Do not lament beloved for even tho he may have entered krishna's past times he is still with you, and as the other devotees stated sri-guru never dies he only reincarnates as another pure devotee.
Let them belive what they will about lord sri-krishna, it only fuels there ignorance for it is bliss to them, my lord states in the bhagavad-gita that sometimes it is best to let a fool remain a fool.
In the most very rare cases some dovotees did not require sri-guru and still abtained prema......this is not to say that we should follow her lead, but we must still respect the love and devotion she showed thru out her life to my lord krishna as example to follow in the art of bhakti-proper.
My focused energies are directed at lord krishna in every one day if even not in this lifetime i will be a gopa in golaka were i belong....with or without sri-guru but i hope with sri-guru.
My fellow devotees i'm at present a neophyte but uninitated and without sri-guru to gide me on the sweet path to krishna, what i am looking for is a guru can anyone help me?
Do you people not realize that when we suffer krsna suffers with us, our pain is his pain, that is what draws me to my lord bhagavan sri-krsna that is why we have the ability to choose to come to him or not, he come to us to provide support only if we look with our hearts eye.