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  1. Yes, that's true. well before to continue i had the same problem about the second coming of Jesus and Kalki Avatar... If Jesus is Kalki, that mean Kali yuga is ending, but that not coincide with the Vedic viewpoint, however many people in india say that kaliyuga is ending and are waiting for Kalki. Sri Caintaya Mahaprabhu said that a new satya yuga of 10.000 years is starting with the chant of the holy name... Christians are waiting for Jesus, and now He is in Tibet or India, Nobody know this, only some Tibetan (kaulas) and some southamericans. Why? Because the Son of God was in Southamerica and left the third doctrine of the Christians lineage (The first was Moses law, the second was the Jesuchrist doctrine, and finally the third is The Doctrine of the lamb of god.) i'm aware that there are a lot of bogus avatar mushroomings, but he is a genuine avatar, because the bible talk about him as the Divine Helper. He wrote all that God said him in scrolls, there are like 4.000 scrolls. please visit www . cienciaceleste . org. pe (all together, and go to english section.). What happened in Tibet? In Tibet, the year 1991, was revealed the Last scripture before the second comming of the Son of God, its name is Ekatantra and in this scripture is revealed the True identity of Jesus by God-Father. Jesus is the same Ganesha, and Ganesha and Jesus are both encarnation of the Son of God, The Son of God is the Suprem Master of all Masters, and his name is Ekadanta. Jesuchrist revealed himself to three Apostles his trascendental form (Ekadanta), see Transfiguration of Jesus, and He said too that in the future we will know him with a different name that Only his Father knows. these scriptures said that the Son fo God has born, He will not say "I'm Jesus the son of god believe in me please!!" like bogus avataras. He is coming full of glory and majesty, his face will shine like millions of suns and he will fly across the sky, He will command the nature and he will punish all capitalists, soldiers, materialistics, and religious people, these things will happen in India, From India he will appear to the World. Now my duty is to propagate these new scriptures. Ekatantra (only in spanish): www . geocities . com /ekatantra Doctrine of the Lamb of God (English and spanish) : www . cienciaceleste . org. pe ---all together---- Sorry , but I don't speak english very well, I'm learning. hehe. Hari bolo
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