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  1. M.M.


    Sorry, but just because some innocent person who has not one clue as to the Gaudiya Siddhanta claims to want a "Live Diksa Guru", does not give anyone unqualified to be such, to step up and say, oh well in that case I've got a piece of swampland in my brain I'd like to sell you a piece of. As I have indicated, a sincere and KNOWLEDGEABLE person could explain to such an aspirant that perhaps what they need and what they think they want using words they have not yet come to essentially grasp, are 2 different things, and offer only what will truly benefit the person, which would be Siksa according to their Acharya, which includes a Diksa Ceremony, and a loving and caring Guidance counselor. That is what they really want. They want a wise and loving and caring person to guide them and never let them down. They call this a LIVING DIKSA Guru. They can get the same thing from a living Siksa guru, who performs the Diksa ceremony on behalf of an Acharya who ordered it to be so, and nothing you say can diminish that potency. But if you are qualified to Give Diksa in the fullest sense, and provide a unique system as Acharya with requisite changes in Siksa, then by all means, that means a unique time place and circumstance has arisen to which Srila Prabhupada's instructions no longer apply in totality, and you gotta do what you gotta do. Then you are a Living Diksa and Siksa Guru and Acharya and good on you. Best be sure you got the stuff though. It is a long way down to Patal loka without Yamaraja holding your hand.
  2. Dear Theist. Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! You wrote. The only Need I can see is that my Spiritual Master and Acharya instructed that it be done this way. As for the utility of such a system, the Diksa initiation ceremony can have some practical benefit in enhancing the progress of a neophyte's devotional service. For the sincere person, it can be part and parcel of the process whereby one accepts the Siksa or instructions of the Spiritual Master, as they are giving a vow to do so, and if they haven't been fully committed already, this may strike a chord in them to redouble their effort. It also engages a few devotees who have brahminical varna in brahminical duties. It also affords a nice opportunity for a group gathering, where congregational chanting may occur. As long as there is no unqualified person standing there and saying YOU ARE NOW MY ETERNAL DISCIPLE AND YOU WILL OBEY, the whole affair is a wonderful part of the process of Devotional Service in my opinion, and coopt the potency, nor preclude the need for reading Srila Prabhupada's books and lectures. Best regards, y.s. Mark
  3. M.M.


    I can appreciate your cynicism O Ancient one, and applaud your attempt to steer people clear of those who would subjugate them using a ceremony to seal the faustian deal by eliciting a vow of obedience. But wouldn't you agree that There was some substance to the ceremony that Srila Prabhupada performed time and time again, and that the scriptural basis and commentary as to its efficacy in assisting one's progress in devotional service is enough to consider that if it was offered in such a spirit outside of apa-Iskcon, say among Devotees who are banded together acting under the auspices of the original instructions, thus the Real Iskcon, that this would be as Srila Prabhupada would approve?
  4. After hearing what Theist has said, it makes perfect sense that if A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada had the willfull intent that his Diksa Mantra and spiritual instructions be empoweringly conveyed through assistant disciples on his behalf, and said that after he left the planet that was the way it was to continue, that it was his Willfull intent and if he was Acharya, Sri Krsna Paramatma would make it so.
  5. I was "clamped" once in an Iskcon temple. Just after waking. It was quite unpleasant. I had been warned that it was a frequent occurance at this particular temple. My chanting was pretty weak back then, and it took a while for me to invoke the lord with any purity to get it off my head. I have had my share of such entanglements and battles. This one was pretty strong. Gotta figure only the more potent ghosts get a pass in a temple of Sri Radha Krsna, no matter how mediocre the service standards. Before learning of Sri Krsna or hearing any of the good advice such as that just given by the Ancient Mariner, I would normally just leave my body and fight them on the etheric (lower astral plane). This lets them know they chose the wrong guy, and usually I would never get attacked twice in the same neighborhood. One time some being manifested in a form tangible to my sense of touch and in shadow right in my mother's living room while I was sleeping over, and was very powerfully trying to suffocate me and pull me from my body seemingly at the same time, after telling me in a deep grave voice that I was meddling where I didn't belong and that I didn't know who I was dealing with. That time I spontaneously called out in fear and quite sincerely to Lord Nrsrimha Deva. The dude was gone immediately. Thank you Lord.
  6. Easy there Lord Mucky, Don't blow a fuse, Don't get your Knickers in a twist, Don't get your Panties in a bunch, Don't pop a cork. AFTER ALL If it is not broken, why "fix" it There is nothing new under the sun. Unless you want people to forget the past and look to You as what is hot and new and fresh and oh so Nuevo Risky and frisky. Yawn.
  7. Everyone get out your shiny shoes and best attire, make sure you washed behind the ears, here comes His or Her Grace the High Lord of Muckity Muck with the white glove test. Are the words you speak "contemporary" enough, or do you use words that "no one" uses anymore? I wonder why Lord Muckity Muck even bothers with a "no-one" Perhaps there is "no-one" else who will listen to Lord Muckity Muck in the world outside, so our Lordship must find a captive audience in cyberspace to attempt to Rule over. How blessed are we?? All Glories to the Grand Muckster Huckster, Lord of the Muck.
  8. There. The best defense is a good offense. I know, I know. At least I don't try to hide it. Mark
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