So am I too naive to think, since I am true to my religion & my God. Since I know what I will do as a Krishna devotee, as a mother and as a good wife, I should really just leave the rest to Krishna, and that he will guide me through it all.
Krishna is in my heart, and through my love and my love for him I am deciding to gain the strength to do this? Is that so wrong?
To answer a guest question, am I attracted to material things about this man, No. I would not have agreed to take this step was it just material things. With time I have seen a chnage in him, don't get me worng he is not against my religion, or crticizing it, he unlike other Christians, and against christian beliefs, admires my religion, and is constantly making efforts to understand it better.
Im caught in a very tough situation, when i look deep in my heart and when i completly detach myself from all emotions and try thinking realistically, I dont in any way feel threatened, or feel like im going to be loosing out on my religion, or for that matter that I may have to give it up someday. Something, call it intuition of some kind says, things will be ok, and we will come to a mutual understading....its almost as if, we force oursleves to imagine the worst because thats how we have trained oursleves...and then again I ask, am i being too naive?