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  1. Those murtis are very beautiful!!!
  2. These Gods are of South Indian origin. The names of these deities were changed. Let me give you the correct way of these deities name . Kali ma - Mariamman Kal Bhairo - Madurai Veeran Sangani Baba- Sangili Karupan Muni Sprenn - Mueeswaran The reason these deities names were changed was because it helped to fit into main stream hinduism. You have to understand The indians of Guyana did not only came from Tamil Nadu ( Madrasis) but there was also a majority that left from the northern region of india which was mostly from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Since people of the northern parts of India never heard or understand these madrasi deities their names did not really changed but were connected to mainstream hindu Gods such as Mariamman was aceppted to be kali She is becuase the Mother takes on many forms. Also in Guyanese Madrasi temples Kali Ma is not portrayed as the same Kali most people know where Her tounge is sticking out , She's standing on Lord Shiva, and She has dark skin. She is portayed the total opposite of that image . She's portrayed as Mariamman sitting down and not standing on Shiva. Another big misconception people have is Kal Bhairo is the same with Lord Madurai Veeran. They are both confused together becuase both deities have a loyal dog next to them. Even the name Kal Bhairo is wrong the right way to say and write the name is Kal Bhairav which is a form of Lord Shiva. Yes i know this sound very confusing but back then in order to help the indians who came from different regions they had to combine deities so people can understand them. I have links to the stories about these deities but the the site won't let me until i post like 15 posts or more. I will post the story of Lord Madurai Veeran though. This is about Lord Madrai veeran. Very long time ago, there was an invincible warlord by name Sangili Karuppan who was terrorizing the people of Madurai that was ruled at that time by the king Thirumalai Nayakkar. Madurai Veeran, finally, was the one who defeated Sangili Karuppan. After defeating Sangili Karuppan, Madurai Veeran was appointed as one of the generals under Thirumalai Nayakkar. Madurai Veeran fell in love with one of the maids in the king's palace. Madurai Veeran, married her inspite of opposition from the king who could not allow someone from the cobbler community to a marry a woman from a high caste. And Thirumalai Nayakkar ordered that the limbs of Madurai Veeran be severed. And so it was done. Madurai Veeran, the invincible warrior, who fought for the good of his people was left to bleed to death. And strangely, soon after Madurai Veeran's death Thirumalai Nayakkar's body was found at the bottom of a well. And that was the end of his era. And for this reason, before you enter the Madurai Meenakshi Amman temple, you get to meet Madurai Veeran, the temple guardian. And that guardian god, sitting on his huge horse with a thick black moustache, bulging bloodshot eyes, and a huge sword in his hand, outside of every village in Tamil Nadu is the same warrior, who probably gave his life fighting to protect his people. -Lawrence Jai mata di!
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