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    have bones and am wrapped in skin
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    fololing around
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    foolscap manufacturer

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  1. more proof of a faked mission? you would think these tapes would be the prize possession of NASA,so how come when they couldnt find them that they didnt immediately think they had been stolen?
  2. cowbones and diabetes due to concentration,was this used in preparations of prasadam in the past(ie before we were aware of dangers)? also noted that some pills that claim to be ayruvedic have gelatin shells!
  3. If that is correct ,then it leads me to a further speculation,that wouldnt a truly liberated soul be positioned in the spiritual sky? and yet still surrounded by the bars of his/her material prison or maybe there is an actual break off point where the soul can discard all these bodies
  4. theres also the question of addiction ,due to the taste of meat.....I think Prabhupada on one of his morning walks is indicating that if you cannot get someone to stop eating meat then you should at least try to get them to regulate it.
  5. No but I know there are some cow protection sites,and the methods of getting energy from manure are just oones i have picked up along the way,I think a few swiss hotels use the water heating system. I also mentioned in another thread how real prabhupadas prediction that cow killing will lead to war is. think of all the oil we wouldnt need if we used the cow manure,and if bulls were used for transport.....our dependence on cheap oil looks likely to be the downfall of the planet.
  6. The Karma aswell .I should also have mentioned the uses for cow manure when I last posted ,if properly managed ,you can use it to heat water by running cold water through pipes in heaps of manure,it can reach near boiling point,you can also collect the gas for usage,and theres a way you can generate electricity also and the amazing thing is after all this free energy has been taken from the manure,you are left with excellent compost to feed the land! the trouble we have now with global pollution and going to war for oil,could easily be averted if we utelised the cow properly or at least respected it.
  7. the subtle body and the clothes would be considered seperate from the soul,also some people are able to see ghosts regularly such as some mediums .(I have seen the ghost of a pet dog we had,many times) regarding your PM about being wary of channeling,yes i understand the dangers and only trust prabhupada,this was knowledge I came across years ago(Seth) and he seemed to be in a position (disembodied) to be able to have a bit more authority than myself.
  8. you also could mention the dependence on the cow for milk and milk products,such as cheese which has replaced my calories from meat,so it would be foolish to kill the cow has it supplies foodstuff. Grains and nuts.......dunno if theres a life force in those until they start germinating . fruit......the plant is designed (or if they insist has evolved) specifically for certain species to eat its fruit.....ie a peach is made appealing so that you will pick it and disperse its seed(fruit and milk are therefore a symbiotic arrangement) but regarding milk you could be accused of stealing,but in a proper system it would be symbiotic,imagine if we fed all the waste plant material including bread ,from domestic and retail outlets,to the cow and took its milk in retun,therfore no need for loads of extra land. you could also ask people if they were hungry ,would they personally go into the garden and pull up some carrots or slit the throat of a cow?
  9. that was my original query ,weather they existed in a time line,or that that was the illusion,and to the spirit soul they could appear to be existing as different vibrations for example yes I understood that I thought the subtle energy meant material energy ,but other energy besides the gross material energy,and I was going off peoples reported sightings of ghosts as they always seemed to be clothed,so if they can materialise clothing then cars could also be a possibility,altho a car would seem unnecassery to them.it was just a way of giving an example. do you have any links/quotes from Vedas/Prabhupada on this?
  10. forgive me if i am living upto my name. but if I follow on from that reasoning ,that all the bodies I have inhabited past,present and future are connected by being part of the Lords energy and being inhabited by my soul another type of comparitive example could also be that if I had a Car made from subtle material energy I could operate that one at the same time as a physical car using my gross material body,i would have to be adept at astral projection and know how to drive of course.
  11. dont think there are any cooking oils that are not based on grain/nuts are there. the nicest chips ive had have been large ones that have been par boiled first. long ago i used to try fasts for upto a week sometime,felt great but theres a science to it ,can be dangerous if you eat too much after finishing a long one,if I do it in future i will stick to the Ekadashi type.
  12. but the material bodies are just lower forms of energy. and as i mentioned earlier the body can split during sleep so two bodies are existing at the same time.
  13. I have only been briefly involved with Krsna Cnciousness,and some of Prabhupadas predictions seemed strange to me , one regarding cow slaughter relating to war ,I thought a bit far fetched,but I recently had the realisation that the bulls that we have slaughtered over the years were an original form of tranport,now we use machines that rely on oil,our dependence on this fuel sends us to war.....karma..........to counteract this should there be a massive push for prasadam distribution? also like to know if theres discussions about the preparation and offering of Prasadam or links.
  14. but I am here at my computer and can have different programs running at the same time,in fact it could be possible to operate two computers at once.
  15. considering we are the spirit soul also the various types of bodies will also be illusionary,or temporary. all i am trying to get my head round here is,I can imagine myself being pure soul ,but I think then from a material understanding time flows and the different bodies are within that flow at different points. one speculative point I have come to is that from the pure souls perspective,or rather an unlayered soul the different bodies would not be in different time zones or places but be on a different frequency or pulse rates but that doesnt seem to make full sense to my material brain,thats unless time is experienced by pure soul then the flowing concept would be rational.
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