyond control. he has taken many forms, like jesus, buddha , parashurama, kurma , Prophet etc which are his indirect incarnations ( because they themselves have told like, I can make no courage to tell this on my own , jesus told, Lord is his father, prophet also got the special mercy to see alla and so on ) also there also exists many direct incarnations like rama, narasimha etc etc And in rare cases, he himself descends with full potency of the source, which on this planet earth is krishna , ( called in greek as k.risto, from which christ has been derived , even here jesus tells the same thing, jesus CHRIST, means " jesus-->associate or son or energy" of "christ->lord" ) It is not good comparing, these great souls , It is a great Sin, wheather you are a christian, hindu, or muslim , jew or anything else. you all will have to suffer for this. Also ,note that only this source can incarnate on this world, so there is no doubt which ever divine soul comes to the planet for such purpose, it is definitely, a form or energy of the primary source, which hindus (in vedic culture ) call krishna, This source in muslim world is called alla, and in christian, he is the LORD or FATHER the jesus is referring to. Alo note, how clever jesus was, he told about 7 clouds ( hevens ), but never told he will be in these heavens , but infact told that he will go to his fathers house. ask for youself why. also see that there are 7 doors to Hari " the supreme source, krishna " , why the answer is each door is a symbolic representation of each of these 7 clouds, and in hindu these are considered as doors because our philosophy is like " when you have a top floor, you cant call 5th or 6th or any intermediate floor as top, though these floors (heavens, or clouds ) are higher than the ground floor(earth ) " also this is the source of "saath janam ka rista" hope many things are clear, please dont humiliate, such great souls, you are not worth it, nor you have such capabilities to do things. arya harirnama harirnama harirnama kevalam
  3. hi everyone, first of all 'hari om' next, I am here, to calrify some things, and I think i can clarify atleast somethings, by His mercy, As i am a strict follower of vedic religion, Some of the strict followers, of vedic religion are like, Buddha , Jesus himself and many many more. First thing, is lets come to jesus, and who is He, and what he did. The birth of jesus, as a spiritual soul was described in ancient scriptures. "Jesus, is the manifested form, of the lord, But not a direct incarnation, and in this sense he is like buddha, parashurama etc " "what is manifested form, well the answer is they are associates of lord , for whom lord is the direct energy source ( like father )." This is the reason, jesus told , LORD IS MY FATHER, and never told he is the lord. But, Kalki is direct Incarnation, that means Jesus's father and not jesus. Also, now something about christianism. A pure "christian" is one who follows the principles of christ laid out by jesus, and i am sorry to say , taht in this world there exists very few few christians. Why, for example take this example, the following line is the first commendment of jesus out of ten. "Thou shall not kill" what does this mean, If you directly take it, it simply means anyone should not kill. But, it was interpreted by many so called christian preachers, that this is with respect to Humans, only. Who told this, WHY, WAS JESUS NOT INTILLEGENT ENOUGH TO USE WORD 'MURDER' INSTEAD OF 'KILL' IF HE MEANT IT FOR HUMANS. and next is, 'INTERPRETING' is needed for things which are not clear. And thing spoken by Lord or his associates like Jesus, is 100% clear and straight forward, Then What was the need to interpret. This was needed because, the people wanted to find their own comfort in the religion, that means, the people did not adopt to christianism, but instead changed christianity to such an extent so that they could adopt. So it is very clear that the current christianity is not christianity, but some alien adopted religion. Of course, Even i Will tell, take it from me, The TRUE CHRISTIANS WILL GO TO HEAVEN WITHOUT FAIL, BUT ONLY TRUE, AND TRUE CHRISTIANS ARE NOTHING BUT TRUE VEDIC FOLLOWERS, (TRUE HINDUS) also. Because Christianity, is based on Hindus. HOW ? I have lots of proof, i will put it in next post, first of all digest this. Also, i ask people to spread the link to this post to as many people as possible, specially christians, so that let them know, what they are following and in what illution they are harirnama harirnama harirnama kevalam
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