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  1. dear guest the vachnamrut is the vedic scriptures itself!! Study it and compare the two!! the only difference you will have is in understanding the vedic scriptures. And no bhagwan swaminarayan is not a bogus guru of the kalyuga!! As lord krisna said i will manifest on earth every time dharma and rightiousness prevails. thus bhagwan swaminarayan is god himself but you have not accepted him just like the ignorant people during shri krisna's time.
  2. bhagwan swaminarayan is the supreme being. he is the avtar of all avtaries. lord krishna has manifested through him. bhagwan swaminarayan worshipped lord krishna in his own time because not everybody knew he was god just like when shri krishna was here on earth. bhagwan swaminarayan may not have performed miracles like lord krishna did such as lift the govardhan parvath or beat the demons but he did give us the gnan of beating the cause. The vedic scriptures are true but the vachnamrut is quintence of all the scriptures neccessary for attaining the final abode of god. there are many things in the scriptures which is miss interpreted but bhagwan swaminaryan has taken the important bits out of them and has made the vachnamrut.
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