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  1. Hello Friend, I am sorry but you don't understand what is God. I refrain to argue with you any further. If you feel that not making a typo is prerequistes for being a God then I feel pity of you. Follow your path and let me follow mine. I am not forcing anyone to believe what I am saying or writing. You are free to follow your own path but at the same time I have strong belief on my way and I strongly believe in "I am Bramhan". As we practice more and more the effect of maya goes away and we realize our own nature. This is something to experience on your own. Me or anyone else can not make you understand it. All the best.
  2. When you ask "Who is God?" then you are indicating "personal" God. Entire Vedanta proclaims "Aham Bramhasami". This essesnce of "I am Bramhan" is the true thing to understand. Yoga makes you understand that. Those who find personal God easy to follow can of course continue do that. However, the fact is that we all are God. The same supreme principal is manifested in each one of us. If you practice Yoga sincerely then this very fact is clearly reaveled to you.
  3. Sanyasa has a long tradition in India. Bramhacharis are one who is celibate. Though the literal meaning of Bramhachari is the one who allways follows Bramhan the menaning mentioned above is commonly associated. All Sanyasins are people who are totally detached from wordly desires. They live in this word and perform their duties but do not attach themselves with its fruit. A sannyasin is always a Bramhachari where as a Bramhachari need not be always a sanyasi. (I have expained the meaning of sanyasin in nutshell. It actually has deep meaning than this)
  4. Hi Friends, I am a new member. I am writing a series of articles titled "Lessons in Yoga". Just wrote next article of the series. Just wanted to share with you. What is God? - Yogic Perspective ================================ Any practitioner of Yoga should know the Yogic perspective of God. The God is referred by many names such as Bramhan, Atman, Shiva and so on. Though the names are many the underlying principal remains the same. In Lesson 1 it was mentioned that the final aim of Yoga is self-realization and self-realization is same as God realization. Now we will elaborate on this fact further so as to have clear understanding of Yogic point of view on the subject......
  5. This is perfectly ok. Seeing two images is normal for trataka practitioner. You can keep on concentrating on one of the images if that is comfortable to you. It is explained like this - We see via two eyes. That means there are two images getting created by each of the eye. But our brain goes further and unites both of them into a single image. When you do trataks your concentration is greately improved. Your mind and brain tend to become less active and thus originally formed two images remain as two separate ones. Of course I am not sure if this explanation is proved by modern science but "dual" images is a common thing for sure. Do you use specs or lense? Generally at this point of time you will find reduction in your number. May be you can check that also .
  6. Hi Friends, I just joined these forums. My name is Bipin and I run my personal Yoga and Spirituality related web site. The site is informational (no selling or marketing stuff ) and I regularly write about Yoga there. I hope to have great sharing of knowledge on these forums.
  7. Hi Friends, I just joined these forums. My name is Bipin and I run my personal Yoga related web site. The site is informational (no selling or marketing stuff ) and I regularly write about Yoga there. I hope to have great sharing of knowledge on these forums.
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