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Everything posted by wignaraj6279

  1. I am Bi-Polar, it takes me two hours to go to sleep and anything can disturb me within that time, I am taking anti-psycotics drug, but it sometime does not always work, I wake up for the past couple of months at about 2 - 4 am with vivid dreams about God, and I remeber the whole dream. I feel happy and curious about what they mean and I am seeing things when I am partially awake, almost as if I see parallel worlds. Can you help me find a way to sleep properly?
  2. As when a sun dies, there is a black hole, which sucks in all the matter of the sun, My vision was that our universe is a black hole of a previous sun before the big bang. As are there many macro universes, there are micro universes, everything is matter and energy, if time is infinite then one day when our sun dies and our solar system is no more, the black hole of our sun would contain all the matter and must implode and expand, because energy can not be destroyed and would change shape. Just has when we die all our energy all our thoughts, knowledge become a single cell or form and would become part of the energy and matter.
  3. Hi, I am 27, I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar 6 years ago. I am very fanatical about God. I have had very intense dreams and seeing things. I have trouble sleeping when I am stressed. I also have very active imagination and photographic memory. My first experience is that I felt a strange buzz in my forehead like pressure in the centre, this is intense when I go to sleep and whenever I feel like ''high''. I always pray in the shower to God, one day I had opened my eyes and I imagined that in my eye ball is the vast cosmic ocean and I imagined Maha Vishnu sleeping on the Great Nagarajah. I saw a bluish-purple light in the corner of my right eye, I was scared at first but, I felt happy, I thought I saw God. Second experience, when I pray with my eyes open in front of the pooja room, all holy pictures of the Hindu deities, their eyes blink and mouths move as if they are talking or smiling. When I close my eyes, I see red light on the side of my right eye and blue light on the side of left eye. When I woke from a dream, my eyes were still closed, but I saw warm golden sun like light around the edge of my eye lids. Third experience, when I say mantras like OM Maha Vishnu Namaya in the shower, I can hear people's chants of OM Maha Luxmi Namaya. Today I prayed with OM Kalki Durgai Saranam and I heard people repeat the chant while I was praying in the shower. Fourth experiences, I have been lately having God related dreams, of which two had made me wonder whether it was sign from God When I got depressed about things happening in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region><st1:place>Sri Lanka</st1:place></st1:country-region> and with my relatives living there. The second dream occurred after I dreamed the 1<SUP>st</SUP> dream on the same night. In the 1<SUP>st</SUP> dream, I am walking to a store or a house, as I walk through the door I see my reflection as a magical short dwarf, with a long curved nose, droopy ears and wearing gypsy clothes. I opened the door and find three wizards fighting gargoyles, suddenly the gargoyles come to attack me one by one, I seem to know each magical spell and destroy all 3 of the gargoyle, after which the wizards smile at me. Suddenly I find myself flying through into a tunnel and fly through to a sandy land. I see a lot of children and people flying. I see a black gypsy woman chanting something on a drawn square on sand with four equilateral triangles with lamps lit on the four corners. When I land next to her, she disappeared and I see that each corner has four symbols, a thick circle like a ring, the female sex symbol and the <st1:place>OM</st1:place>, but I forget to notice the fourth. When I see the <st1:place>OM</st1:place>, I face North East of the symbol and with each hand, draw the trident shape into the sand and moved backwards each time with a new linking one, I stop after I reach the end of the land. With the circle I draw a triangle and a pentagram. With the female sex symbol I draw the male and tri-sex symbol. The black woman appeared, when I was drew the tri-sex symbol and saying that why should this fit here and she smiled. Suddenly I realise the fourth, is very important to work out the truth about God, but in my excitement I wake up not knowing the fourth. The dream kept awake for a while, because I was thinking about it, I can not link the symbols together, but it felt good like I was closer to power. I went back to sleep. I am visiting an old school building, and I sit among other unknown people, suddenly a man arrives and argues with me that I should not just have sat down just because other people sat down there. He said you should ask before you sit down and walks away angry. I then see him sit among other people in a different place but still in the old school, I calmly walk to him and tell him that I would not have sit down if someone told me in the first place. As I tell him this, I see him smile and he turned into an old Chinese clock like being with a very round face and long whiskers, he gives me a token. I try to read it but I could not understand it. Suddenly I meet a Native American who comes to me and tells me to follow him. He shows me the land surrounding the school. When I look at the ground, it is like a see through glass, I see souls of many dead people praying with their heads bowing down to the ground and kneeling down. The souls closer to me had their hands on the ground as they prayers, Then the second layer of souls after them were touching the feet of the first layer of souls. They were everywhere stretching as far as I can see, but at the end of the land, I see skulls of cattle. The Native American says that when everyone dies, they become part of Mother Earth, each being are connected with their prayer which links them together to the life force of Mother Earth. The Native American says that because of my answer, I have been chosen to show the world the real way to pray. That as one person prays to God, another person should touch the feet of the first person and pray what the first is praying, until there is a chain of people all linking the same prayer of peace to the first. So that all the auras of the praying would go to the first and therefore the first would have the powerful prayer of the many going to God. So that God can receive concentrated Shakti of one human and not have to listen to everyone. The Native American said rather than the dead souls follow this, now the living should also follow this to stop the evil spreading in the world. Therefore all of us pray as one and not separately. Understanding this I trust him and place both my hands on the head of one soul in the ground in front of me and I prayed for peace and goodness. I am alone and I suddenly appear in a Durga temple, there are Hindu devotees and I am showing many of about this unselfish. There is an old woman with her granddaughter, the old woman is praying with her whole body on the floor. The girl asks me how she can pray with her grandmother, I tell her to touch her grandmother’s feet. As I say this various still images of people magically appear in the temple, these images showed various Classical Indian dance poses (Bharata Natyam) and different positions of prayers facing God such as bowing to the floor, praying with hands together, I realise they are all forms of prayers resulting with same power to go God. I hear the Native American tell me that mantras are not the only way to pray but all different poses of every nature in all the Hindu cultures must be concentrated in one place in order to achieve the strongest prayer of Good to God, he tells me this would bring peace to the world. As all should only thinking about peace for the world and not thinking about themselves anymore. They should trust God and understand it is us by thinking selfish things for our self, we forget that we are living on Earth and one human affects the world by all the connections they make as they lives and their children’s life. I wake up excited to tell someone, but realised it was a dream. Yesterday I have worked out my dream, the pentagram as the four directions and the fifth direction (Northeast) is the electromagnetic energy of Mother Earth, they directions also represent fire, water, air, earth and soul. The circle is for protecting you, while you pray and also represents unity with God, the equilateral triangle represents the fusion of mind, body, and spirit as the Trinity of Shaktis. The fourth symbol is infinity. I imagine that all the sun and the nine planets are Shaktis, they fuse together and become Kalki Durga. Kalki is the soul of a human who suffered mentally by the bad things of the world, fusing his energy with Durga and calling her to come to Earth and stop the bad things happening. Am I having a spiritual guidance from God or is it just imagination?
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