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Yogesh from za

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Everything posted by Yogesh from za

  1. do you follow. For me to accept what you are saying you must give me the Lineage of the Guru parampara from where this knowladge is handed down. Who is the current Guru that has given this knowladge, who is that Guru's teachers or previous saintly personality who can verify their teachings on the Vedic shastra you are talking about??? In order for me to accept what you are saying as Authentic You have to go through this Test : GURU - Sadhu & Shastra If you can give me refrence to the Guru parampara or lineage (by this I mean currently still in existance ) from where this knowladge has been handed down UN_ADULTARATED then I can better understand what you are saying and be able to follow it Logically. If you are just quoting Verses from "Vedic Shastra" written by some scholar or setimentalist person who has no (current) linage to back what he is saying then how shure are you about its Authenticity. Then sorry I cannot accept what you are saying or quoting. Jay Sirla Prabhupada (Dear most servant of the servant of Lord Hari) Hare Krsna
  2. What do you mean by stories??? are you referring to Bhagwans pastimes or lila as some fairytales???? Then I would regard that as a Blasphemy. Yes I may sound childish in comparison to your Greatness in knowladge of the diffrerent Vedas. So I will not argue with Such GREAT PERSONS as yourselves who are very knowladgable in the different Vedas but to say that with my limited intelligence I surrender my self to the GURU who comes in the Bonafide Displic succession with direct link to the supreme Lord Hari, Lord Krsna, Lord Chaitanya. That guru who belongs to the Gaudiya Linage. That Guru who undertook so much hardship in his old age experiancing 2 heart attacks, one who and came to America with almost nothing but on the strength of his Gurudev's orders and total faith in Lord Krsna to teach the world about the glories of Mahaprabhu and Lord Krsna. To me his words weigh a great deal more than any dry "intelligent" phlosophical speculations. As I have said before Yes I may have limited intelligence compared to you, so let me not waste it in trying to argue with such Knowladgable persons as yourselves and I will follow the knowladge that The Dear Most Servant of Lord Krsna has given me. So all I can say is Yes Very Good Worship Lord Shiva that he may give you even more intelligence to understand Him even better. Jay Shri Krsna All Glories to the Vaishnav servants of the servants of the Lord JAy Sirla Prabhupada
  3. Remember when Indra Devta became puffed up when people of Vraj Dham were worshiping him? The glorification and prays he got was not meant for him But directed to Lord of All Sacrifices Vishnu. He forgot and became puffed up with EGO thinking himself Bhagawan ( Supreme ). So what did Lord Krsna do to teach Him a Lesson? If you don't know read Krsna lila Lord Shiva is not an ordinary personality but He is also not on the supreme platform of Bhagwan but that does not take away any glories of Maha_Dev. He is the Greatest Vaishnava. Har Har MAHA_DEV!!!!! Please correct me if I am wrong but did Lord Shiva not take on the form of BijrangBali (Hanuman) just so that he can get a chance to Serve the Lord in Ram Lila And anyway if Lord Krsna becomes a servant of Lord Shiva it is because as Lord Krsna says he becomes enslaved and bound by their LOVE for Him that he lovingly Serves his servants. Just Look At The Glories of Bhagawan that he becomes a servant of his servants. As in the case of the Pandavas. Lord Shiva is not like Indra that he would cause such Apraadh. That is why Indra is called Devta and Lord Shiva is Maha-Dev. Lord Shiva is One who is constantly meditating on the Lotus Feet of His most Dear LOrd and hates getting disturbed by Cunning fellows Demons looking for Wishes/Boons to be fullfilled Like Ravana. Therefore just to get rid of them he gives in to their demands (Bhole_naath!!) just so that he can go back to meditating on his Most Worshipable Lord. Just Look at Ravana he wanted to enjoy Laxmi without her dear most Lord and he Ravana was a great servant of Mahadev. Just look at what happened to him. The Glories of Maha-Dev is that he constantly Glorifies and Seeks opportunities to be near his most beloved object of worship. So we should Glorify Maha-Dev (Har Har Maha_Dev !!!) and learn to be the servants of the servants of Lord Hari the most beloved object of worship and sacrifice. Hare Krsna Jay Nitai Gaura-Hari Jay Sirla Prabhupada (another great servant of the Lord who sits at his masters feet)
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