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About radha_govinda

  • Birthday 01/25/1987


  • Biography
    i am a 19 year old female.I have been a vegetarian since birth.
  • Location
  • Interests
    i am very creative and love children,drama and singing.
  • Occupation

radha_govinda's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. thanks for your replies. i now realise the only way to help other around me become more advanced is to become more advanced myself. if i become more spiritual and activley show my love for krishna, then other around me will hopefully want to do the same. i will chant my japa, offer my obeisances to the supreme lord and surrender into his devotional service. many thanks radha_govinda
  2. i am aware of this, and this is an appeal for help to make my life more devoted to krsna concious.I have followed since i was born, but less so since my parents seperated 3 years ago, and im feeling seperation from krsna, and that is why i have posted to see if anyone can help me! radha_govinda
  3. thanks to you both. He was brought up christian and attended sunday school and a child, and he does believe in god, but he is abit confused and has had conflicting ideas and opinions put to him. he just needs to be shown the light and the path to krsna. radha_govinda
  4. hare krisna. i am a 19 year old girl living in england.i have followed a strick vegetarian diet since birth and have studied and followed krsna conciousness under the guidence of my parents, who have been in the movement for 25 years. I am in a relationship with my partner of 2 years.he is a good soul but i cannot seem to explain to him the importance of following krsna conciousness in this material world. i pray to lord krsna to give me the strength and wisdom to help my partner to become a servant of lord krsna and follow a strict vegetarian diet such as myself. He wears tulsi beads, and hes never questioned my insistance that he wears them at all times. I would like to serve lord krsna undevidedly and would very much like to find a partner to serve with, and i hope that my partner of 2 years can be the one. Does anyone please have any advise about the best way i can help my partner take shelter under krsna's lotus feet and become enlightened and free from the modes of material nature?i am struggling to follow nicley myself and im ashamed to say i rarley chant my japa, but krsna is always in my heart and i have NEVER nor will i ever eat flesh. please help me in this matter, as it is a matter of importance to me that i help my partner begin his spiutitual journey back to godhead. haribol, radha:namaskar:
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