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    jyotish, ayurveda and yoga
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. WOW you are a serius one!!!! lol
  2. ''bramarpanam brahma havir brahmagnau brahmana hutam brahmaiva tena gantavyam brahma karma samadhina'' optional for closing: om santih santih santih om sri gurubhyo namah hari om translation: ''brahman is the giving, brahman the food offering; by brahman it is offered into the brahman fire, brahman is that wich is to be atained by complete absorption (samadhi) in brahman action'' we use it in amritapuri (ammas ashram in kerala, india)
  3. hi guys, i have some questions: i read already for about 6 months some books about jyotish and i bought parashara light aswell. i really like to study it and advance in it. but it seems hard to learn it only from books. anybody maybe knows some good online lessons? i found a couple but they ask so much money for it and that doesnt feel right to me! im going to india soon where i will stay for 5 years or longer, mainly in kerala and up north. so it would be really great to study there with someone in person!! i hope somebody can give me some recomendations about what to do. pranams, vivek
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