karthik_v, In this world the struggle for existence continues on all levels, like it or not. The freedoms we enjoy to discuss these matters over the internet or to practice our spiritual/religious beliefs, etc. etc. are only available due to the sacrifices and/or struggles of others. For certain things, I will fight viciously and to-the-death. This present war is one of them.
Perhaps your `higher` philosophical points can be addressed later, prabhu, if we're still in one piece. Right now, it's us against them. I am firmly convinced of the differences as well as the need to support our side wholeheartedly. Perhaps a visit to Afghanistan or some similar `culture` might help to convince you. Freedoms won at great expense can be so easily and quickly lost. Will you, or any of us for that matter, be in a position to regain them?
You might want to read the post on another thread about the treatment of women, including disfigurement by acid attacks, or are such incidents and the belief systems they are a product of, not important to you? Perhaps this too can be blamed on America?