Datta pandya
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What is Gayatri? There is no goddess like Gayatri. Gayatri is an adyashakti(main shakti). When lord Narayana felt like “ako ham bahusyami”(I want to be many more from one), one lotus raised from his neval and he first of all created Lord Brahma on the lotus and then he told him to create a sristi where a lot like him can flourish. Lord Brahma used Lord’s Tamas type of powers to create panch mahabhoot(five essential factors of life) like, earth, sky, fire, water and air. Later the atoms of these elements combined with one another to form prakrity or physical bodies. Now Lord Brahma used Sat type of lord’s powers to put Pran in each body when all the physical bodies became alive! To this Sat shakti our scriptures, called Savitri. Now everyone is alive but Lord Brahma thought, there has to be some principles of “How to live life?” for everyone. So Lord Brahmaji gave these principles of life in 24 letters of a mantra. Since this mantra falls in to Gayatri chand according to Sanskrit grammar the mantra became popular as Gayatri mantra. And since our mother is the most close to us, this shakti was given a form of mother. Vemata Gayatri: Now in ancient time when our seer sages were in deep meditation, they heard meaning of each letter of this mantra in divine voices. Also they elaborated them to explain the meaning to a regular person. This way a lot of slokas were collected and they were scattered everywhere. Now when a sage name Krishnadwaipayan Vyasa came and he realized that such an important knowledge was scattered everywhere so he compiled all the slokas in to four parts. Since the knowledge is called Ved, these four compilations became known as Vedas and for doing this Krishnadwaipayan Vyasa became known as Ved Vyasa. Thus Vedas are nothing but definitions of Gayatri mantra. Thus Gayatri is known as Vedmata. Later our seer sages felt that Vedas are not enough for people to understand so they put them in to story forms which became known as Puranas and Manu wrote Manu smruti and Maharshi Patanjali wrote, Patanjali yog darshan etc. But still Ved Vyasa was not happy with all these scriptures so he wrote Mahabharat and gave Geeta in it. Thus today whatever scriptures we have is all written to explain Gayatri mantra. Vishwamata Gayatri: Since the whole universe is created with the power of Gayatri, It is known as Vishwamata. Devmata Gayatri: If you look at Bhagavat Geeta, in entire Geeta, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna, that look me in everything and everything in Me. So just like us, Arjuna asks Lord Krishna, that you keep saying look me everywhere, look me everywhere, where are you? I do not see you! Give me some examples of you on earth. Sop give such examples, Lord Krishna gives whole chapter 10 of Bhagavat Geeta-Vibhooti Yoga. In 35<SUP>th</SUP> stanza of Bhagavat Geeta he says for example if you are talking about seasons, I am Spring and if you are talking about snakes, I am Vasuki and if you are talking about mantras I am Gayatri. Why does Lord Krishna gave so much importance to Gayatri? As everyone knows, the practical meaning of Gayatri mantra is “Please lead our intellect to a righteous path”. This can be said in our own wards or there might be millions of bhajans with same prayer but, Lord Krishna did not say anything about such prayers or bhajans. He specifically said about Gayatri mantra. Why? Gayatri mantra is the only mantra that can awaken divinity in a human being. As poojya Gurudev says we are not high quality animals, we are lost divine souls(Bhataka hua devata). As you can not see clear reflection if the mirror is dusty but as you clean the dust, you can see the reflection very well. Same way Gayatri mantra can clean the dust from our mind and make it clean. That is why Gyatri is called Devmata Gayatri. How Gayatri mantra awakens divinity in a sadhaka? To understand how Gaytri mantra awakens divinity in us, we have to understand mantra vigyan a little bit. Human is a fraction of God. Human body is a treasure box. Today we do not believe the stories from ancient rishies that they could talk by telepathy and they could talk with animals or birds. We can also do the same thing today also. We have 7 chakras and 72000 nadies in our body which are inactive in regular case. But if they are activated all such things can be possible with us too. Each nadi has a connection in mouth. As you speak, wherever your tongue touches the mouth it activates connected nadies. As some people can not pronounce certain words properly even though their mouth is completely alright anatomically because there is some problem with the connected nadi. The configuration of Gayatri mantra in so special that as while saying each syllables of this mantra wherever the tongue touches it activates those nadies in your body that gives you a virtue. That is how Gyatri mantra gives you 24 virtues. The above picture shows the relation of the sounds of the Gayatri Mantra to the specific centers of the body. As shown above, particular letters of the Mantra are related to different parts of the body. The details are in the table below. No. Letter Gland Involved Energy 1 Tat Tapini Success 2 Sa Saphalta Bravery 3 Vi Vishwa Maintenance 4 Tur Tushti Well-being 5 Va Varda Yoga 6 Re Revati Love 7 Ni Sookshma Money 8 Yam Gyana Brilliance 9 Bhar Bharga Defense 10 Go Gomati Intellect 11 De Devika Suppression 12 Va Varahi Devotion 13 Sya Sinhani Power of Retention 14 Dhee Dhyan Life-Breath 15 Ma Maryada Self-restraint 16 Hi Sfuta Penance 17 Dhi Medha Farsightedness 18 Yo Yogmaya Awakening 19 Yo Yogini Production 20 Naha Dharini Sweetness 21 Pra Prabhava Ideal 22 Cho Ooshma Courage 23 Da Drashya Wisdom 24 Yat Niranjan Service Gayatri mantra activates the above mentioned twenty-four divine qualities in the devotee. With their growth, varied accomplishments and prosperity start manifesting in the life of the devotee. Gayatri Sadhana is the well-organized scientific process of spiritual growth and it has a solid scientific basis. Meaning of Tripada Gayatri: In Gayatri chand usually there are three parts so called Tri-pada. Tripada Gayatri can be interpreted in all aspects of life like, Paras-amrut-kalpvruksha or sat- chid -ananda, hrim- shrim- klim. Here let’s discuss meaning of Gayatri mantra with reference of Bhagavat Geeta: 1. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Om</st1:place> Bhur, Bhuvah, swaha – Bhakti yog <st1:place w:st="on">Om</st1:place>:Name of God Bhur, Bhuvah, swaha– three lokas – Pruthvi, akash and patal This means, the God is Omnipresent. By doing Gayatri sadhana regularly, the sadhaka belives that God is Omnipresent. So he automatically does Bhakti yoga since he becomes believer in God. He would not do anything bad even if no one is around to look at him. He believes that someone is watching him. So in routine language you can say is you become ASTIK. 2. Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhrgo Devasya Dheemahi: Gyan Yog This fraction of Gayatri mantra gives you the knowledge of “Who you are?”. So the sadhaka of Gayatri mantra automatically performs Gyan yog. Tat : That – God Savitu: Illuminant like Savita(energy because of which the sun is illuminant) Varenyam: The best. Varan karne yogya. Bhargo: Destroyer of sins. Bhargo makes Gayatri mantra really different. Bharg means to lighten. What? Your sins. Like how the corn grains are very heavy but if you make popcorn? It’s really light. What life we are living is the result of actions of our previous life. Since Gayatri mantra destroys your sins, probably your some past life action, which could have resulted in to some big accident or serious illness, if you are a regular Gayatri sadhaka, it results in to only a fever or may be your finger gets cut with a knife! Devasya: To awaken divinity. Gayatri mantra is the only mantra that can awaken divinity in you. It affects how it is explained before. Dheemahi: To imbibe or inculcate. I inculcate all these qualities of God in me. Thus the second fraction of Gayatri mantra gives you the knowledge(Gyan yog) that “I inculcate the God, who is illuminant like Sun, who is the best among the best, who is a destroyer of sins, who awakens divinity, in me. This reminds you of “Who you are?”. For example, the quality of the fire of a flame of a small Deepak should be same as that of a big fire! But we have forgotten that we are a seed of which big tree! Just like if there is dust on a mirror, you can not see your reflection well but if that dust is cleaned? Now you will be able to see your reflection properly. Gayatri mantra removes dust from our mirror. 3. Dhiyo yon aha prachodayat – Karmayog Dhiyo: Buddhi – Intellect Yonah: Lead to a righteous path Prachodayat: Forcefully Prachodayat word makes Gayatri mantra really different because even if you want to behave badly, if you are a Gayatri sadhak, it will forcefully make you do the right thing no matter what the result would be. So this part of Gayatri mantra will make you Karmayogi because you will be the best husband, best wife, best mother or father, best employee etc.. You will do everything as your duty without thinking about the fruit of action.
Dear friends, Chaitra navratri is starting from March 19th. According to our scriptures, we are supposed to do sandhya in the morning, afternoon and in the evening. What is sandhya? Sandhya is a sandhi kal, transition like down and dusk. Usually the divine powers are flowing in the air all the time but during this transition time it is maximum. So our seer sages made a rule that we have to atleast light a lamp at this time to take advantage of this energy. Same way when the transition of seasons happen, the sandhikal is usually of 9 days which is known as Navratri. Just like the daily sandhyakal, during the 9 days also the divine powers are maximum in the atmosphere. There are 6 small changes in the seasons through out the year but the biggest ones are, Aso(summer to fall) and Chaitra(winter to spring). So these days are considered very auspicious. Now everything has a particular time to ripen, e.g. Milk takes particular time to boil, our food gets digested in particular time the same way Gayatri sadhana has a particular time also which is called Gayatri anusthan. In a regular Gayatri anusthan you have to do 1.25 lakhs Gayatri jap in 40 days with particular disciplines. Since these 9 days are considered so auspicious, you can have the same benefits of anusthan by doing a laghu Gatari anusthan(24000 Gayatri Mantra jap in 9 days with proper disciplines) during this time. You keep fasting for two reasons: 1) During this time usually people get sick, so to give some rest to your stomach and get rid of all the bad stuff collected meanwhile. 2) Since your mind has effect of what you eat, fasting or satvic food is taken during these days. Why Brahmacharya – to prevent waste of PRANSHAKTI. If you have more questions, please contact me or you can visit literature section of www.awgp.org Datta Pandya
Dear Suchandraji, There are excellent lectures on Yug - Geeta(Interpretation of Geeta in context with todays situation) are available on: http://www.awgp.org/gamma/AudioDrSahabHindi The speaker is Dr.Pranav Pandya Revered Dr. Pranav Pandya (Doctor Sahab) Bio-data HEAD: All World Gayatri Pariwar DIRECTOR: Brahmavarchas Research Institute CHANCELLOR: Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya EDITOR: Akhand Jyoti – Monthly magazine PRESIDENT: Swami Vivekanand Yogvidya Mahapeeth Education, Research and Job Credentials 1972 – M.B.B.S. from M. G. M. Medical College, Indore, India 1975 – Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) from M.G.M. Medical College with Gold Medal 1975 to 1976 – Worked with eminent scientists in the Departments of Neurology and Cardiology at M.G.M. Medical College. Published research papers on the treatment of psychosomatic diseases. 1976 to 1978 – Served as a physician in Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited hospitals in Haridwar and Bhopal and remained in-charge of the Intensive Care Unit. 1978 – Received lucrative job offers in the U.S.A. but preferred to stay in India and serve Indian Culture from 1979 as Director of Brahmavarchas Research Institute. 2002 to present – Chancellor, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya. Service to Humanity Settled permanently in Shantikunj in 1978, the Headquarters of Yug Nirman Mission (Movement for the Reconstruction of the Era), to serve humanity. In-charge of the personality development and moral education training program for the officers of the Central and State Government from 1984-1990. More than 35000 officers have participated in this program. From 1990 to 2000, undertook extensive tours of India and foreign countries and organized large-scale programs to establish the spiritual aspects of Indian Culture on a scientific basis. Established branches of the organization in several foreign countries including U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Denmark, Norway, Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, South Africa, Kenya, etc. Participated in conferences and gave seminars at Cambridge University, Oxford University, Harvard University, University of California at Los Angeles and several other Universities to disseminate the message of Indian Culture. Addressed a joint session of House of Lords and House of Commons in U.K. in February 1992. In 1994, directed Watershed Development Scheme, a scheme for harvesting rainwater. This scheme has been extended all over India. Presented scientific aspects of Indian Culture to the World Parliament of Religions held in Chicago (U.S.A.) in 1993 and in Cape Town (Republic of South Africa) in 1999. I found them very impressive. Datta Pandya
Dear friends, Yoga Sutra: 1 hr 1 minute ( English) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6278947628131918070 This video lecture was given to students/staff members in IIM, Ahemdavad a year or so ago by Dr. Pranav Pandya. In this lecture, he talks about application of Yog Sutra of Patanjali ( principals of Yoga) in corporate management. More about Dr. Pranav Pandya: Dr .Pandya received his MD from M.G.M. Medical College with Gold Medal in 1975. He is one of the world renowned personality and is credited as one of the pioneer in creating awareness on scientific aspects of spirituality. He is HEAD of All World Gayatri Pariwar ( www.awgp.org), DIRECTOR of Brahmavarchas Research Institute, CHANCELLOR of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya ( www.dsvv.org); EDITOR of Akhand Jyoti – Monthly magazine ( www.akhandjyoti.org) and PRESIDENT of Swami Vivekanand Yogvidya Mahapeeth in Banglore. If you have enjoyed these lectures, please pass them on to anyone who may be inersted. Datta
Dear Sailu, Actually one more book I would like to recommend. That is Spiritual training and Adoration of The Life Deity. You can find it at: http://www.awgp.org/english/books/jeevan_devta.pdf The hindi version is also available, Jivan Devta ki Sadhana Aradhana. This book explains Tatvaboth and Atmaboth sadhanas. Datta
Dear Sailu, There is a wonderful book about how actions work. Its call The absolute Laws of Actions and you can read it at: http://www.awgp.org/english/books/lawofkarma.pdf The book is really small but very clearly written. Hope its helpful. Datta
Dear friend, If you came to know about it through a reliable source, there is no question of initiation. For example you can find more about it at www.awgp.org . Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharyaji has opened Gayatri mantra to all. He is considered today's Vishvamitra and Vasistha. If you go through his literature like Super Science Of Gayatri which is available at http://www.awgp.org/gamma/EngBookSSG or Gayatri sadhana why and how at http://www.awgp.org/gamma/EngBookGSWH and then start doing Gayatri mantra, it is equivalent to taking mantra from a master. In 10th chapter of Bhagavad Geeta, in 35th verse, Lord Krishna recognised Himself as Gayatri Mantra. The syllebles of this mantra is structured in such a way that each sylleble activates those glands in our body, that gives benifits to the devotee. The details are in the table below. No. Letter Gland Involved Energy 1 Tat Tapini Success 2 Sa Saphalta Bravery 3 Vi Vishwa Maintenance 4 Tur Tushti Well-being 5 Va Varda Yoga 6 Re Revati Love 7 Ni Sookshma Money 8 Yam Gyana Brilliance 9 Bhar Bharga Defense 10 Go Gomati Intellect 11 De Devika Suppression 12 Va Varahi Devotion 13 Sya Sinhani Power of Retention 14 Dhee Dhyan Life-Breath 15 Ma Maryada Self-restraint 16 Hi Sfuta Penance 17 Dhi Medha Farsightedness 18 Yo Yogmaya Awakening 19 Yo Yogini Production 20 Naha Dharini Sweetness 21 Pra Prabhava Ideal 22 Cho Ooshma Courage 23 Da Drashya Wisdom 24 Yat Niranjan Service Gayatri mantra activates the above mentioned twenty-four divine qualities in the devotee. With their growth, varied accomplishments and prosperity start manifesting in the life of the devotee. Gayatri Sadhana is the well-organized scientific process of spiritual growth and it has a solid scientific basis. In 10th chapter of Bhagavad Geeta, in 35th verse, Lord Krishna recognised Himself as Gayatri Mantra. The syllebles of this mantra is structured in such a way that each sylleble activates those glands in our body, that gives benifits to the devotee. The details are in the table below. No. Letter Gland Involved Energy 1 Tat Tapini Success 2 Sa Saphalta Bravery 3 Vi Vishwa Maintenance 4 Tur Tushti Well-being 5 Va Varda Yoga 6 Re Revati Love 7 Ni Sookshma Money 8 Yam Gyana Brilliance 9 Bhar Bharga Defense 10 Go Gomati Intellect 11 De Devika Suppression 12 Va Varahi Devotion 13 Sya Sinhani Power of Retention 14 Dhee Dhyan Life-Breath 15 Ma Maryada Self-restraint 16 Hi Sfuta Penance 17 Dhi Medha Farsightedness 18 Yo Yogmaya Awakening 19 Yo Yogini Production 20 Naha Dharini Sweetness 21 Pra Prabhava Ideal 22 Cho Ooshma Courage 23 Da Drashya Wisdom 24 Yat Niranjan Service Gayatri mantra activates the above mentioned twenty-four divine qualities in the devotee. With their growth, varied accomplishments and prosperity start manifesting in the life of the devotee. Gayatri Sadhana is the well-organized scientific process of spiritual growth and it has a solid scientific basis. In 10th chapter of Bhagavad Geeta, in 35th verse, Lord Krishna recognised Himself as Gayatri Mantra. The syllebles of this mantra is structured in such a way that each sylleble activates those glands in our body, that gives benifits to the devotee. The details are in the table below. No. Letter Gland Involved Energy 1 Tat Tapini Success 2 Sa Saphalta Bravery 3 Vi Vishwa Maintenance 4 Tur Tushti Well-being 5 Va Varda Yoga 6 Re Revati Love 7 Ni Sookshma Money 8 Yam Gyana Brilliance 9 Bhar Bharga Defense 10 Go Gomati Intellect 11 De Devika Suppression 12 Va Varahi Devotion 13 Sya Sinhani Power of Retention 14 Dhee Dhyan Life-Breath 15 Ma Maryada Self-restraint 16 Hi Sfuta Penance 17 Dhi Medha Farsightedness 18 Yo Yogmaya Awakening 19 Yo Yogini Production 20 Naha Dharini Sweetness 21 Pra Prabhava Ideal 22 Cho Ooshma Courage 23 Da Drashya Wisdom 24 Yat Niranjan Service Gayatri mantra activates the above mentioned twenty-four divine qualities in the devotee. With their growth, varied accomplishments and prosperity start manifesting in the life of the devotee. Gayatri Sadhana is the well-organized scientific process of spiritual growth and it has a solid scientific basis.
New Upanishad and Puran in Hindi
Datta pandya replied to Datta pandya's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Dear friends, Looks like some misunderstanding because the first few pages of the book were not scanned and added to the file. Please try this: http://www.awgp.org/books/hindi/pragyopanishad/pragyopanishad_1.pdf Also about Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharyaji A seer-sage and a visionary of the New Golden Era His personality was a harmonious blend of a saint, spiritual scientist, yogi, philosopher, psychologist, writer, reformer, freedom fighter, researcher, eminent scholar and visionary. His life and work represent a marvelous synthesis of the noble thoughts and deeds of great personalities like Swami Vivekanand, Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi, Socrates and Confucius. He pioneered the revival of spirituality and creative integration of the modern and ancient sciences and religion relevant in the challenging circumstances of the present times. He successfully practiced and mastered the highest kinds of sadhanas of Gayatri and Savitri. He also practiced higher-level Sadhana on the arduous heights of Himalayas several times and had established enliven contact with Rishis of Himalayas. His volumes on Gayatri Mahavigyan stand as most authentic and comprehensive treatise on the philosophy and science of the great Gayatri Mantra. He initiated programmes of spiritual and intellectual refinement of millions of people without any discrimination of religion, caste, creed, sex, or social status. Dedicated Freedom Fighter Acharya Sharma was a dedicated freedom fighter who had sincerely participated in the movement of India’s independence. He did not accept any award or citation in his life-time. In 1992, the Govt. of India had released a postal stamp in his honour posthumously. Founder of Vichar Kranti Abhiyan – Movement for Revolutionizing the Thoughts (Creation of Enlightening Literature) Realizing the potential of inspiring literature and its relevance in the present era of intellectual evolution, he had chosen writing as the principal mode towards uprooting the evil tendencies and blind faith from people’s minds and arousing the indwelling wisdom, strength and spiritual bliss. He initiated the unique movement of Vichara Kranti with the very first issue of “Akhand Jyoti” in 1939. The first book he wrote was “ Mein Kya Hun?”, an Upanishad level work on the knowledge of Real-self. He wrote about 3000 enlightening books in Hindi on almost all topics concerning human life. Erudite scholars as well as the common literates find rare knowledge, practical guidance and inspiration from his sagacious and lucid writings. He wrote four Pragya Puranas in the style of ancient scriptures but containing the illustrations and stories relevant and useful for global teaching today. Propagation of Vedic Vangmaya in New Light He translated the entire Vedic Vangmaya (4 Vedas, 108 Upanishads, 18 Puranas etc) in Hindi elucidating the tradition, style, universality and history of Vedic Literature. This invaluable contribution to the world of knowledge and human culture was highly acclaimed and appreciated by savants and saints like Dr. S. Radhakrishana and Acharya Vinoba Bhave; the distinguished title of “Vedmurti” was conferred upon him in its recognition. Women’s Ascent and Social Transformation He launched the Yug Nirman Mission for personal, familial and social uplifting. He propagated Women’s Ascent as the foremost necessity for the progressive development of the society and the nation. He encouraged women’s education and equal participation of women in all walks of life. Way back in 1942, he supported establishment of Girls’ intermediate college. He launched several revolutionary programs for women’s progress from the religious platform too. This bears significant impact in the Indian context where religion appears to dominate the convictions and attitudes of the masses. As part of the social reformation programmes of the Yug Nirman Yojna, he had given maximum importance to eradication of blind faith, superstitions and untoward customs and traditions prevailing in the Indian society in the name of religion. Emancipation of the glory of marriage institution from the clutches of the social evils of dowry, child marriages, exploitation of women, etc., were propagated by Acharya Sharma from the religious platform too. A Seer-Sage and Angelic Guru He initiated nearly 24 lac people into Gayatri Sadhana. Miraculous effects of his blessings experienced by people from all parts of the society stand as testimonies to the Supramental achievements (siddhis) of Gayatri. Pioneer of The Revival of the Rishi Culture He pioneered the revival of the Rishi Culture and initiated several constructive programs of mass education. The Early Years The eminent patriot, scholar and founder of the Banaras Hindu University Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya initiated Sriram in the worship of Gayatri mantra when he was nine years old. On the auspicious day of Vasant Panchami festival, January 18, 1926, a guru by the name of Swami Sarveshvaranandji – a great Himalayan yogi – appeared before him in astral body from the flame of the Dipaka (lamp) during his Gayatri worship. This sparked the revelation of the divine origin and purpose of his life and bestowed upon him with the grace and guidance of his guru. This lamp is lit continuously since then and is enshrined at Shantikunj, Haridwar at Present. The next 24 years of his life were devoted to 24 Mahapurashcharanas –– each consisting of the rhythmic recitation (japa) of 2.4 million Gayatri Mantra with strictest of disciplines. There is no parallel to this kind of sadhana. At the same time, he also whole heartedly participated in the freedom struggle of India under the inspiring guidance of Mahatma Gandhi, while continuing with his altruistic activities for the good of the society and attending to the familial duties. In 1943, he married Bhagwati Devi, and ever since, the saintly couple dedicatedly pursued the noble mission of spiritual up liftment of humankind. Founder of A Global Movement On the completion of the 24 mahapurashcharanas, Pandit Sriram Sharma Acharyaji established Gayatri Tapobhumi at Mathura (India) in 1953. He organized a grand Gayatri Yajna in 1958, which served as a base to launch the Yug Nirman Yojna, a global movement for moral, cultural, intellectual and spiritual refinement and reconstruction. The objectives of this movement are to reform the individual, the family and social values of mankind and to change the current ideologies and concepts of morality and social structure for a better tomorrow. Through various activities at Mathura, including the performance of yagyas on large scale, Acharyaji gathered a team of dedicated men and women. Thus the organisation called “Gayatri Pariwar” was born. The period 1971-1990 witnessed remarkable multifaceted accomplishments of Acharyaji’s life. He climbed the arduous and mystic heights of the Himalayas several times and stayed there for specific sadhanas as per the guidance of his guru. In 1971 he instituted the mission’s headquarters at Shantikunj (Haridwar, India) as an academy for moral and spiritual awakening and training. Here he began revival of ancient spiritual disciplines that were the hallmarks of Indian Culture. Sukshmikarana Sadhana and the Dawn of the New Era During 1984-1986, he carried out the unique spiritual experiment of Sukshmikarana, meaning sublimation of vital force and physical, mental and spiritual energies. He authored a special set of 20 books (termed Revolutionary Literature or Krantidharmi Sahitya) highlighting the future of the world and conveying the message of the dawn of the New Era of Truth during the 21st Century. On 2nd June 1990, he voluntarily shed his physical sheath. Thereafter, his soul mate revered Mata Bhagavati Devi guided the series of Ashwamedha Yagyas, which accelerated the pace of global expansion of the mission during the critical juncture of the decade of change of a millennium and change of an era. She too joined Acharya Sharma in the subliminal domains of divinity after leaving her physical body on the 19th September 1994. The divine light of knowledge and human glory kindled by them continues to illuminate the excelling path of their great mission under the auspices of Shantikunj and promises the ushering in “The Age of Truth” in the years to come. The last message of Gurudev unfolds the divine purpose of his incarnation and also assures us of the bright future. Part of it reads: “The light, of which I have been an instrument, a medium, will not extinguish with my withdrawal from the physical realm. I assure my followers that I will continue living and working with them at Shantikunj and elsewhere in my astral-causal body and guide, help and inspire them in their efforts to lead humanity into the Golden Era of Truth, Light and Immortality. I will finally merge into the Blissful Luminous causal self, after humanity has taken a decisive leap into the cosmic consciousness and attained the light of the New Era of spiritual Unity, Harmony and Peace. My blessings, love and prayer-filled wishes to all. I will always be with them in their selfless and noble endeavours in this divine work.” You can find most of his literature(more than 3000 books) and lectures on various aspects of life on www.awgp.org Datta -
Dear friend Gayatri mantra is considered a maha mantra, a Guru mantra. Exaltations of Gayatri Mantra by Dignified Personalities Rabindranath Tagore: It is the Gayatri Mantra which has awakened <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place> and which is so simple as can be chanted in one breath, There can be no scope for any logical discussion, difference of opinion or any dispute in the study of this holy Mantra. Maharshi Vyas: Just as honey is the essence of flowers, Ghee is the essence of milk, so Gayatri is also the essence of Vedas. Gayatri is a Kamdhenu (celestial cow) to him who has accomplished it in full. Mahatma Gandhi: Constant chanting of Gayatri Mantra is very useful in healing the diseased and elevating the soul. Gayatri Japa is practiced with a steady mind and pure heart is capable of removing obstacles and calamities during bad times. Shri Madanmohan Malavia: Of all the valuables jewels bequeathed to us by our ancient sages, Gayatri Mantra holds an incomparable place. Gayatri purifies intellect and attracts divine light. It has saved several souls from worldly bondage, It removes materials wants. Swami Vivekanand: Only that thing should be asked for from a king which befits his dignity. The only thing fit to pray from God is wisdom. God grants wisdom only to those with whom he is pleased. Wisdom makes a man go on the right path. Man gets all sorts of happiness by Sat karmas. Gayatri Mantra is a Mantra for wisdom and hence it is called the crown of all Mantra. Yogiraj Yagnyavalkya: Gayatri is the mother of Vedas, it destroys sins and there is no other greater purifying mantra than Gayatri on this earth as well as in the heavens. Just as there is no better place of pilgrimage than <st1:place w:st="on">Ganga</st1:place>, there is no mantra superior to Gayatri mantra. The one who masters Gayatri becomes master of all knowledge. A dwij who is not devoted to Gayatri is like a shoodra. He who does not know Gayatri gets deprived of Brahmantva and becomes sinful. Attri muni: Gayatri completely purifies the soul. By the glorious power of Gayatri deep rooted defects and vices are cleansed out. Nothing else remains to be attained in this world by one who fully understands the substance of Gayatri. Jagat Guru Shankaracharya: It is beyond human competence to describe the glory of Gayatri. Nothing is more important in the world than to attain spiritual wisdom, which is inspired by Gayatri Sadhana. Gayatri is the primordial mantra. Its sadhana destroys sins and promotes virtues. Raman Maharshi: Of all the masteries, the mastery of mantra is extremely powerful. Marvelous results are achieved by the power of Mantras. Gayatri is such a mantra, which bestows both material as well as spiritual benefits. <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t202 path="m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe" o:spt="202" coordsize="21600,21600"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t"></v:path></v:shapetype><v:shape id=_x0000_s1026 style="MARGIN-TOP: 13.75pt; Z-INDEX: 1; MARGIN-LEFT: 90pt; WIDTH: 225pt; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 54pt" stroked="f" type="#_x0000_t202"></v:shape><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent"><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600" stroked="f" filled="f" o:preferrelative="t"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape id=_x0000_i1025 style="WIDTH: 208.5pt; HEIGHT: 41.25pt" type="#_x0000_t75" filled="t"><v:imagedata o:title="verse-10-35-01" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.png"></v:imagedata></v:shape> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><v:shape id=_x0000_s1027 style="MARGIN-TOP: 58.75pt; Z-INDEX: 2; MARGIN-LEFT: -9pt; WIDTH: 486pt; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 45pt" stroked="f" type="#_x0000_t202"></v:shape><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Of the sam-veda hymns I am the Brhat-sama, among the Mantras, I am Gayatri, among the months, I am the harvest month of fall and among the seasons, I am Spring </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Lord Krishna -Bagavad Geeta (Chapter-10, verse-35) - Exaltations of Gayatri by Dignified Personalities Rabindranath Tagore: It is the Gayatri Mantra which has awakened <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place> and which is so simple as can be chanted in one breath, There can be no scope for any logical discussion, difference of opinion or any dispute in the study of this holy Mantra. Maharshi Vyas: Just as honey is the essence of flowers, Ghee is the essence of milk, so Gayatri is also the essence of Vedas. Gayatri is a Kamdhenu (celestial cow) to him who has accomplished it in full. Mahatma Gandhi: Constant chanting of Gayatri Mantra is very useful in healing the diseased and elevating the soul. Gayatri Japa is practiced with a steady mind and pure heart is capable of removing obstacles and calamities during bad times. Shri Madanmohan Malavia: Of all the valuables jewels bequeathed to us by our ancient sages, Gayatri Mantra holds an incomparable place. Gayatri purifies intellect and attracts divine light. It has saved several souls from worldly bondage, It removes materials wants. Swami Vivekanand: Only that thing should be asked for from a king which befits his dignity. The only thing fit to pray from God is wisdom. God grants wisdom only to those with whom he is pleased. Wisdom makes a man go on the right path. Man gets all sorts of happiness by Sat karmas. Gayatri Mantra is a Mantra for wisdom and hence it is called the crown of all Mantra. Yogiraj Yagnyavalkya: Gayatri is the mother of Vedas, it destroys sins and there is no other greater purifying mantra than Gayatri on this earth as well as in the heavens. Just as there is no better place of pilgrimage than <st1:place w:st="on">Ganga</st1:place>, there is no mantra superior to Gayatri mantra. The one who masters Gayatri becomes master of all knowledge. A dwij who is not devoted to Gayatri is like a shoodra. He who does not know Gayatri gets deprived of Brahmantva and becomes sinful. Attri muni: Gayatri completely purifies the soul. By the glorious power of Gayatri deep rooted defects and vices are cleansed out. Nothing else remains to be attained in this world by one who fully understands the substance of Gayatri. Jagat Guru Shankaracharya: It is beyond human competence to describe the glory of Gayatri. Nothing is more important in the world than to attain spiritual wisdom, which is inspired by Gayatri Sadhana. Gayatri is the primordial mantra. Its sadhana destroys sins and promotes virtues. Raman Maharshi: Of all the masteries, the mastery of mantra is extremely powerful. Marvelous results are achieved by the power of Mantras. Gayatri is such a mantra, which bestows both material as well as spiritual benefits. <v:shapetype id=_x0000_t202 path="m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe" o:spt="202" coordsize="21600,21600"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t"></v:path></v:shapetype><v:shape id=_x0000_s1026 style="MARGIN-TOP: 13.75pt; Z-INDEX: 1; MARGIN-LEFT: 90pt; WIDTH: 225pt; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 54pt" stroked="f" type="#_x0000_t202"></v:shape><v:shape id=_x0000_s1027 style="MARGIN-TOP: 58.75pt; Z-INDEX: 2; MARGIN-LEFT: -9pt; WIDTH: 486pt; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 45pt" stroked="f" type="#_x0000_t202"></v:shape>Lord Krishna -Bagavad Geeta (Chapter-10, verse-35) - Of the sam-veda hymns I am the Brhat-sama, among the Mantras, I am Gayatri, among the months, I am the harvest month of fall and among the seasons, I am Spring Please feel free to ask any question. Datta
All, It is my pleasure to introduce to you new upanishad called "Pragyopanishad" written in Hindi by Pandit Shri Ram Sharma Acharya. This upansihad is new in addition to 108 known upanishads. This upanishad is based on the conversation of Rishi Satta of Himalayas who are bent upon to bring new era by awakening conciousness of each and every human being living on this earth. This awakening of Chetna (Consciousness) will be in the form of Pragya (Prakhar Buddhi-Wisdom) that will change the thinking of majority of the people during 21st Century. In this Upanishad, the Rishis have not left any question of common people unanswered. This Upanishad is written based on the prevelant conditions of the current yug (Era). Therefore, it will be very interesting for you to read this upanishad. Pragyopanishad I have given the link of this "Upanishad". http://www.awgp.org/books/hindi/pragyopanishad/pragyopanishad_1.pdf Pragya Puran Additional 19th Puran (18 Puranas written by Vyas Muni) was also written by him on the basis of this Upanishad which is called "Pragya Puran" That Puran was written to explain the Upanishad in simple language with examples and stories of great saints, Mahapurushas. This is also in Hindi and written so well that once somebody reads it will have better understanding of the divine culture of India backed by our great Rishi Satta living in Himalayas. The link for this Puran is: http://www.awgp.org/gamma/HindiLiterature/PragyaPuran This is our Rishis's Vani (Conversation) and it has divine power also. I am sure the you will benefit lot from these divine literatures. With regards to all, Datta Pandya
All, It is my pleasure to introduce to you new upanishad called "Pragyopanishad" written in Hindi by Pandit Shri Ram Sharma Acharya. This upansihad is new in addition to 108 known upanishads. This upanishad is based on the conversation of Rishi Satta of Himalayas who are bent upon to bring new era by awakening conciousness of each and every human being living on this earth. This awakening of Chetna (Consciousness) will be in the form of Pragya (Prakhar Buddhi-Wisdom) that will change the thinking of majority of the people during 21st Century. In this Upanishad, the Rishis have not left any question of common people unanswered. This Upanishad is written based on the prevelant conditions of the current yug (Era). Therefore, it will be very interesting for you to read this upanishad. Pragyopanishad I have given the link of this "Upanishad". http://www.awgp.org/books/hindi/pragyopanishad/pragyopanishad_1.pdf Pragya Puran Additional 19th Puran (18 Puranas written by Vyas Muni) was also written by him on the basis of this Upanishad which is called "Pragya Puran" That Puran was written to explain the Upanishad in simple language with examples and stories of great saints, Mahapurushas. This is also in Hindi and written so well that once somebody reads it will have better understanding of the divine culture of India backed by our great Rishi Satta living in Himalayas. The link for this Puran is: http://www.awgp.org/gamma/HindiLiterature/PragyaPuran This is our Rishis's Vani (Conversation) and it has divine power also. I am sure the you will benefit lot from these divine literatures. With regards to all, Datta Pandya Stamford, CT
Dear friends, Sorry, I could not continue the discusion because of Diwali. Science of mantra is actually the science of sound waves. Afterall the mantra is also made of syllables, chanting of which creates sound waves that is sonic energy. Usually sound waves are very effective. Let me give you some practical examples: 1. The effect of what you say can make positive or negative effect on the listener. The terrific effect of Mr.Winston Churchill's "V" for "Victory" motto had changed the fate of England in world war 2. Mahatma Gandhi's speeches had a power to hypnotize the listeners. Few scornful words of Draupadi had triggered the ego of Duryodhana.. and thus resulted in the devastating war of Mahabharata. This example clearly signifies the calamitous effects of negative use of immense power of sabda(word orspeech). The harmful effects of abusive language and dirty words on our conscious mind are obvious. We might utter such words while quarreling or in anguish or when our mind is excited…; the reaction is easily seen in the deformation of the otherwise pleasant face-expressions or almost shaking posture of the limbs…. etc. The ill-intentioned, vulgar or erotic words get latently registered in our subconscious mind and assimilate insidious impact in terms of maligning our samkaras (inherent and intrinsic tendencies) and thus may pervert our character in the long run. 2. Music is used to cure diseases 3. Pregnant women are told to read good stories for the development of the babies in the woomb. 4. The snakes start dancing with some music. 5. Certain musical Ragas creat rain fall 6. Some yogies use some Mantras to remove poision after snake bites. 7. You bought a very expensive peace of outfit that you liked a lot and when you wore it, if few people tell you, that it does not look good on you at all, next time you will think twice before you decide to put it on. What is that? Effect of words on your mind. 8. We all know the use of Ultrasound and Sonographic technology. That show the powerful effect of sound waves. This human body is a treasure box – the sat cakras, the three extrasensory ‘knots’ (granthis), the three nadis (the latent energy currents/canals along the endocrine column), das pranas (ten streams of prana), 72000 nerves and muscles and the upatyikas endowed in a living human-body. We do not realise the power of these functional domains because in ordinary cases they are inactive. The combination of specific syllables and vowels in the mantras is so designed that the japa (continuous recitation)of a particular mantra would have definite effects on some specific functional centers and domains of the hidden source of life. In ancient time our sages could communicate through telepathies, they could communicate with animals and birds. Their blessings came true. All these were because their nadies and sat chakras and glands were active through a lot of Upasana and Sadhana. The Gayatri mantra is configured in such a way that recitation of it activate particular centers in our body that develops devine qualities in us. You can understand more by reading the book Sabda Brahma Nad Brahma written by Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharya and can be found at www.awgp.org. Datta
Dear friends, Excellent video lectures are available on following links by Dr.Pranav Pandya, M.D. Cardiologist, (the Chancelor of Dev Sanskriti Vishwa Vidyalaya www.dsvv.org, the head of All World Gayatri Pariwar www.awgp.org , The chief editor of Spiritual magazine Akhand Jyoti www.akhand-jyoti.org ) Yog Sutra: A lecture ( in English) on the topic of application of the principles of Yoga by Rishi Patanjali in Management: given by Dr. Pranav Pandya at Indian Institute of Management ( IIM), Ahmedavad, India Shantikunj Video- 1 hr 1 min: Oct 20,2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=6278947628<WBR>131918070&<WBR>hl=en Meditation by Dr. Pranav Pandya- Topic: Mitne Ka Dhyan.(Hindi) Shantikunj Vidoe - 1 hr 3 min - Oct 22, 2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=-417989298<WBR>466210593&<WBR>hl=en Meditation by Dr. Pranav Pandya- Topic:Bahne Ka Dhyan.(Hindi) Shantikunj Video - 1 hr 7 min - Oct 22, 2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=-839146147<WBR>988533593&<WBR>hl=en Meditation by Dr. Pranav Pandya- Topic: Chandrama Ka Dhyan. (Hindi) Shanrikunj Video: 56 min - Oct 20, 2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=-153995899<WBR>5240736065&<WBR>hl=en Meditation by Dr. Pranav Pandya- Topic: Agni Ka Dhyan.(Hindi) Shantikunj Video - 1 hr 6 min - Oct 20, 2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=-239486126<WBR>0644934640&<WBR>hl=en Meditation by Dr. Pranav Pandya- Topic: Dwani Ke Mul ka Dhyan.(Hindi) Shanntikunj Video - 55 min - Oct 20, 2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=-291044223<WBR>7017580492&<WBR>hl=en Meditation by Dr. Pranav Pandya- Topic: Shunya Mai Vilin Hone Ka Dhyan.(Hindi) Shantikunj Video - 1 hr 6 min - Oct 20, 2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=-398162382<WBR>5011964636&<WBR>hl=en Meditation by Dr. Pranav Pandya- Topic: Sakshi Bhav Ka Dhyan.(Hindi) Shantikunj Video - 1 hr 11 min - Oct 20, 2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=-499953110<WBR>9331807050&<WBR>hl=en Meditation by Dr. Pranav Pandya- Topic: Chetana Ka Urdwagaman.(Hindi) Shantikunj Video - 1 hr 17 min - Oct 20, 2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=-608550417<WBR>6877010728&<WBR>hl=en Meditation by Dr. Pranav Pandya- Topic: Sangeet Ka Dhyan.(Hindi) Shantikunj Video - 1 hr 12 min - Oct 20, 2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=-641328848<WBR>3628275189&<WBR>hl=en Meditation by Dr. Pranav Pandya- Topic: Hriday Mai Shanti Ka Dhyan.(Hindi) Shantikunj Video - 1 hr - Oct 22, 2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=-791623202<WBR>1637120466&<WBR>hl=en Meditation by Dr. Pranav Pandya- Topic: Vilay Ka Urdwagaman.(Hindi) Shantikunj Video - 1 hr 16 min - Oct 22, 2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=8871651404<WBR>986330008&<WBR>hl=en Meditation by Dr. Pranav Pandya- Topic: Tare Ka Dhyan.(Hindi) shantikunj Video - 57 min - Oct 20, 2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=5217445706<WBR>488703076&<WBR>hl=en Meditation by Dr. Pranav Pandya- Topic: Kirtan Ka Dhyan.(Hindi) Shantikunj video - 1 hr 8 min - Oct 20, 2006 http://video.<WBR>google.com/<WBR>videoplay?<WBR>docid=3767412378<WBR>919652421&<WBR>hl=en Please pass the links to the people who are interseted. Datta Pandya
Dear Gaea, Yes, Science and Spirituality are two different things. Spirituality is the Pure knowledge of WHO AM I? Science is basically an information which already existed and someone discovered it. Over the years science has progressed tremendously in both positive as well as negative way. Both science and spirituality are incomplete without each other. If you follow spirituality without science, it becomes a Blind faith and if you follow science without spirituality, it brings destruction. Science and Spirituality goes hand in hand. If you are really interested in the how exactly the Vedic Mantras work, please refer to the book ETERNITY OF SOUND AND THE SCIENCE OF MANTRAS, written by Vedmurty, Taponistha Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharya, the founder of All World Gayatri Pariwar. You can find this book online at: http://www.awgp.org/gamma/EngBookESSM This is only a fraction of Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharyaji's original hindi Vangmay, SHABDA BRAHMA NAAD BRAHMA. I can give you many examples how people changed through Gayatri sadhana. It is an extremely powerful mantra. Datta