Hi Everyone,
I am a very new member to this forum and I see lots of good things being discussed about spirituality and related subjects here. This is refreshing and pleasant to be a part of. I confess that I do not yet know a lot about Audarya but I will read and learn more.
Like so many, I have been through various churches and groups on my spiritual journey. I have read many books, followed many websites and made many friends along the way. I have enjoyed seeking truth and each day I learn something new. This planet is such a good classroom with lessons of all types to be learned.
Each of us is different and unique and have a particular role to play in the development occurring on our planet right now. Today spiritual people range from young students at school with great freshness to older lightworkers with their wealth of experience and all roles in between.
I have also been interested in spirituality, angels, ascended masters, ascension, metaphysical, meditation and healing subjects and activities for some time.
There is so much to learn and so many different perspectives to sift through.
I am a quiet individual and like getting to know others with similar interests and thoughts to share with.
I didn’t come to this forum to just take, but rather to also give in return and share with others that they might also learn, benefit and grow if it is their choosing. These are a couple of the websites that have been so very helpful to me in my spiritual journey.
website: awakeningcoach (Google for URL)
This site has a wealth of messages from Ascended Masters, Arch Angels and Prime Creator. There is focus in the messages giving many valuable tools in understanding and developing spirituality. I love the practical approach of the many messages relating to
preparation for ascension. I had this website shared with me and I am most grateful for what I have learned at this site. Do look over the rest of the site for the good articles and other things too. A wealth of practical information.
Website: returnoflight (Google for URL)
This is another of my favorite spiritual sites. I have read the book too. If you desire to know what Prime Creator is doing in the recovery of not just this planet but of this entire universe, then this is the site for you. Again I was referred to this site and there is so much new information released for the first time in the history of this planet here. Many questions answered that I have never seen answered anywhere else before. I started with reading the book excerpts posted on the website and the regular updates. The book answers lots of additional questions as well. This helped me understand who I really am and my purpose in life. Just delightful.
I enjoy the regular messages, articles and updates posted on these sites.
Maybe you are already familiar with these sites but if you aren’t, then perhaps these web sites will resonate with you too. They certainly boosted my spiritual growth.
It is lovely to spend time getting to know others of like mind. I will be corresponding directly with some of you via private message just to say “Hi” and open the door for learning what you can share with me. Please respond if you feel so inclined.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your forum.
May you have a great day.