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  1. mmm


    thanks for posts! and all answers here _____ 1. if souls are eternal- that means that the number of the souls is the same ever.. how many souls are? 2. when one soul libetares karma, maya (reicarnations)- what is that called? when one soul reaches that- can it go back to material world? if not... sonner or later we will all liberate from maya 3. what happen when all jivas liberate from maya? is it possible? then there is no maya... 4. why the Supreme Lord need Maya, material world? if the true part is our eternal soul- why has he created maya, material world? 5. i read that Krishna has 100% 0f 64 qualities question is: what is the situation (%) of my soul in "the beging of yournei"? what is the procentage at the moment of liberation from maya?
  2. mmm


    if i understand correctly- Lord Vishnu creates individual souls- one of them is me:) and then we are send to this material world, which Brahma created. _______ 1. But why are we sent here? If this material world is not "real"- why are we sent here? 2. And why is Vishnu creating souls? How can Vishnu "create" soul when soul is supossed to be eternal? 3. What is the goal of one human? if there is a final goal- what is it?
  3. mmm


    where did we come from?
  4. mmm


    sth else i would not want to have too many "open questions" but anyway- what is the meaning of word transcendental.
  5. mmm


    ok- its not: matter to soul but rather: soul to matter. many people would ask- what is soul, does soul exist etc. (leave that for now) question is: why would soul,consciousness want to "make" matter? why consciousness need matter?
  6. mmm


    Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego — all together these eight constitute My separated material energies. - are the mentioned "minds" the same? than i can ask- what is a mind? shanti:)
  7. mmm


    just wanna add sth- where i live, people probably dont know much about the questions that i wrote up, so i came here- some of my questions might be "stupid" for you, but i asked them and i think here is the place to get answers from "the first hand" as i said-please: Yes/No peace, M.
  8. mmm


    thx for posts;) 1.) what i wanted to say is- that things we are talking about are complex. ive got problems even in my own language (discussing and thinking about them)- we probably use different words for same "things"... and i probably dont get the message you would want me to get. (when english is not my mother language, things are even harder (for me)- that is why i like the most simple sentences). so- thanx again for your replies- perhaps.. if you find any good links or documentaries about ether, please "bring" them here. also other interesting documentaries (vedic) are welcome. ________________ 2.) about ahankara are there any good sites on internet talking about this basic concepts, ideas- what is what (again-simple and- is there an internet site where all this "words" are used, to get the whole picture) ________________ 3.) ww.crystalinks.com/vedas2.jpg is this "the whole picture about vedic literature"? and question here is- is Krishna mentioned in Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda etc..) in one encyclopedy i found that there is a difference between Vedic Gods and Gods of Hinduism. is ISKCON hinduism? can you please answer clearly- yes/no. with best regards M.
  9. mmm


    why cant i remember ahankara from "my previous body"- memoryes
  10. mmm


    thanks for answers! i must say that ive got problems with understanding english- i like to read very simple sentences with simple words. is next sentence correct- everything is energy. energy is divided in two groups- one is para-prakrti, second is apara-prakrti.
  11. mmm


    what happen with ahankara at the moment of death?
  12. mmm


    Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego — all together these eight constitute My separated material energies. can sth be material and not have mass? material=has mass (?)
  13. mmm


    first of all-thanks for answers ______________ Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego — all together these eight constitute My separated material energies. 1. actually im interested if this ether is the same ether which Nikola Tesla was talking about? 2. what is ether made of? is there a scientific word for this? 3. as i read- these are the lower energies- all material energies, known as apara-prakrti para-prakrti is antimaterial where can i find more information about that? 4. and an off-topic question voice within, which im "talking with"- what is it called in sacred texts?
  14. hi can anyone help to get more information about ether. would like to see what phisycist think about that. ciao
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