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  1. Hi All, I do not know whether this Nadi Astrology is true or not. But I am getting a kin interest in this after reading more about Nadi shastra. I have Visited three Nadi Centres one in Pune and two in Mumbai. The first wen I visited to Pune, I wasnt atall shocked coz he asked me few questions but was not able to find my leaf den he directly asked me my mother and fathers names and found a leaf which he read. He didnt give me much info about my past but predicted all future thats y I doubt should be believed or not. The second and third time Nadi experience was quite satisfying as my past was also told by dem correctly. One thing I noticed in every Nadi reading that in general all told me my present time isnt well and I have Vivah dosha which needs to be done parihar on and I should not take marriage decision in a hurry or early till I complete 25 years age. Now My problem is that I have got a guy who has few exact qualities described by one nadi reader but I have to take decision about him NOW and I am yet to complete my 25 years age. I am not very sure about this guy whether he is the one niether I too much like this guy so that I can ignore Nadi and proceed with final decision to marry dis guy. I was even told that if I take decision before 25 years age that marriage or relation will break.. and also that I have 2 marraige kundali so take marriage decision late and properly. I am told that at 26-27age I will get my guy. Now m in perfect dilemma as to whom to believe coz my parents are not ready to accept my denial to dis guy on grounds of Nadi. And a way forcing to go forth with this guy. I am left with only one option now within a year span of time before my marriage (that is next year) see if I can really cope with him or according to Nadi shatra will I break up.. before marriage itself..? Lord Shiva knows now. Playing cards with life now.. hope to get lucky. Skeptic to Nadi shatra ... but yet not a true non-believer.
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