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arjun krishna

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    Teaching TRUE Spiritual Aspirants

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  1. Can anyone please help to find good ashrams to stay in Uttarakashi for a long period (6 months to 1 year)
  2. THE REMEDY TO ANY KIND OF BLACK MAGIC IS RECITING " DEVI KAVACHAM (ALONG ARGALA STOTRA AND KEELAKA MANTRA)" NO BLACK MAGIC WHATSOEVER IT IS, NOTHING WILL AFFECT THE SADHAKA WHO RECITES DEVI KAVACHAM 3 TIMES A DAY . PARASAKTHI ALONG WITH HER ASSOCIATED SAKTHIS PROTECT THE DEVOTEE FROM ALL KINDS OF ENEMIES AND EVIL FORCES. ALSO Another divinity associated with sri vidya (LALITA DEVI / PARASAKTHI / TRIPURA SUNDARI ) is Pratyangira, whose involvement is mainly with magic and sorcery. She is consider as a powerful repellent of the influences generated by witch-craft. In srividya sadhana, she protects the devotee against all odds, and guides him along the path. She is represented by many forms. But has significance is uniformly to drive away the hordes of enemies, sins and evil designs Goddess Pratyangira mantra is, (OM) HRIM KSHAM PRATYNGIRE KLIM HRIM KSHAM HUM PHAT SAU
  3. OF COURSE KARNA IS THE GREATEST CHARACTER OF MAHABARATH THE MERCY OF KARNA IS THE SINGLE REASON WHY PANDAVAS STAYED ALIVE AND BECOME VICTORIOUS THE WORD GIVEN BY KARNA TO HIS MOTHER WHO ABONDANED HIM IN CHILDHOOD, WHO CAN SHOW SUCH MERCY EVEN AGAINST HIS ENEMIES ENITRE LIFE KARNA WAS TORMENTED BY THE PANDAVAS BY CALLING HIM SUTPUTRA Yudishtira blames himself for the death of Karna.Yudishtira remebers an incident on the occasion of dice match, where he lost the game and listening to the harsh and bitter words from sons of Dhritarashtra ,his wrath cooled down at the sight of Karna's feet.It was because Karna's feet resembled the feet of his mother Kunti.Yudishtira remembers, even with his best exertions he failed to find out the reason of that resemblance between Karna and his mother, which kept him thinking for a long time.Yudishtira became very sorry when learned about the truth behind Karna leaving him and his 3 brothers unharmed during the war eventhough he was able to take their lives. Yudishtira and rest of the pandavas were not virtuous ,but compared to rest of others they are better .Against popular believes they had to sufferer next 36 years after kurukshetra war.The bad karmas accumulated by the heinous adharmic crimes against Bhishma,Drona,karna,bhurbuvsena and duryodhana caused them to suffer a lot.All these mentioned kauvarava maharathas were killed unfairly against the rules of engagement of war.This was because there were no other way bcoz they are best in their respective field and cannot be won over in a fair fight. Yudishtira went to hell for his role in taking part in the heinous crime against guru drona,Arjun suffered massively for the rest of his life against the unfair fights and deaths of Bhishma,karna,bhurbuvsena. Arjuna lost all his powers and skill after the war and he was defeated by mere robbers and took away the wifes of lord krishna and their wealths,.Arjuna was defeated and killed by his own son bcoz arjuna killed karna and bhishma unfairly against kashtriya code and rules of engagements of war and against social laws at that time.Arjuna was brought alive back by using mritunjaya mantra.Later arjuna become so powerless that he cannot even lift his gandiva.Bhima was cused by his guru balaram for fighting and striking duryodhana in his thighs which was against the law of gaddha fight.Bhima did this bcoz Duryodhana was the best mace fighter in the whole world and bhima cannot win over him without using deceit.Balaram cursed bhima to be known as a crooked warrior for eternity. From a k gangulys translation of mahabarath After the great war was over, Duryodhana was struck with mace by Bhima in the thighs(which is highly forbidden in mace fight) and facing death.Pandavas along with Lord Krishna become very much ashamed and afraid when Balarama,the brother of Lord Krishna took his weapon( the plough) and came to kill Bhima.Lord Krishna consoled Balarama,but angry Balarama cursed Bhima that he shall be reputed in the world as a crooked warrior. Balarama blessed Duryodhana that he will obtain eternal blessedness and glory. After the end of great, [[Duryodhana]] was struck with mace by [[bhima]] in the thighs, which was highly forbidden in mace fight and facing death. Duryodhana afflicted [[Lord Krishna]] and [[Pandavas]] with keen and bitter words.He asked Lord Krishna about the unrighteousness killing of [[bhishma]],[[Drona]],[[Karna]] and the foul play of Bhima on him motivated by Krishna. |"The dart that had been given by Lord [[indra]] to Karna for the slaughter of [[Arjuna]] was baffled by you through [[Ghatotkacha]]! Who is there that is more sinful than you? Karna had done a great feat for vanquishing Partha(Arjuna). You, however, caused Aswasena, the son of that prince of snakes (Takshaka), to be baffled in achieving his purpose! When again the wheel of Karna's car sank in earth,you caused that Karna to be slain! If sons of Pandu had fought me ,Karna , Bhishma and Drona by fair means, victory then, without doubt, would never have been yours. By adopting the most crooked and unrighteous means you caused many kings observant of the duties of their order and ourselves also to be slain! '|Duryodhana speaking to Krishna and Pandavas| [http://www.sacred-te.../m09/m09061.htm The Mahabharatha,Book 9: Shalya Parva Section 61 Upon the conclusion of these words of King [[Duryodhana]], a thick shower of fragrant flowers fell from the sky. The Gandharvas played many charming musical instruments. The Apsaras in a chorus sang the glory of king Duryodhana. The Siddhas uttered loud sound to the effect, "Praise be to king Duryodhana!" Fragrant and delicious breezes mildly blew on every side. Beholding these exceedingly wonderful things and this worship offered to Duryodhana, the Pandavas headed by Lord Krishna became ashamed. Hearing (invisible beings cry out) that Bhishma and Drona and Karna and Bhurishrava were slain unrighteously, they became afflicted with grief and wept in sorrow. Beholding the Pandavas filled with anxiety and grief, Krishna addressed them |"All of them were great car-warriors and exceedingly quick in the use of weapons! If you had put forth all your prowess, even then you could never have slain them in battle by fighting fairly! King Duryodhana also could never be slain in a fair encounter! The same is the case with all those mighty car-warriors headed by Bhishma,Drona and Karna! From desire of doing good to you, I repeatedly applied my powers of illusion and caused them to be slain by diverse means in battle. If I had not adopted such deceitfulways in battle, victory would never have been yours, nor kingdom, nor wealth! Those four were very high-souled warriors and regarded as Maharathas in the world. The very Regents of the Earth could not slay them in fair fight! Similarly, the son of Dhritarashtra, though fatigued when armed with the mace, could not be slain in fair fight by Yama himself armed with his bludgeon! "|Krishna speaking to Duryodhanaand Pandavas| http://www.sacred-te.../m09/m09061.htm Krishna Speaking to Duryodhana and Pandavas The Mahabharatha,Book 9: Shalya Parva Section 61 Later gandhari, mother of duryodhana cursed krishna that his entire race will be destroyed.After few years entire yadavas perished.
  4. Yudishtira and rest of the pandavas were not virtuous ,but compared to rest of others they are better .Against popular believes they had to sufferer next 36 years after kurukshetra war.The bad karmas accumulated by the heinous adharmic crimes against Bhishma,Drona,karna,bhurbuvsena and duryodhana caused them to suffer a lot.All these mentioned kauvarava maharathas were killed unfairly against the rules of engagement of war.This was because there were no other way bcoz they are best in their respective field and cannot be won over in a fair fight. Yudishtira went to hell for his role in taking part in the heinous crime against guru drona,Arjun suffered massively for the rest of his life against the unfair fights and deaths of Bhishma,karna,bhurbuvsena. Arjuna lost all his powers and skill after the war and he was defeated by mere robbers and took away the wifes of lord krishna and their wealths,.Arjuna was defeated and killed by his own son bcoz arjuna killed karna and bhishma unfairly against kashtriya code and rules of engagements of war and against social laws at that time.Arjuna was brought alive back by using mritunjaya mantra.Later arjuna become so powerless that he cannot even lift his gandiva.Bhima was cused by his guru balaram for fighting and striking duryodhana in his thighs which was against the law of gaddha fight.Bhima did this bcoz Duryodhana was the best mace fighter in the whole world and bhima cannot win over him without using deceit.Balaram cursed bhima to be known as a crooked warrior for eternity. From a k gangulys translation of mahabarath After the great war was over, Duryodhana was struck with mace by Bhima in the thighs(which is highly forbidden in mace fight) and facing death.Pandavas along with Lord Krishna become very much ashamed and afraid when Balarama,the brother of Lord Krishna took his weapon( the plough) and came to kill Bhima.Lord Krishna consoled Balarama,but angry Balarama cursed Bhima that he shall be reputed in the world as a crooked warrior. Balarama blessed Duryodhana that he will obtain eternal blessedness and glory. After the end of great, [[Duryodhana]] was struck with mace by [[bhima]] in the thighs, which was highly forbidden in mace fight and facing death. Duryodhana afflicted [[Lord Krishna]] and [[Pandavas]] with keen and bitter words.He asked Lord Krishna about the unrighteousness killing of [[bhishma]],[[Drona]],[[Karna]] and the foul play of Bhima on him motivated by Krishna. |"The dart that had been given by Lord [[indra]] to Karna for the slaughter of [[Arjuna]] was baffled by you through [[Ghatotkacha]]! Who is there that is more sinful than you? Karna had done a great feat for vanquishing Partha(Arjuna). You, however, caused Aswasena, the son of that prince of snakes (Takshaka), to be baffled in achieving his purpose! When again the wheel of Karna's car sank in earth,you caused that Karna to be slain! If sons of Pandu had fought me ,Karna , Bhishma and Drona by fair means, victory then, without doubt, would never have been yours. By adopting the most crooked and unrighteous means you caused many kings observant of the duties of their order and ourselves also to be slain! '|Duryodhana speaking to Krishna and Pandavas| [http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m09/m09061.htm The Mahabharatha,Book 9: Shalya Parva Section 61 Upon the conclusion of these words of King [[Duryodhana]], a thick shower of fragrant flowers fell from the sky. The Gandharvas played many charming musical instruments. The Apsaras in a chorus sang the glory of king Duryodhana. The Siddhas uttered loud sound to the effect, "Praise be to king Duryodhana!" Fragrant and delicious breezes mildly blew on every side. Beholding these exceedingly wonderful things and this worship offered to Duryodhana, the Pandavas headed by Lord Krishna became ashamed. Hearing (invisible beings cry out) that Bhishma and Drona and Karna and Bhurishrava were slain unrighteously, they became afflicted with grief and wept in sorrow. Beholding the Pandavas filled with anxiety and grief, Krishna addressed them |"All of them were great car-warriors and exceedingly quick in the use of weapons! If you had put forth all your prowess, even then you could never have slain them in battle by fighting fairly! King Duryodhana also could never be slain in a fair encounter! The same is the case with all those mighty car-warriors headed by Bhishma,Drona and Karna! From desire of doing good to you, I repeatedly applied my powers of illusion and caused them to be slain by diverse means in battle. If I had not adopted such deceitfulways in battle, victory would never have been yours, nor kingdom, nor wealth! Those four were very high-souled warriors and regarded as Maharathas in the world. The very Regents of the Earth could not slay them in fair fight! Similarly, the son of Dhritarashtra, though fatigued when armed with the mace, could not be slain in fair fight by Yama himself armed with his bludgeon! "|Krishna speaking to Duryodhanaand Pandavas| http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m09/m09061.htm Krishna Speaking to Duryodhana and Pandavas The Mahabharatha,Book 9: Shalya Parva Section 61 Later gandhari, mother of duryodhana cursed krishna that his entire race will be destroyed.After few years entire yadavas perished. Yudishtira blames himself for the death of Karna.Yudishtira remebers an incident on the occasion of dice match, where he lost the game and listening to the harsh and bitter words from sons of Dhritarashtra ,his wrath cooled down at the sight of Karna's feet.It was because Karna's feet resembled the feet of his mother Kunti.Yudishtira remembers, even with his best exertions he failed to find out the reason of that resemblance between Karna and his mother, which kept him thinking for a long time.Yudishtira became very sorry when learned about the truth behind Karna leaving him and his 3 brothers unharmed during the war eventhough he was able to take their lives. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m12/m12a001.htm
  5. TRUE Gurus are extremely hard and rare to find.These True Self Realized and Liberated(Jivanmuktas) Gurus never reveal their identity. Infact they do exists and accept and teach others only after checking their worthiness . Second thing,"you have to live in material world".If all the true Gurus thinks and acts just like you said(like going into caves etc), then who is going to guide the future generation?.
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