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  1. Hi Terrence, Firstly, no need to apologize for posting here. I read your post with great interest. Certainly most of your beliefs/concepts do not fit into a Western faith system. I think there are many like us looking for the real truths behind this existence. I will explain what spirituality means to me. For me, Sanatana Dharma (or Hinduism) is a perfect path. It represents unity in diversity. It recognises that we are all different but there is a common strand unifying all of us. Unlike the Western faiths, in Hinduism there is no us and them mentality. No barriers between religions, races and peoples. We are all borne of the Supreme Brahman and we will all merge with Brahman ultimately. Under the umbrella of Hinduism, there are bewildering array of belief patterns. We recognise that there are many paths to the Truth. Hinduism also teaches us to live in harmony not just with each other but also with our environment, which is a manifestation of the Divine. This kind of attitude is sorely needed at this time of global pollution and climate change. Hinduism does not ask us to simply believe blindly but to experience the Truth. We have the tools, such as yoga and meditation. Unlike in the Western faiths, there is no long list of Do's and Don'ts. The scriptures advise us but recognises that, as intelligent human beings, we are responsible for our actions and their consequences. As such, we are advised to refrain from alcohol/smoking/promiscuity/meat-eating. All these activities hinder spiritual progress. If more people believed in a philosophy where all beings are intrinsically linked and are regarded as equal, this world would be a peaceful place. Everyone wants peace but the human race must first undergo a spiritual revolution for that to happen. We must stop believing that a select few will attain salvation while everyone else is consigned to 'Hell'. This is religious bigotry, which must be regarded in the same way as racial discrimination. In this day and age, racism is thankfully frowned upon. However, for some reason it is still acceptable for followers of Western faiths to claim that they have a monopoly on God and 'Heaven'. I find this idea abhorrent. Anyway, I hope I have helped in some way.
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