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  1. Hello - Me and my family got in to troubles because of crooked criminals who are expertise with kshudra pujas, evil spirits, black magic. They are from Kerala and they have some contacts who has done pujas on my Nakshtra and date of birth to weaken me , filed court cases on my family , tried to divide my family & siblings, enemies increased, hit with debts, health & accidents , relatives&friends did run away from us when we needed help... this is all happened all of sudden. Can you please refer any website or spiritual guru who could help from us. Justice on our side, will god help innocent people when some one is doing powerful pujas against you constantly?? How to deal with these crooked people who are cheating innocent people and protect my family? One guru near home town told , it will be challenging to deal with those enemies because they are so powerful but god will punish them. Normal pujas we do at temple will sufficient to counter those tantric pujas in kerala by evil people ? Thanks.
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