Could u plz write my name in name is NIMMALA PUNYA KANTH .....plz write my name in hindi ...if do that i'm very thankfull to you..
help... ?? please... ??
this is my last hope... i've been searching everywhere and been unsuccessful. I was also wondering if someone could possibly translate my name into Hindi... well... in fact 2 names. They are: Laura and Mia... if anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated... thanks again:smash:
help... ?? please... ??
this is my last hope... i've been searching everywhere and been unsuccessful. I was also wondering if someone could possibly translate my name into Hindi... well... in fact 2 names. They are: Laura and Mia... if anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated... thanks again
help... ?? please... ??
this is my last hope... i've been searching everywhere and been unsuccessful. I was also wondering if someone could possibly translate my name into Hindi... well... in fact 2 names. They are: Laura and Mia... if anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated... thanks again but the translations there are diverend from the other translations. And does the hindi script use capital letters? that makes a diverense to Isabella I like the most in the Hindi script and Nadine but the translations there are diverend from the other translations. And does the hindi script use capital letters? that makes a diverense to Isabella I like the most in the Hindi script and Nadine in the Bengal
I'm searching for a long time for the translation of the names of my two daughters Nadine and Isabella. The following resluts of my search are: इज़बेल्ला and नदिन् can some body tell me if they are oke?
I also found a translation website: but the translations there are diverend from the other translations. And does the hindi script use capital letters? that makes a diverense to Isabella I like the most in the Hindi script and Nadine in the Bengal
I'm searching for a long time for the translation of the names of my two daughters Nadine and Isabella. The following resluts of my search are: इज़बेल्ला and नदिन् can some body tell me if they are oke?
I also found a translation website: but the translations there are diverend from the other translations. And does the hindi script use capital letters? that makes a diverense to Isabella I like the most in the Hindi script and Nadine in the Bengal
I'm searching for a long time for the translation of the names of my two daughters Nadine and Isabella. The following resluts of my search are: इज़बेल्ला and नदिन् can some body tell me if they are oke?
I also found a translation website: but the translations there are diverend from the other translations. And does the hindi script use capital letters? that makes a diverense to Isabella I like the most in the Hindi script and Nadine in the Bengal
i've been trying to get my tatoo for a long time and if you can help me id greatly appretiate it. My name is "Daniel Clarke" and i want to get it tatooed in hindu lettering so if you can please print chris just like you did for the other person who emailed you id appretiate it.