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Alokjyoti Samal

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  1. It is not good to fight between us taking on devotee.Why cannot we consider that all the dieties are same?All of them are the part of one god.Its the crucial time for us to fight against other religions who are trying to convert people of hinduism to their religion.Mostly christian missionaries.You can tell shiva is better than vishnu or vishnu is better than shiva.But the truth is both of them are shown as supreme in their own scriptures.But considering these you cannot find the truth.You can see in Ramayan that lord Hanuman who is the main divotee of lord Rama(incarnation of lord vishnu) is told as the incarnation of lord shiva.Which proves the supermacy of lord Vishnu.But in that text it is also told that the lord Rama prayed lord Shiva to get victory over ravana.So tell me who is superior?
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