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  1. That is exaclty how you pronounce their names and thank you so much. They look beautiful.
  2. You are so helpful to everyone that has written you, hopefully you can do the same for me. I want to get a tattoo this weekend of my two sons names on my left wrist but I cannot find anyone to translate their names to the Sanskrit script that I want. PLEASE HELP! Their names are: Julian and Evan Any help would be greatly appreciated!! <!-- / message -->
  3. I want to get a tattoo this weekend of my two sons names on my left wrist but I cannot find anyone to translate their names to the script that I want. PLEASE HELP! Their names are: Julian and Evan Any help would be greatly appreciated!! <!-- / message -->
  4. I want to get a tattoo this weekend of my two sons names on my left wrist but I cannot find anyone to translate their names to the script that I want. PLEASE HELP! Their names are: Julian and Evan Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
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