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Posts posted by sasisekaran_pti

  1. om gurubhyo namah




    dear jyotiss,


    you have quoted two time of births. the 01:20 time seems to have been applied by an astrologer based on your studies/profession. pl convey if i am right in my observation.

    is the time 01:30 pm, the recorded one ?


    may mother bless all





  2. om gurubhyo namah




    dear shri.narayan


    free will can change destiny, provided you remove your last janma curses

    and be away from kama , weaknesses, bad karmas and bad associations.


    chant the mantras regularly with sincere devotion. Throw away useless

    and short lived enjoyments if you want to achieve a goal. without these

    no one can guarantee success. if your goal is to join the top most school,

    you have to work hard and there can be no excuse. time spent is 'lost'

    for ever. focus on the goal and work for it. you will succeed.


    other things which you have asked for hinges on the above. so everything

    is 'practically' in your hands.


    may mother bless all





  3. om gurubhyo namah




    dear shri.narayan


    since venus plays a major role in your chart and being placed in

    tenth as the lord of 5th and 12, your inclination to medicine is

    well understood. there are other indications for medicine

    in the divisional chart meant for vidhya.


    unfortunately, moon is found cursing in the chart. place utmost

    importance to this.

    pl chant the following (as a sadhana ) 8 lakh times.

    it sounds impossible, but over a period you will complete it.




    You have asked at the right time !


    since mars aspects venus from a kama trikona place and that too

    a suddha tamas , atmost care is needed to avoid any undue

    relationship at this age .


    i have a feeling around the downfall of your studies, you started courting

    relationships. i am sorry if i have i hurt you.


    may mother bless all










    dear sri.krish


    1.when will my carrer improve now i am in such a company that is by name a company only doing job not getting salary company now and then is at the brink of closing but not really closing.

    before march next year you will change job.



    2.what will happen during ketu mahadasha second saade sati also begins in between that time what will be the combined effect


    ketu mahadasa placed third to AL can bring in some bodily ailment.

    how was the period from july 2004 to july 2005 ?


    3.how will be my spiritual life

    there is lot of scope for improvement spritually , provided you use

    jupiter placed second to saturn , the lagna lord.

    saturn, the lagna lord is aspecting ven and ketu combination placed

    in the natural ninth house of zodiac. sat , ven and ketu if activated

    will produce tapaswi yoga.

    pl start observing from 2012 onwards..look for any spritual impact..

    4.what do u thnk of the 11th house(Deepaji answered but my satisfaction was not 100%)

    eleventh house shows your friends company, labha influencing your lagna.

    budha aditya yoga is too common since mercury is always near sun. Sun

    is with ketu and aspected by a malefic shows pitri chaapa.

    venus , though yogakaraka , is bhadakesh.

    it is better you keep good contacts only with good friends.

    combination of venus / ketu can bring in blood disorder.

    seventh lord sun and ninth lord venus placed in labha sthana can bring in

    wealth after marriage.

    your ishta devat is lakshmi.


    apart from the above, as per your chart you have to stricly observe

    budha ashtami vrata throughout your life.


    may mother bless all










    dear coolgimmy,


    What is 64th navamsa ? if the basic point is understood, one

    can develop from it. sages have given sutras only to a few.

    we have to develop further without diluting it in the name of



    the begining of the eigth house in rasi falls in the fourth house

    in navamsa. once this basic is understood , you can apply this

    and see if it works.

    sthira karakas usage is well understood if you use dasas

    meant for timing deaths.. like shoola.. etc.


    may mother bless all









    dear coolgimmy,


    thanks for the additional info.


    in the second case where i said 'sun' could have played a role

    in giving the child has some substance. in the rasi of the

    child's chart, sun has joined the ninth lord mercury and aspects

    the ninth house. lagna lord saturn who happens to be the

    putra karaka of its parentage, aspects sun.


    in dwadasamsa meant for parents, sun is ninth lord and placed

    in seventh aspecting lagna!.


    few sthira karakas are...


    stronger between sun and venus is the significator of father

    stronger between moon and mars is the signification of mother


    jupiter is the sthira darakarka.



    may mother bless all





  7. om gurubhyo namah




    dear smt.deepa bhandari


    the examples were given by coolgimmy.


    pl read my posting again. i have said that karaka bhava nasya

    will fail miserably if all the 1/12 of the birth implying same

    same lagna. 1/12 of a day is two hours... ofcourse you know this.

    probably my wordings did not imply the intended meaning !


    for example take two cases on june 11, 2008 between 1015 to 1230 hrs

    one born in chennai and the other in delhi ( wide variation of lattitudes)


    birth on june 11, 2008 for different lattitudes

    chennai..... from 10 22 to 12 24 hrs .. lagna is simha. jup in 5th

    delhi......... from 10 17 to 12 33 hrs .. lagna is simha. jup in 5th


    will all these people have the same karaka bhava nasya effect ?


    thanks for the interest shown


    may mother bless all









    dear coolgimmy,


    chara karakas are unique for every nativity.


    naisargika karakas are permanent karakas, which are same for every

    body. like sun as pitri karaka, moon as matri karaka etc.


    sthira karakas are used in timing deaths which too are same for

    every one.


    1/12 the of the people born in a day will have almost all the

    planets in the same place from lagna !. are their lives similar in every

    respect ? karako bhava nasya will fail miserably in many cases.


    the difficulty we face are mainly lack of charts of people born in the

    very same hour.


    interestingly, in the first case, moon - the seventh lord is associated

    with chara darakaraka venus. this venus is placed second to "ul"

    a maraka sthana and also the fourth lord in navamsa !.


    the sixth lord is placed in seventh aspected by bhadaka mars placed

    in 'ul'. many more aspects can be seen , but all these are postmortem.

    when did she loose her partner ? let us see which planets played

    roles and what connection they have with 'ul', seventh lord both in

    rasi and navamsa.


    in the second case, the lagna lord sun has won the battle and

    had given him progeny though, firth lord is placed in sixth

    a maraka house along with saturn the sixth lord. also fourth lord

    mars is placed in fifth.


    but in saptamsa ( lagna shifts here only if birth time is less by ten

    minutes or more by 8 minutes from the given time ) sun the ninth lord is exalted

    in the fifth and saturn the putra karaka is placed in the ninth house.


    just out of curiosity , see if sun plays a dominant role in his

    children's charts.


    thanks for providing examples



    may mother bless all









    dear coolgimmy,


    karaka's are of three types. they are chara karakas,

    sthira karakas and naisargika karakas.


    which karaka do you mean ?


    also if you can put a practical case study, it would be

    better for analysis.


    may mother bless all









    dear smt.pushyami



    did you do any special prayers yesterday ?

    can you please reply ?


    since you asked about kaala sarpa dosha , i assumed

    you know the basics of astrology and explained few

    readings of the chart.



    may mohter bless all





  11. om gurubhyo namah




    dear coolgimmy,


    People born during those two hours during the entire

    month will fall in the same lagna. So, should we infer

    that all of them will have such debacle ?


    sutras have to be read carefully. you may find a few

    casually saying , " yeah, i too have seen than working

    in many charts ". If you ask them to provide at least

    five such real cases, they will open their empty hand.


    sun in simha lagna can make one develop ego, since

    sun is very comfortable in its house. The sign is fiery,

    and rajasic. Karaka for lagna is sun. Hence such

    a sun can brign in lot of authority in one's mind and

    application. All these can bring in problems in



    may mother bless all









    dear smt.priyanka,



    can you please get birth details of that person ? try if you can.



    dear sri.tushar,


    hence it is imperative that one should look into vargas

    to get a closer look at the grahas strength and disposition.

    the 'avastha' of the planet is of paramount importance.

    but how many of us look into that ?


    laid out rules are fully correct. unfortunately we dont

    apply them all, but rush for predictions.



    may mother bless all





  13. om gurubhyo namah




    dear sudha,


    Vimsottari Dasa


    Moon MD: 2007-06-08 - 2017-06-07.... 8th in d9 lord whose period is on

    Mars AD: 2008-04-06 - 2008-11-09.... joins the bhadaka lord ven

    Jup PD: 2008-05-21 - 2008-06-19.... 64th navamsa lord

    Ket SD: 2008-06-03 - 2008-06-04 ... placed in 8th in d9

    Sat PAD: 2008-06-04 - 2008-06-04.. is atma karaka


    pl look at role of grahas !.


    if you look at the moola dasa


    Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):


    Ven MD: 1988-09-02 - 2008-09-02

    Mars AD: 2007-01-08 - 2008-09-02

    Jup PD: 2008-05-23 - 2008-07-28

    Mars SD: 2008-06-03 - 2008-06-09

    Ven PAD: 2008-06-04 - 2008-06-05


    ven plays an important role. why ? ven is bhadaka for kumba

    lagna placed neecha in 8th and afflicted by a natural malefic

    mars and sat .


    hence bhadaka's cursing comes out exactly during its period in

    moola dasa.


    the remedies given earlier were in these lines. hence ask her to

    follow the remedies on priority. also ask to chant lakshimi ashtotaram

    daily at the sunrise. this one is also important. if she is unable to

    do the remedies , you may pl infer that the curse is too much.


    rahu is not favourable. pl do not go by the theory that rahu is placed

    in its own star. rahu placed in ninth is bad. it is in marana karaka

    sthana . Great sage Parasara has given that lordship only for

    vimosottari. sage has recommended many more dasas where the

    lordship differs.


    vaidhynathar in his jataka parijatha clearly explains the role of

    marana karaka sthanas of various planets.


    may mother bless all





  14. om gurubhyo namah




    dear xenareborn,


    please ask her to do the following.


    1. feed the poor on a saturday during rahu kaala in a saibaba temple.


    2. donate two lamps of any size ( can be two small siver lamps)

    to a lakshmi narayana temple.


    3. donate mangalya or a saree to a poor lady during her(lady's) marriage.


    4. offer prayers to sri durga on a daily basis after lighting lamp.




    Vimsottari Dasa


    Moon MD: 2007-06-08 - 2017-06-07

    Mars AD: 2008-04-06 - 2008-11-09

    Rah PD: 2008-04-19 - 2008-05-21 >> was she arrested during this period ?


    may mother bless all









    dear smt.pushyami


    your husband does not have kalasarpa yoga. all planets

    should be within the area between rahu and ketu, either

    clockwise or anticlockwise.


    your husband's chart has jupiter and mars on one side

    while the other planets are on the other side.



    fifth lord jupiter is neecha.


    fifth place is tenated by rahu and aspected by the sixth lord saturn.


    the sixth lord saturn is putra karaka.


    in saptamsa, a varga meant for children , venus the fifth lord has gone to the fourth.


    the fifth house falls in a sarpa dosha. fifth house is aspected by a natural malefic saturn.



    venus being the atma karaka , its placement in 8th

    in navamsa is not good. such a venus has become

    the fifth lord in saptamsa.


    these are some negatives.


    pl ask him to pray lord shiva intensely. sun shows the lord who can guide his soul.


    may mother bless all









    dear shri.ramkumar


    yoga means a combination. yoga may be good or bad


    dosha's are evil.


    there are basically two types of yoga involving rahu and ketu.


    one is lead by rahu and the other lead by ketu. the planets

    can be placed between them either way.


    jawaharlal nehru and p.chidambaram have these yogas.



    may mother bless all





  17. om gurubhyo namah




    dear vidhya raman


    the seventh and sixth lord exchange is not good for

    spouse and business matters.


    while saturn and mars are placed in 7th, the seventh

    house is aspected by rahu too. the stress is coming

    on the seventh house.


    you were born on a ashtami thith, ruled by rahu.

    deception on relationship is seen here.


    since mars has gone to the 7th house, instead

    of normal vimsottari, you may use dwisapataadi sama

    dasa. as per this dasa , moon's major period is on.


    rahu's antar started in april this year. this does not

    appear to be good.


    with these background , i do not see the exchange as good


    pl correct me if i am wrong.


    may mother bless all






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