Sorry, but just because some innocent person who has not one clue as to the Gaudiya Siddhanta claims to want a "Live Diksa Guru", does not give anyone unqualified to be such, to step up and say, oh well in that case I've got a piece of swampland in my brain I'd like to sell you a piece of.
As I have indicated, a sincere and KNOWLEDGEABLE person could explain to such an aspirant that perhaps what they need and what they think they want using words they have not yet come to essentially grasp, are 2 different things, and offer only what will truly benefit the person, which would be Siksa according to their Acharya, which includes a Diksa Ceremony, and a loving and caring Guidance counselor.
That is what they really want. They want a wise and loving and caring person to guide them and never let them down. They call this a LIVING DIKSA Guru. They can get the same thing from a living Siksa guru, who performs the Diksa ceremony on behalf of an Acharya who ordered it to be so, and nothing you say can diminish that potency.
But if you are qualified to Give Diksa in the fullest sense, and provide a unique system as Acharya with requisite changes in Siksa, then by all means, that means a unique time place and circumstance has arisen to which Srila Prabhupada's instructions no longer apply in totality, and you gotta do what you gotta do. Then you are a Living Diksa and Siksa Guru and Acharya and good on you.
Best be sure you got the stuff though. It is a long way down to Patal loka without Yamaraja holding your hand.