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  1. Live in relations are seen in 11th house.. however, the characteristics of the person would be still seen from the 7th house as seen generally.. What is the importance of 7th house in live in relations.. does navamsha also play any important role.
  2. What should be predicted if Lagna Sign is 12th sign in Navamsha.. eg.. If Aries is the first house in Di and 12th house in Navamsha.(taurus Lagna). with Mars in 12th house in Aries sign in navamsha.. What should be predicted from this..
  3. Hello, I have Aries rising in the main birth chart with Mars placed in 7th house conjunct Saturn in Libra... Mars is Atmakarka and Saturn is Amatyakarka as the difference between 2 planets is just 2-3 mins. In Navamsha, Taurus is the ascendant and Mars with Saturn is placed in 12th house of Aries... So the Karakamsha becomes Aries in Navamsha chart... What should I conclude from this. Thanks
  4. Hello Everyone, If you could throw some light on the combinations necessary to start a business and also the kind of business one should go for. Please mention the houses and planets involved. Thanks
  5. For Taurus lagna, Mars conjunct Saturn in 12th house, Sun in Libra 6th house and Ketu in 8th house Saggitarius. What would be the effect of Saturn Mars Conjunction in 12th house receiving aspects from debiliated Sun and Ketu.. Is 12th house and 6th house badly afflicted. Thanks
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