Thank you to everyone for their honest responses. They are much appreciated.
First off let me apologize to anyone who I might have offended. I never meant any disrespect towards Lord Shiva or any of his devotees. I know the title, "Is Shiva on drugs?" was direct, but you have to admit it got your attention.
With regards to the subject matter my wishes were to address it with legitimate concern and an academic mind. The subject is extremely personal to me as I have had trouble with drugs in the past. Therefore, you can imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon the article in question.
Because I am fairly new to Hinduism I want to make sure I am getting my facts straight. From what I can discern it sounds like there are Shaivites who take marijuana on occasion during religious ceremonies/rituals with the understanding that it is a holy plant, sacred to Lord Shiva. However, it would seem that there are others who completely denounce the use of mind-altering substances as a spiritual practice. I believe that both practices have their place in religion. They are certainly not new concepts and have been happening for thousands of years.
For myself, I choose to abstain from mind-altering substances given my past and personal beliefs. Thankfully, your responses have only reaffirmed those practices for me in my life, and for that I am grateful.