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Posts posted by sasisekaran_pti

  1. om gurubhyo namah




    dear shri.kanth


    yoga means combination. pl dont think that yoga means that which

    brings luck. the neecha banga word implies that there is some comfort

    for the planet that has gone weak ( neecha )


    your lagan lord is sun and he is neecha. he is aspected by two

    natural malefics saturn and mars. this aspect should not be

    under estimated. the applied intelligence of yourself can run

    into troubles if you take decisions suddenly , say out of anger,

    it is bound to go wrong in your case.


    sun is also 'dara karaka' ( ruling wife). venus, the planet meant

    for married partners is not placed well in navamsa. hence when

    you choose your partner take care.


    the seventh house shows generally wife or husband. if it comes

    under stress, then the married life comes under stress.


    pradosham falls on a trayodasi thithi. shiva is worshipped specially

    on that day during the evening hours before sun set. pl go to a shiva

    temple and find out from the priests about pradosham and shiva



    rahu/ketu bhukthi can bring in deception in relationships in your case.


    may mother bless all





  2. om gurubhyo namah




    dear sowmyajain


    the boy appears to be younger. is this a love marriage ?

    your sister's atmakaraka is mars , which can teach her lessons

    through anger, sudden decisions, admancy etc.


    also such a mars is placed in seventh house of relationship

    which is not ideal.


    venus, the naisargika kalatra karaka ( the planet associated with

    marriage and relationship ) is weak .


    upapada lagna is placed in makara along with ketu is also bad

    since the nodes ( rahu and ketu) are placed along the 'ul' (house of

    marriage) axis.



    she has to keep fasting on ekadasi thithis. donate a food packet to a

    needy and then eat.


    she has to keep fasting on saturdays also.



    may mother bless all





  3. om gurubhyo namah




    dear hst108,


    then that must be fairly close to the birth time , only a few minutes

    away from the 'real' birth. i initially thought it was an approximate time

    that would throw the birth time by one hour or so.


    saturn is badaka for mesha lagna. mars, the lagna lord has gone

    to bhadaka sthana. the exchange does not make any benefit

    towards auysh, but as i said earlier, jupiter's blessings have

    pulled him to this level of survival. pl ask him to do the recommended

    prayers without fail.


    how is his health now ? and what is your opinion about how

    long he would continue like this ? this is for my understanding of the



    we all pray for his recovery.


    may mother bless all





  4. om gurubhyo namah




    dear hst108,


    yes, the moon is the most afflicted planet as moon is the atmakaraka. even

    if the birth time is moved through by say two hours on either side, moon

    remains as atma karaka afflicted by other malefics as stated before.


    moon is health planet and its affliction has brought in auto immune disease.

    if the birth time had been closer to the real one, shasthamsa would throw

    a clearer picture.


    shastiamsa places almost remain the same for 20mins less and 39 mins more

    than the given time. moon along with jupiter ( the ninth lord in rasi)

    are found cursing. hence shiva worship along with chanting of

    "om namo narayanaya " 8 lakh times are utmost important.


    the lagna lord mars has gone to a bhadaka sthana again caught in

    sarpa dosha. he has been able to fight with courage because of the

    aspect of guru on both lagna and lagna lord and guru, placed ninth

    to arudha pada.


    may mother bless all





  5. om gurubhyo namah




    dear hst108,


    the chart has too many negative points. the striking ones are:-

    moon, his atma karaka is neecha and afflicted by sat, rahu.

    kendras from moon are occupied by malefics. the only saving

    grace appears to be from guru.


    most of the problems could be related the mana , and this could

    be one of the reason why diagnosis was tough. lot of psychological

    pressures must have been gone through by him , especially during

    1987- 1992 though it started in 1972 jan -march (as you have already

    stated that the problem started since 18 ).


    it is better if he starts praying lord shiva intensely.

    the period running right now is that of atma karaka's. for the given

    approximate time, the dasa will end only in 2011. unfortunately

    sade sati ( the seven and half year saturn's movement around natal moon)

    will start by then. therefore, i do not see any improvement .


    pl ask him to turn towards the LORD.


    may mother bless all









    dear shri.s3awasthi


    your wife's health will continue to be a cause for worry since

    she is not running a clean and trouble free dasa as for as health is concerned.


    lagna is hemmed between malefics and lagna lord is associated with

    saturn and sixth lord venus. jupiter is placed in 4th house in navamsa.


    in the dasa meant for ill health, she is running the 8th house period

    till 2011. hence it is advisable to increase her stamina fully and then

    go for a child.


    may mother bless all





  7. om gurubhyo namah




    dear coolgimmy,


    retro motions are illusory. planets do not go backwards.

    that is the reason you dont find any 'F'.


    assume three persons. let A stand on the road while B and C

    travel in two buses at a constant speed.


    assume now bus B move faster. for the person B , it would appear

    as though bus C going backwards. the real truth is known to A, standing

    on the road.


    now assume another instance when the bus B slows down a little bit.

    it would appear for the person C that he is travelling faster. but the

    truth is bus C has not changed its speed. B has slowed down.


    these apparent motions are taken into account in astrology.


    may mother bless all





  8. om gurubhyo namah




    dear smt. deepa bhandari


    there is nothing big in finding out the date since he has

    told the planetary positions.


    jhora has been put to rigorous tests. many like me have

    been using it from the very begining of its birth.


    the remedies i have learnt are from Sage Parasara's writings

    and the sage belongs to everyone.


    when a graha is afflicted by more than one natural malefic,

    it curses. houses are not considered here.



    may mother bless all





  9. om gurubhyo namah




    dear coolgimmy,


    i do accept all software can have bug. but the ' bugs' you have

    pointed out are not bugs and that is why i said what apppears

    to you as wrong need not be so. there is no question of difference

    in logic in these mathematics. when one is in the begining of

    anything , he or she must take extra care in passing a comment

    as this is being seen and read by many. i have no intention to

    criticize you but only alerted you. no offence meant.


    i assume you have got an idea how the 'day' or vaara is

    given in jhora.


    may mother bless all





  10. om gurubhyo namah




    dear shri.pradip patel


    yes the chart contains pitru dosha. sun influenced by way of

    association or aspect by more than one malefic causes pitru dosha.


    the person was born either on 17 or 18 of dec 1973 around 0830 hrs.


    may mother bless all





  11. om gurubhyo namah




    dear coolgimmy,


    there appears to be a tendency to call something as wrong

    if it does not appear the way you think. sorry.


    mathematical astronomy is as big as astrology or any other

    subject. jhora and other astro softwares use "swiss ephemeris"

    as a back end. swiss ephemeris has been developed based

    on the ephemeris provided by "NASA ".


    jhora was developed by Shri. Narasimha, who is a gold medalist

    from Madras IIT and an MS from US. He is a specialist in

    hardware as well as software tools.


    vedic day is from sunrise to sunrise. hence after midnight the

    vara remains the same as that of the previous day.


    may mother bless all









    dear shri.s3awasthi,


    the date month and year format being used by us is not in our

    vedic standard. hence when we use the other format we must

    fully follow it. all dates are born during the night. hence after

    midnight the date changes. so why should you say 28 instead

    of 29.

    also you were born after the midnight . so time is am. if you

    use the 24 format, it will not confuse people.

    so you were born at 00 hrs and 45 minutes.


    whenever one is born in the midnigth it is better to say 28/29 as

    in your case.


    when was the baby girl born .. birth details pl..


    may mother bless all









    dear shalini


    i used the annual return chart while predicting the break in career.

    i choose the worst period to predict the resignation. is he still

    without job ? i wish a 'no' from you.


    it is better he postpones his wish to move to USA until jupiter dasa

    starts. the antar running right now is that of mars, who is his Atma

    Karaka ( he is in wrong direction) .


    between oct 19 and dec first week , he is likely to get a new job.

    if he is already in, it can bring a change in this year.


    may mother bless all





  14. om gurubhyo namah




    dear coolgimmy and others


    please note that jhora has gone through rigorus tests and is in the site for

    more than eight years.


    as deepaji suggested please go through the books and start from there.


    arudha never falls in the satya peeta or the seventh from it.


    hence the arudas of the first , fourth, seventh and tenth house fall under

    exceptional rules.


    for example if lagna lord is in lagna, arudha will fall in the seventh. since an

    arudha of a house cannot fall there itself or seventh from it, move ten houses

    from there to place the arudha.


    in your case mercury is in pisces , tenth from lagna. tenth from pisces will

    take you to dhanus which is seventh from mithuna (the lagna). since aruda

    cannot fall in dhanus (seventh from lagna) , move ten houses from dhanus

    which is kanya where AL' falls.


    also scorpio and aquarius have two lordships . ketu and raho are co-lords

    of those houses. to calculate of those houses one will have to find the

    stronger of those lords. for scorpio, you will have to find out the stronger

    of the mars and ketu. similaraly between rahu and saturn for aquarius.


    jhora is always correct. whenever you have any doubt go to the jhora

    group in where you can clear them. you can also ask me . wherever

    possible i will convey what i have understood.



    dear smt.deepa bhandari


    i follow the cutting of umblical chord as time of birth. but how do i know

    to which one the given birth time represents ?. hence we do certain

    procedures for birth time correction. ( but we never move the time by hours ).

    wherever the deviation is too much we tend to be catious.


    may mother bless all





  15. om gurubhyo namah




    dear chinnu


    pl apply both dasa systems. but in the long run you will see

    dwisaptadi sama dasa will explain the events better.


    gems are worn and the lord is forgotten. also most of the gems

    are artificially produced and in this commercial world lot of cheating

    is being done however closely known the seller may be.


    in addition to this, the gem even if it is pure, it is for the grahas.

    but mantras are directed towards the lords themselves which i

    feel is an important factor one should " not discount ".


    can you pl tell when did the marriage proposal fail and why ?


    may mother bless all





  16. om gurubhyo namah




    dear kanth


    (what is your sex ?)


    your chart contains jupiter's curse.



    for curse from jupiter, the sage recommends


    worship of shiva.


    please do rudrabhishekam to Lord Shiva for ten mondays during rahu



    during the first monday , donate one 108 rudraksha maala to the lord


    during the abisheka keep chanting om namashivaya


    use bilva and vibuthi (sacred ash- shiva likes it) for abisheka in plenty.


    cows milk, honey should also be used for abisheka.


    ensure that srirudram is chanted by the learned.



    attend pradosham from now on.


    seventh house is aspected by saturn and mars while nodes are

    placed in it. you may encounter problems in married life.

    aspect of jupiter on the seventh house and association of the same

    with the seventh lord saturn is the saving grace. hence pay

    attention to removal of curse from jupiter.


    you were also born during a trayodasi. take care that you respect

    elders and your gurus.



    may mother bless all









    dear coolgimmy


    3.20 means 3 degrees and 20 minutes


    one degree contains 60 minutes


    20 minutes is 20/60 which is 1/3 which is .33


    .33 is fraction while .20 is minutes.


    these are the usual mistakes people do when they are

    not conversant with different units.


    you may download the highly useful software called jhora which

    is freely available. you may download the full version which gives

    lats and longs for all places in the world. its is size is close to 52 MB.


    you have all vargas there




    may mother bless all





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