Hey Kundalini jagran is no aspirin, my dear fellow.If someone promises one minute jagaran , of what Yogis(Celebates who have renounced the World not Householders as us) many births to achieve this, someone promises you in one minute?Kundalini is no burger of McDonald Mr. Wise Up.Do what scriptures hold to be true.Chanting the Name of God is the easiest way and the best suited for todays age. Do you see Siddhas walking the lanes of the country ? Kundalini Awakening is no joke, Samadhi ensues and the person sees everything as brahman.Extreme feeling of renouncement ( Vairagya) follows.The eight superpower comes.If you follow those Kundalini awakened people you met there, you fill find many in pubs with their girlfriends.Wise up Guy.