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Everything posted by Rohit2

  1. Srimanta, Oh Ok, I understand... That is very intriguing & good to hear this. Hare Krsna Respect to all.
  2. Srimanata, you seem to be hypocrite. If you recall what you wrote in a previous post titled "What are the qualities of a guru you can trust" You wrote:- Quote: <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width=624 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center bgColor=#ffffff>Originally Posted by Srimanta I was chanting Narayana from my birth and Lord Chaitannya visited me after my birth and also later. I was looking for Narayana. Sathya Sai Baba (later revealed to me) who came to my work place at Bangalore 10 yrs back and initiated me keeping His identity secret with Hare Krsna mohamantra and told me that I am His Chela. During this initiation I did not asked His identity but He given me hints saying, come to my Ashram at Whitefield though I forgotten. Later many demigods including Krsna, Chaitannya and Narayana gave darshan to me. So Sathya Sai Baba is prefect spiritual Guru and Narayana Himself. I had seen His subtle Body as Narayana. Sathya Sai Baba's birth name is Sathya Narayana and Sirdi Sai Baba worshiped Narayana to get His blessing and Sirdi Sai entered within the body of Sathya Narayana and became Sathya Sai Baba. Sirdi Sai was Lord Shiva Himself. So there is no doubt that anybody who worships Sathya Sai Baba will get blessing of Shiva and Narayana both. Sathya Sai Baba is authorized Guru by lord Krsna and every body must get His blessing, if possible initiation of Hare Krsna mohamantra. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> My Reply to you was:- What on earth are you talking about? Firstly, If you choose Sathya Sai Baba as your guru that is your choice. BUT don't make WILD assumptions... Who on earth told you Sai baba is Narayana Himself (apart from himself) I do not recall any description of KRSNA in any scriptures relating/authorizing himself in any form to Sai Baba. Though, I am glad to hear like you say, you had darshan from Krsna, Chaitannya and Narayana. and you are very lucky as KRSNA is not a demigod but Godhead himself.. count your blessing!
  3. Dear Srimanta, I am sorry, but I don't think you understood the English in the way I wrote earlier. I apologise! Let me Make it very easy for you. In a respectful manner - How did these new-age religions/Cults/Sects whatever you want to call it (e.g. swaminarayan, sai baba, etc.) came about? I am not being disrespective whatsoever, I am merely asking a question! Srimanta, Like I Say, I Respect All Relegions, Cults, Sects etc. as long as they do their own thing & not impose their believes on others. By the way, Asking a question DOES NOT simply imply that I'm looking to join such new-age religions/sects/cults etc. So Srimanta, In what part of my question made you think I am "looking some new stuff" as you put it? Hare Krsna! Respect to All
  4. How did these new-age religions came about? In India, People way back in the old days probably just worshipped God Krishna &/or Rama (& some demigods) Is it because "lost" people wanted guidance from say a Sami or Baba or Sadhu etc..? and therefore this led to the formation of a new cult or religion headed by these swami's/sadhu's and their successors.. I'm just curious!! Hare Krsna Respect to All
  5. I personaly do not have anything to do with Swaminarayan, However, I feel Swaminarayan devotees are generally Peaceful, Respectful & Sincere people. I have never heard anything bad or weird such as; PramukhSwamiJI or disciples Materialising Jewellery (or any materialistic items) from air etc. Though ANY SwamJi who truly devotes to the teachings of Lord Krsna and then claims to be God themselves does NOT make any sense whatsoever. Definitely agree and to read the Bhagavad Gita before making any assumptions about; this Guru is god, that Swami is god etc. Hare Krsna and Respect to all
  6. I understand that we need to eat in order to survive. However, that does not mean eating anything & everything. I write this more towards a conscience/guilt sense than spiritual. I ask to those who eat meat (dead animal flesh), to go (visualise) to a slaughterhouse and look at the animal that are about eat, into their eyes. If those who eat dead animal flesh are indeed human, you will witness the tears, trauma, afraid, sadness etc. in those beautiful eyes of that animal they are about to consume for there own pleasure. Its very easy to buy dead animal flesh at the supermarket & become ignorant in realising how this animal got hear and the pain, tears, suffering & sadness this once living animal went through just to keep you dead flesh eating people satisfied. or even going to a restaurant makes it even easier to become ignorant. I used to eat dead animal flesh one time, but gave up solely for moral & guilt reasons and obviously spiritual came after for me. I am suggesting for the dead animal flesh eaters to visualise a slaughterhouse and see those living (to be killed) animals for yourself. OR even more realistic, Visit one! (with permission, though they probably will not allow you) Then make your own mind up!
  7. What on earth are you talking about? Firstly, If you choose Sathya Sai Baba as your guru that is your choice. BUT don't make WILD assumptions... Who on earth told you Sai baba is Narayana Himself (apart from himself) I do not recall any description of KRSNA in any scriptures relating/authorizing himself in any form to Sai Baba. Though, I am glad to hear like you say, you had darshan from Krsna, Chaitannya and Narayana. and you are very lucky as KRSNA is not a demigod but Godhead himself.. count your blessing!
  8. Hare Krsna, Interesting thoughts... But we must not forget that we (humans) are taking over land once occupied by insects/animals to build unnecessary lavish homes/golf courses etc.. They have every right to be on this land.. The Human race just goes on destroying without any thought/respect for other living beings on this planet... Hare Krsna
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