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About Illuminated543

  • Birthday 07/15/1974


  • Biography
    I am a seeker of truth. Always interested in KC and seeking direction. I am a father of three that i
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. As I have said, I have run hot and cold with Krishna consciousness and am trying to re-dedicate myself to living out Gods true wishes and my true will. This may be a sensitive question but It has to be asked for me to progress. I have always been a very sexual being. I am married now and my wantings are directed toward my wife appropriatley. Is there a way to reconcile physical love with spiritual progress. Keep in mind that we already have three children and are not looking to have more so the exchange between my wife and I will be for our own growth and satisfaction. Could we practice an art like tantra to sanctify our acts? Thank you.
  2. One of my beliefs is that God is one. For example... Krishna is the same energy as Christ with a different wrapper (body) and at a different time. In my understanding God is One and all the faces and names we give God are for us, to help us understand, to relate. Even though I hold this to be true it seems that Srila Prabupadha's writings indicate the supremacy of Krishna over other incarnations of God. Can someone please explain this? If all are one then can we replace the name Krishna with Christ when reciting the Maha Mantra? Thank you. Haribol!
  3. I see... I can be close to Krishna and be close to my wife. All I have to do is persist. I do admit, my main failing in the past has been that I see my family eat meat or I see them unified praying Christian prayers and I feel that 1) I may be doing something wrong by following the KC movement and 2) I want to be unified with them, the ones I love, in what they do and are. I will continue to chant and abide by dietary rules as well as I can and hope that Lord Krishna blesses me with peace.
  4. I have been hot and cold with KC. I have been through many maifestations of religion only to be let down by most. I was raised Catholic and in my teenage years began to search out other types of spirituality. I searched through Judaism, Islam, Wicca, Protestantism (various forms). I have also taken up Yoga at first Hatha, now also Bhakti. I have come to the realization that all religions are mearly vejicle bringing one to the same place. Along this journey I fell in love with straight edge hardcore music and found a band named Shelter which led me to ISKCON. I have been involved with KC to varying degrees over the past ten years, at times very involved and at others not involved at all. I am now married with soon to be three children. I want to get back involved in the path of KC but we are raising our children as Catholics and do not see any reason to change that. How do I make the two worlds mesh? My wife is very supportive... she often thinks my spiritual pursuits are quirky but just wants me to be happy. The issue is that in the past the closer I came to KC the further I felt from my family. It is difficult to reconcile a life where I am teaching my children to love Christ and my wife cooks meat as I recite Japa and eat prasadam. What do I do? How do I reconcile these worlds? Tony
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