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Vidyardhi Nanduri

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About Vidyardhi Nanduri

  • Birthday 09/26/1941


  • Biography
    Scientist-Engineer integrating COSMOLOGY AND VEDAS to KNOWLEDGE EXPANSION
  • Location
    Hyderabad, India
  • Interests
    Science,Philosophy,Religion interlinks
  • Occupation

Vidyardhi Nanduri's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. SUB: Search higher dimension of Knowledge PURPOSE OF INTERLINKS: 1. The Science of Philosophy: Divinity, Vedas, Upanishads, Temples & Yoga 2. Philosophy of Science : Plasmas, Electro-magnetic fields and Cosmology 3. Resource : Reflectors,3-Tier Consciousness, Source, Fields and Flows 4. Noble Cause : Human-Being, Environment, Divine Nature and Harmony Then Integrate:For INTEGRATION: Science,Philosophy and Religion Unity of Consciousness in Science,Religion and Philosophy http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=239 Now look back to understand the significance of " 'Yada yadahi dharmasya glanir bhavti bharata " Today, with all our knowledge at our door, one is unable to see the dangers -Save Life and Earth Planet-India to realise Sensitive Issues and Come-up with Solutions. Knowledge expounded in Bhagavat Geeta is more valid today. It is the deficiency of Intellectual function- If Learned Bhishma Acharya walked out voluntarily before the start of Maha-Bharata War, Intellectuals should have continued the threads of Noble Souls. That is Heritage and Pride for Indians
  2. SUB: COSMOLOGY VEDAS INTERLINKS-BOOKS The author Dr. Vidyardhi Nanduri Promotes the unity of science with philosophy COSMOLOGY VEDAS-PUBLICITY : http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=1019 The Cosmic Puzzle attracts Scientists, Philosophers and all mankind in several disciplines in search of divinity of the Human Being and Nature. Presently Cosmology is undergoing REVISION and BIG-BANG, Dark Matter,DARK ENERGY and Blackholes are all under question. Evolution needs to catch up with creation. These books provide search links,routes and many COSMOS QUESTIONS that form links to COSMOS YOGA SERIES as follow-up. PURPOSE OF INTERLINKS: 1. The Science of Philosophy: Divinity,Vedas, Upanishads, Temples & Yoga 2. Philosophy of Science : Plasmas,Electro-magnetic fields and Cosmology 3. Resource : Reflectors,3-Tier Consciousness, Source, Fields and Flows 4. Noble Cause : Human-Being, Environment,Divine Nature and Harmony http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=1019 - http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=1019 I.FOR Scientists and Cosmologists Plasma Vision of the Universe : http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=195 Cosmic to PREM -Plama Regulated Electro-Magnetic Universe : http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=228 II.FOR Cosmologists Cosmic Consciousness to Cosmology Revision : http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=200 III.FOR Philosophers Scientific Essence of Cosmic Philosophy : http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=209 NEW-BOOK:SEARCH BEYOND DARK MATTER-IMPORTANT NOTES. VISION DEVELOPMENT SERIES IN PHASES COVER – COSMOS YOGA SERIES-I 10^3 LY-Tamasoma Jyothirgamyam BEYOND DARK MATTER BY VIDYARDHI NANDURI TXU 1-282-571 JUNE 2005 Copy rights USA - Contact Author Vedic Vision of the Universe-PartI 1 http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=212 IV.Cosmology Vedic Vision of the Universe-Part II Vedas,Upanishads : http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=240 V.FOR INTEGRATION: Science,Philosophy and Religion Unity of Consciousness in Science,Religion and Philosophy http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=239 : VI.FOR COSMIC VISION: Centre of the Universe Heart of the Universe-Dec 2006 -Application Copy Rights The Science in Philosophy- Pridhvi Viswam Asya Dharineem Cosmos yoga vision series-II- cover upto 10^5 Light Years All Books http://www.ebookomatic.com/publish/AuthorLibrary.asp?Aid=241 COSMOLOGY VEDAS-PUBLICITY : http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=1019 Edit Summary:Cosmology,Cosmogony,Space Science,Philosophy, consciousness,interlink fields,alternate cosmology,cosmology-vedas, Cosmology Interlinks,Space Exploration, Knowledge Expansion Vidyardhi Nanduri Cosmology for World Peace ALL BOOKS http://www.ebookomatic.com/publish/AuthorLibrary.asp?Aid=241 COSMOLOGY VEDAS-PUBLICITY http://www.buymyebook.com/buy/authorinfo.asp?EbookId=1019 http://cosmologyvedas.blogspot.com/ SPONSORS TO ORGANISE EAST_WEST CENTER FOR INTERACTION ARE WELCOME TO CONTACT vinandi41@gmail.com http://groups.msn.com/VISIONOFVEDICCOSMOLOGY http://groups.msn.com/COSMOLOGYFORWORLDPEACE
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