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About vivek_prayag

  • Birthday 08/30/1983


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    travelling to spiritual places especially hills
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  1. u can email me at vivek_prayag@rediffmail.com
  2. Namaskar cedar, Kundli is a basic frame work and navamansha intesifies or declines the effects to a certain extend. The guru+shukra in 11th house for mesha lagna means that the lord of 7th house is in 11th house(house of gains) and the planet is venus. so,the person marital life will be good. The problem will be with the jupiter as jupiter don't like venus.The rahu in 8th house and the combination of above indicates the question about person character . But jupiter aspecting the 7th house will lower the illegitimate thoughts to a certain extend. I see no effect of sun.. in 10th house. However, mahadasha and antardasha will decide the effects.
  3. Namaskar, ur will be certainly love marriage and outside ur caste. It should happen after 2010 .there is a period of 4 years from 2010 in which ur marriage should happen.probably, it should happen before the end of 2011.
  4. i m not a expert in this regard and hence u should verify what i say by any competent astrologer .There r peculiar similarities in ur and ur fiancee. the horoscope indicates that he is doing love marriage. The similarities r- a)ur husband house rasi is the ascendant of ur fiancee and ur fiancee wife house is the ascendant of urself. b) same rahu-saturn combination with change in position. c)jupiter-karka there r strong indications that u r divine match and u r replica of each other personalities.However, both of u r going through rahu mahadasha and hence trying to get marriage even if u r older than ur fiancee. my knowledge is limited in giving a solution to a problem which might affect ur entire life.Except,venus-mars combination in 8th everything is fine.AND ,in that also venus mahadsha dasha will now never come in ur life. Ur marriage will not break.FOR This , i m sure
  5. Ur kundli is a perfect example of mangal dosha. U r manglik from all aspects of astrology-lagna,moon and venus. The moon in lagna in virgo doesn't help the cause.It tells that u shouldn't have a stable mind i.e. roaming of thoughts and imagination.The venus and mars combination in 8th is not good.The saturn and rahu combination in 12th indicates ur unorthodoxy. U should make a good match of ur horoscope .However, to whom u marry,ur marriage shall not break due to strong jupiter aspects on 7th house.
  6. give ur time of birth and place of birth.nothing can be told just by knowing the placement of single graha.mangal dosha is nullified by variety of reasons.
  7. well, I knew that u wouldn't have any childrens.There r certains aspects of life which is beyond one's will. It is better for u to sublime ur expectations from ur husband.The sun in 7th house is always problematic and ur problems r expanded due to wrong placements in 8th house.U should try to evolve the love of nature such as gardening,visiting hilly areas and making paintings especially on mystical things.Every individual doesn't get everything.However, ur good period will start after the ending of venus mahadasha.U should chant this mantra- hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare hare krishna............ I m not a member of iskcon but i m telling u this mantra because worship of lord rama helps ur sun and hare krishna will please venus. however,lord ram name should come first and then krishna.try this ,u will certainly get benefit. * any body who has cancer rashi suffers alot during saturn sade satti.even lord ram suffered alot.however, in third phase of sade satti , one finds that all the mental troubles were actually for the good of the person concerned. those who get troubles r actually more closer to the parmatma.* so, just wait for the ending of august 2007.
  8. In my opinion, saying shiva as tamasi and saying that living entities reaching shiva and then to vishnu is absolutely incorrect.WHAT IS THE NEED TO REACH VISHNU WHEN ONE ATTAIN LORD SHIVA???????.This means that vishnu is greater to shiva which is absolutely incorrect. For me , all three gunas including tamas is a illusion of maya.Worshipping shiva involve lot of sattvic qualities.
  9. There is always a criticism against the idol worshippers that they r just worshipping stones.But I feel that even if parmatma hasn't any form ,the parmatma cann't influence the world without acquiring any form? Kindly throw some light on this issue.
  10. namaskar, I was hesitant to say that ur husband shall be egoistic due to presence of exalted sun in 7th house. still, i feels that ur husband should do some great job after 2011 during sun's mahadasha. This is on the basis of ur kundli. u will definitely get success from ur troubles after august during third phase of sani sade satti.In general,ur bad period will continue till 2011. I think that next 2 years will be troublesome for ur marital life and may give u even mental tension.UR kundli also indicates that u should have a native artistic nature . u can explore this option.what about ur children??? kindly tell something and plz tell the specific problems which u r facing so that some solution can be given.
  11. currently ur going through venus mahadasha and saturn antardasha. ur also travelling through sani sade satti and hence u must facing lot of mental trouble from past 5 years. Ur sun is exalted in husband's house and it indicates that ur husband should hold a class 1 job(nothing less) .But it also tells that u must face problems in ur marital life. Ur jupiter is in it's own house in 3rd house.So, u should have good communication skills and u have the capacity to listen other view points with patience.Ur health is another critical issue. I think u can have only part time job(maximum) as ketu is sitting alongwith moon. kindky give me feed back so that i know where i err.. and i can done further analysis.
  12. The presence of vishnu idol depicts the fact that vedantist were the dominant form of life throughout the world.U r wrong as sanatana dharma exist even before the presence of dinosaurs.The name of cities such as "RAMallah" confirms the universal nature of vedantic peoples. hare krishna:smash:
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