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  1. I would be extremely merciful if someone could provide any astrological insight regarding medical school admission (dob 10 january 1988, 1530 chicago il
  2. I would be grateful for ajy astrological insight, as my lack of admission has spurred up quite a storm in my household between my parents, and I hate knowing that I am tye cause of their frustrations. Again dob jan 10 1988, time 1530, chicago il usa.
  3. I have been trying hard to get into medical school. I have applied to 35 schools, I have only received 1 interview so far and no other school has given me any interviews. Even the school that gave me an interview has not told me whether I am accepted or rejected. Given that applicants are notified by May, I am scared that at the end I will not be accepted into any school (this is my biggest fear). I have been reading the ganesh atharvashirsha, hanuman chalisa, consulted many (MANY) astrologers, am wearing a yellow topaz (but now am being told by others to wear: emerald, coral, or a white pearl), and have been told my some that I should be accepted in November (this did not happen), right now Rahu is going through transit, so wait until December/January when my stars are GOOD again. At this point, I don't know what and who to believe. My gut tells me I will get in but then I have some astrologers telling me yes, no, maybe so, so ultimately I am just confused. Here are my details January 10 1988 time:1530 location chicago, illinois thanks aknayirp tagahb(read backwards to get name)
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