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Everything posted by AncientMariner

  1. The best music to me is Iron Maiden.
  2. True, it is not global consciousness or anything that is bad it is that the national govenments have fallen into the trap of giving more and more power into the hands of a very few elite that are for the most part psychopaths. Politics is all just fun and games anyway as I view it as the supersoul is creating a humungous demon on purpose so that Krishna can eventually kill it. On a personal level however my view is that we do have a responsibility to take a stand against maya in the realm of politics and elsewhere.
  3. It is funny because it never ceases to amaze me how many Hare Krishnas are globalists and will probably support the coming taxation on Cow farts.
  4. Should be interesting to see how many knee-jerk ad-hominem laced responses this article generates. Puppet On A String: Hamas Dances To Israel�s Tune By Paul Joseph Watson Back in the heady days of the last century, the composition of government was a fine balance between decent individuals and outright criminals. Terrorism existed but any notion of a �war on terrorism� was scoffed at because reasonable people didn�t see how a war on an abstract term could ever be won. Even if you wiped out every terrorist organisation on the planet, new ones would eventually emerge. <TABLE height=3887 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=650 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD>The criminal element of the state realized that in order to overthrow the genuine sector of government they had to create enemies and then play them off against these good-natured representatives. The typical scenario would be that a terrorist group attacks a country. The good-natured portion of government, thinking that the threat was independent, immediate and real, would react by imposing restrictions on the personal liberties of its citizens in a desperate attempt to prevent further attacks. Those citizens would then rise up in anger against these draconian measures and the so-called do-gooders would be kicked out of office. This would leave the criminals with a monopoly on government all as a result of the terrorist threat, which they had created in the first place. They would then be able to choose their own �do-gooders� who would take the blame for the next manufactured terrorist attack. All the while the liberties of the citizens slip further into the abyss and the overall agenda of the criminals, to erect a society in their image, is advanced. Of course nowadays the criminals are in complete control and recklessly fund every terrorist group worth the name, sometimes even directly participating in the actual terrorist attacks. However, it is useful to trace back over history and uncover how this strategy materialized. Hijacking Terror After September 11 Israel hijacked the rhetoric of the �war on terrorism� and used it to stoke the fire of their own agenda, sanctioned within the wider context of the overall Globalist game plan. In a January 2003 UPI report, it was openly stated that Israel feel completely justified in admitting that Mossad will be carrying out political assassinations on American soil, �Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings in the United States and other friendly countries, former Israeli intelligence officials told United Press International. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has forbidden the practice until now, these sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity.� Of course, it has been known for decades that Mossad conduct so-called �pre-emptive� assassinations of political enemies on foreign shores. The public admission itself is what makes the story, not the details, which were already largely known. Wind-up Terror Toy Israel�s supposed arch-enemy, the terrorist group Hamas, was founded and funded by Israel�s dominant Likud party and continues to be bankrolled to this day by political bodies pushing a one world government system. This is not my opinion and I am not breaking an exclusive story. It is a documented fact reported on by mainstream news outlets and admitted by respected individuals within the US and Israeli governments and intelligence agencies. The objectives of Hamas dovetail with those of the Likud, no settlement at all costs. Whenever the prospect of a workable peace settlement between the Israelis and Palestinians arises, Hamas or one of their offshoots blows a bus, restaurant or a hotel to pieces. This gives Israel the justification needed to scupper any agreement and further entrench their occupation of disputed lands. All the outsider sees is carnage, death and a mainstream media that spins the issue so that these atrocities somehow represent the wishes of the Palestinian people. The Globalists have no intention of settling the conflict and will likely use it several years down the line to initiate a near-apocalyptic third world war that will fully ensconce their wicked empire. The final phase is a stage-managed �clash of civilizations� between the Arab world, possibly supported by China, and the west. According to United Press International, �Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.� Israel wanted to radicalize the dispute by moulding Hamas into a fundamentalist militant crusade to ape the Khomeini revolution in Iran. So much so that Israel groomed potential Hamas leaders, pressuring Israeli authorities to give them licenses to set up food kitchens, clinics, schools, and day-care centers, to create a governing structure alternative to Arafat's Fatah. These were known as �Village Leagues� - and provided future Hamas operatives with a political and governmental foothold. This began in 1978 when Prime Minister Menachem Begin, himself a former terrorist leader, approved an application from Sheik Ahmad Yassin to license the Islamic Association, which would later produce a military wing, Hamas, in 1987. The Israeli Likud party propped up Yassin because they both had the same agenda, to destabilize Arafat�s Fatah. The Village Leagues were then infiltrated by the Israeli intelligence agency Shin Bet, which provided weapons training for the Palestinians and also created a network of thousands of informers. This funding and support continued even after the signing of the 1993 Oslo accords. The deliberate insertion of a competing faction would dilute support for the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Current Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had a key role in the formation of this policy. After the first wave of suicide bombings began in 1994, Israel could also discredit the PLO by linking it with Hamas after every terrorist atrocity. The hard line Likud party could then increase its standing amongst the Israeli people by promising a brutal crackdown on Palestinian terrorism. Chaos and anarchy on the West Bank entails order � Likud�s order. The US government correspondingly used the tactic of radicalizing a group or a country when it shipped millions of Islamic fundamentalist schoolbooks to Afghanistan under George Bush senior. The books encouraged violent jihad and the overthrow of the then secular Afghan government. This conditioned a whole generation to calmly accept the subsequent fundamentalist Taliban regime, which was put into power in 1996 by the CIA. Of course, an even more plentiful supply of compliance from Israeli citizens is harvested from manufactured terrorist threats, a tactic used to perfection by the post-9/11 Bush and Blair governments. By managing both the Hamas leadership and perception of the group�s deadly potential in the media, the Israeli elite could frighten their people into living under a police state, �Sharon is conducting a vicious psychological operation inside Israel, to secure popular support for a war by staging continuous terror scares. One Israeli businessman confirmed that almost nightly, Israeli police enter restaurants, hotels, shops, etc., ordering patrons to evacuate due to "bomb threats." The businessman, a former Mossad official, was told by Israeli authorities that the scares are in almost all cases hoaxes, perpetrated to traumatize the public into accepting any anti-Arab military actions.� [Executive Intelligence Review] Previous to Israel�s intervention, Hamas was a relatively dormant and sidelined minority group. According to UPI�s US government source, "The thinking on the part of some of the right-wing Israeli establishment was that Hamas and the others, if they gained control, would refuse to have any part of the peace process and would torpedo any agreements put in place.� The well-respected International Herald Tribune could only agree, �It is well-known that, in its long war against Palestinian nationalism, Israel penetrated every faction and recruited a veritable army of Palestinian informers and collaborators.� Secretary-General of the Palestinian Authority Tayeb Raheem went into further details by stating that Hamas cells existed within the Israeli army and security services, proof of which was documentation highlighting the fact that Islamic operatives were regularly entering camps such as Dahaniya that only Israeli collaborators were permitted to access. War on Peace The closest the world came to seeing a settlement in Israel was during the term of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Rabin had signed the Oslo agreement with Yasser Arafat, which was the framework for the establishment of a Palestinian state by 1998. Rabin wasn�t exactly warm and cosy to the Palestinians during his early years in office, but by late 1995 he had reached effective accords with both the Palestinians and Jordan, and was on the verge of repeating the trick with Syria. As Arab governments� support for the initiative increased, their funding and support of Hamas decreased. It was at this point, on November 4 1995, that Rabin was gunned down by a �lone nut assassin� after a peace rally in Tel Aviv. His assassin, Yigal Amir was trained by Shin Bet, the Israeli domestic intelligence service. Shin Bet had received multiple warnings in the weeks preceding the event that an assassination attempt would take place. Strange therefore that Rabin�s security detail, who were trained to immediately fire upon any armed intruder, stood idly by and watched as Amir walked within six feet of Rabin and discharged his weapon. According to the New York Times, Rabin was able to get up and enter his nearby limousine stating, �it hurts, but it's not so bad" before being driven to the hospital. Upon arrival, Rabin�s chauffeur had to sprint through the hallways shouting in an attempt to get some attention. The notion that a hospital wouldn�t have a medical team on standby for the arrival of a seriously wounded Prime Minister is inconceivable. These are just a few pieces of evidence out of hundreds to suggest that Rabin was meant to die. Rabin�s wife, Leah, directly blamed the Likud party and particularly its bloodthirsty leader, Benjamin Netanyahu. The Rabin murder underlines the fact that whether Hamas dupes or their own agents are utilized, the tactics and ideology are always the same. Israel�s right-wing elite and their global puppet masters were anxious to crumble any hope for peace, which before Rabin�s assassination was a viable possibility. Another reason for Rabin�s elimination was his open understanding that Hamas was a tool of the Israeli elite, according to Yasser Arafat. In an interview with the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, Arafat said, "We are doing everything to stop the violence. But Hamas is a creature of Israel which at the time of Prime Minister [Yitzhak] Shamir [the late 1980s, when Hamas arose], gave them money and more than 700 institutions, among them schools, universities and mosques. Even [former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak] Rabin ended up admitting it, when I charged him with it, in the presence of [Egpytian President Hosni] Mubarak." Rabin defined Israel�s covert support of Hamas as a �fatal error� and was in the process of putting an end to it before his assassination. He expelled 400 of its operatives in 1992 and arrested 4,000 of them in the months before his death. Hamas responded by taking a �the enemy of my enemy is my friend� stance and pledged allegiance to the Israeli opposition party, the Likud. Taking into consideration the fact that such information could have been propaganda emanating from either Arafat or Rabin, a Jerusalem Post editorial still concluded that the Hamas-Likud partnership wasn�t bellicose propaganda � they defined it as �conventional wisdom.� Double Agent Israeli, American and British control of Palestinian terrorists can be put in the context of the imminent takeover of Iraq. Abu Nidal was accused of nearly 900 political assassinations spanning the entire globe, as member of the Palestinian terror group Fateh Revolutionary Council. This group mysteriously escaped any Israeli reprisal, leading many analysts to conclude that it was firmly under Mossad control and used to discredit the PLO. In August of 2002 Nidal was found dead in a Baghdad hotel. Experts were certain that he had committed suicide to escape capture but the fact that he had sustained multiple gunshot wounds heavily suggests he was killed by Iraqi operatives. According to The Intelligence Network, �Abu Nidal was working for the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, for the last four years and was plotting a coup against Iraqi president Saddam Hussain at the behest of Western powers, top diplomats said.� Many experts contend that Israel was pulling Nidal�s strings as far back as the 1960�s. Nidal was somehow able to obtain multi-entry visas and passports for numerous countries. Mossad had to shift him around the globe on several occasions to avoid his arrest. As the anti-war chorus grew to a crescendo in late 2002, the Americans began to formulate contingency plans that would enable them to overthrow Hussein without the need for a full-scale invasion of Iraq. The Iraqis, who themselves utilized Nidal in the 70�s, learned of the Israeli/American plot to use the asset Nidal and consequently had him neutralized. After the mid-seventies, Nidal�s renegade attacks on Palestinian Fatah leaders far outweighed those against Israelis and Jews. Arafat�s most trusted lieutenants were Nidal�s favourite targets, most notably PLO's former intelligence chief Abu Iyad. Apart from Arafat, all the other founding members of Fatah were killed by Nidal in concert with Israel. Israel exploited their control of Nidal to the greatest effect in June 1982, �Three gunmen seriously wounded then-ambassador Shlomo Argov in London, giving Menachem Begin's government the excuse it needed to implement then-defense minster Ariel Sharon's plan to invade Lebanon and push the PLO out of Beirut. Told it was Abu Nidal's men, not Arafat's, who shot Argov, then-chief of staff Rafael Eitan was reported to have said, "Nidal, Shmidal, they're all the same."� [Ha�aretz] Nidal always acted in the countries where Palestinian support was the strongest such as Greece, Cyprus and Sudan, and never in the occupied areas. He was in essence a gun for hire, carrying out assassinations on behalf of Syria and Iraq during the eighties. Israel took full advantage in that they could use Nidal to both attack the PLO directly and commit terrorism, which Israel would then falsely link to the PLO. EU Funds For Terrorists The European Union began as a free trade agreement but is now a centralized, unelected, unaccountable federal power block that has subjugated the sovereignty of its member states. The parallels between Hitler�s plan for Europe and the developments that actually transpired under the EU are frightening. As with all attack arms of global government, the EU�s success is dependent on creating problems that it then �solves� by increasing its own authority. The militarization of the EU as a standing army would be worthless and unprofitable unless there was a healthy supply of global chaos to counteract. Therefore we should not be surprised that EU money is being laundered to Hamas. According to the EU Observer, �The allegations have been in the air for over two years: EU money is being used by Yassir Arafat's Palestinian Authority to fund terrorist activities. The claim by Ariel Sharon's government at the beginning of May that it had found "damning evidence" to support this allegation brought the polemic into the open. Concerned at the accusations, the Parliament suspended payment of some 18.5 million euro due to the Palestinians until May 19.� Why Arafat would want to channel money into those groups that actually weaken his authority is unclear. It seems more likely that Sharon is trying to distract from his own administration�s funding of Hamas. As for the EU, this issue is very unpopular in the European parliament. At the time of writing, a bill proposed to investigate the matter looks set to be abandoned because the petition is 17 names short of its required total. Despite the EU�s claim that its hands are clean and that any money that reaches the hands of terrorist groups is the responsibility of the Palestinian Authority, they have been nothing short of desperate to prevent a simple probe, �EU Commissioner for External Affairs Chris Patten has successfully persuaded 12 of the MEPs that wanted to sign on to the petition to withdraw their support on the basis that he has seen no evidence of misuse of EU money, and has accused the MEPs supporting the investigation of "flogging a dead horse." MEP Charles Tannock says he is astonished by his fellow Conservative Party colleague's attitude: "My campaign has incurred the wrath of Commissioner Patten, who regards this initiative as a direct challenge to his authority and credibility. The sole purpose of this investigation is to clear the air, and I have always maintained a balanced approach to the Israel/Palestine question, favoring a peaceful settlement based on a two-state solution." Commissioner Patten's response is that he needs an investigation of PA abuse of his funds "like I need a hole in the head." Patten's unwillingness to investigate how the PA used the money it was given by the EU seems remarkably peculiar considering that the EU Court of Auditors declined last November to approve the EU's budget for the eighth year running, admitting it can only guarantee that 5 percent of taxpayers' money is being spent properly.� [World Net Daily) No Way Out The question has been raised as to, if Yasser Arafat is such a loose cannon and a danger to the Israeli/Globalist agenda, why hasn�t he been assassinated? It seems Arafat is merely the head to Sharon�s tails. Every year since 1954, the secretive Bilderberg Group (named after the hotel where they first met in the Netherlands), comprising elite powerbrokers from Europe and North America, has convened to discuss, and influence, the changing global, political, economic and social landscape. The meeting is a coming together of the world�s most powerful individuals and yet yearly media coverage is non-existent. Bilderberg is arguably the highest-level known semi-secret organisation pushing a one-world order. Bilderberg has used its considerable influence to oust political figures who cease to cooperate with the global agenda, most notably Margaret Thatcher who was proving a thorn in the side of European federalism until she was replaced by the Carlyle Group�s John Major. The Bilderberg Group also counts amongst its members one Yasser Arafat. Arafat attended the group�s June 1999 meeting in Sintra, Portugal. I suspect Arafat is an unwitting accomplice to the Globalists and is being manipulated to react in ways that are harmful to his own cause, and of course beneficial to those who seek to indefinitely enflame the Middle East. The solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is of the same brand as the solution to all other devastating conflicts around the world. Expose the chaos mongers, expose the global elite who manage and inflict total bedlam to further their own agenda. They are the source of all our ills and yet a vast majority of the world don�t even know who �they� are or what their agenda is. If we are to ensure that future generations of Israelis and Palestinians are not to live in abject day-to-day terror, we must point out who benefits from keeping Israel in permanent turmoil.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE height=110 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=150 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD><!-- Begin E-Mail-This-Page Script //--><FORM name=eMailer> </FORM>........ language=JavaScript1.2>var good;function checkEmailAddress(field) {// the following expression must be all on one line...var goodEmail = field.value.match(/\b(^(\S+@).+((\.com)|(\.net)|(\.edu)|(\.mil)|(\.gov)|(\.org)|(\..{2,2}))$)\b/gi);if (goodEmail){ good = true} else { alert('Please enter a valid e-mail address.') field.focus() field.select() good = false }}u = window.location;m = "I thought this might interest you...";function mailThisUrl(){ good = false checkEmailAddress(document.eMailer.address) if (good){ // the following expression must be all on one line... window.location = ""+document.eMailer.address.value+"?subject="+m+"&body="+document.title++u; }}.........><!-- End E-Mail-This-Page Script //--></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE height=192 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=367 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  5. This is true but in analyzing what is going on in America and not analyzing the monetary policy, who is behind it and how it works is like sticking your head in the sand.
  6. We already know that your theories and world view is the only one that is right. You are a very objective person and constantly tell people that don't to your view that their view is stupid. No need to tell me that anymore as you have made it clear that you are right and all knowing and anyone else who views things differently is subscribing to stupidity. I am impressed with your omniscience but no need to repeat it to me anymore so if you could refrain from replying to my posts anymore it would be appreciated unless you are going to say something you haven't already told me. My views and posts are probably as predictable as yours but the difference is that I quit responding to your posts when you made it clear that my wordview is stupid as I knew then this fella is permanently fixed in his position no need to discuss further with a person who is permanently fixed in their position. You are still responding to mine just to tell me my view is stupid and I can predict if you respond to my posts in the future it will most likely just be to chime in tell me how my worldview is stupid so this predictability just becomes boring and not interesting grounds and terms for a discussion.
  7. In my view there are members of the Israeli government that have manipulated America. I never targeted jews in any way in fact I said I have nothing at all against the Israeli people to begin with. I even said I view the few Israelis that are doing this are equivalent to the Pharisees. You are just being hyper politically correct in my opinion. Either you agree or disagree that the Israeli government tries to and has manipulated America but nowhere did I encourage any racism or targeting of Jews. My point all along is America should quit being manipulated and resist the temptation to get involved in all these complicated foreign wars and affairs. Even my German-Jew friend admits the Israeli government manipulates America but he thinks it is ok because Israel needs to do this to defend itself.
  8. My view is based on the book The Creature From Jekyll Island. As far as Christians go there are "Christians" that are involved in the whole thing karmically speaking so to be fair it is not all Israelis I can grant you that although even though Bush classifies himself as a Christian his actions make you wonder. It is also my view that the politicians are merely puppets of the foreign bankers. I do not even think it is the Israeli people it is a small group of the Jewish upper crust and foreign Bankers that have manipulated America into becoming karmically involved in this nightmare. That is my view based on what I have read.
  9. These boneheads are just going to get more and more disturbed emotionally as time goes on cause God is real. I had a therapist once who I was trying to explain to him how God is the supersoul within all living beings and he thought I was crazy and told me there is no God and I told him yes there is. Later on that therapist ended up screwing one of his patients and lost his job and ended up suicidal. You gotta be careful to never deny God as it will come back on you in a bad way.
  10. Obviously you did not read what I wrote. Israelis and British Bankers control the US government, if you disagree then prove it. For America to attain its ideals it needs to break free from these influences in my opinion. I humbly ask and would appreciate it if you would not respond to my posts anymore as I am not either for the Israelis or the Muslims, I wish them both the best just don't want America involved in their affairs and your attempts to charactarize me or Alex Jones as choosing sides are inaccurate. Emotional knee jerk responses to opinions that oppose your world view and desperate tactics such as using the race card are not interesting ground or terms for discussions in my opinion so I think it is best if we mutually agree to cease communication with one another.
  11. Those are fair points and Alex Jones does sometimes go over the top possibly but I believe he is either a good man or a Cia plant but I think he is a good man. You should read the book The Creature From Jekyll Island to see how our currency is a doomsday mechanism to begin with. Charles Lindbergh said back in 1920's that depressions would be scientifically created from now on. There is a lot of crap that goes on behind the scenes with these powerful families. I am convinced that there is much more to it than meets the eye especially what is dished out by the corporate media but you are free to draw your own conclusions.
  12. I don't know but it is an insane asylum here for the most part. Beam me up Scotty!
  13. Sometimes seeing all this stuff going on is too much for me to take anymore. I find myself praying to Krishna to get me out of this madhouse.
  14. According to Alex Jones and others I have heard the globalists have used fiat currencies to get the whole world connected and now they implode the US economy causing that to domino to the world wide econcomy. They then get the taxpayers to bailout out the banks and governments and the banks and governments then use that bailout money to go and buy up all the infastructure and reduce the poplulation to corporate government serfdom. They say the ultimate goal is to widdle down the world population to 500 million or a billion that will be subservient slaves to the global elite. The eugenics are institued through different measures some soft kill and some hard kill. The engineered wars are hardkill and corporate control of the food sources etc. are the softkill techniques. They could use a socialized universal healthcare system as another form of eugenics by requiring people to take vaccines that end up hurting them for example.
  15. I have an old friend who is a German-Jew. He told me that Israel had to do all this stuff to defend itself. After listening to Alex Jones for the last year and doing a lot of reading I have come to the conclusion that levels of the Israeli government have basically been in control of America for many years. I have nothing against the Israeli people as I am sure they have plenty of good people. I have come to the view that America was originally founded on the ideals of Jesus or at least that was the notion and obviously in regards to the Native Americans that turned out to be bullshit but I know Native Americans that are now fighting to get America back to its ideals and the constitution. My view is that the British bankers and the Israelis that are in control of the Us Government and using it for war profiteering and exploitation are basically the same as the pharisees and now are crucifying Jesus again and trying to crucify the world as well. It looks to me like America will never be free until we get out of everyone elses problems and do not let foreign operatives infiltrate our government. I feel bad for my German-Jew friend as he is mostly a good person but his vision on this is clouded by various reasons in my opinion.
  16. I have had my struggles and troubles with Krishna mainly because Iskcon does not seem like a credible organization to me, maybe someday it will be. Another obstacle has been the fact that there seem to be a lot of Christ hating Hare Krishnas at times. I can understand hating Christianity because it can be a very frustrating religion to deal with. Christians get glimpses of the divine but then dismiss any other approach to the divine as satanic or new age, that shit is frustrating as hell to deal with but ultimately I try to respect the glimpses of the divine that the Christians are getting. As far as the life of Jesus the way he lived his life is divine so I can appreciate the divinity of Jesus anyday. No matter how much struggle I might have with Krishna and following all of His rules I do think Krishna is real. When I reflect on my life I can see that Krishna is there as the supersoul at every instance and every little decision you make etc. he is there overseeing and trying to guide. Chanting is powerful and I firmly believe your destiny becomes better and better the more you chant and the more you fine tune your being to be in harmony with the rules and regulations of Krishna Consciousness.
  17. Alex Jones has been talking about how the corporations are trying to completely control the food supply and use that as a mechanism of eugenics and was talking about how they inject the hormones to keep the cows pumping out milk that becomes full of blood and puss.
  18. January 6, 2009 Obama's Opportunity by Rep. Ron Paul Our interventionist foreign policy stands ready to be put on a new course with the new administration. Unfortunately, it seems the new administration is likely to continue the mistakes of the past. I've often discussed interventionist foreign policy and the resulting blowback. The current administration's foreign policy, I'm afraid, has created a huge impetus for blowback against the United States. However, I truly believe much of the world stands ready to look beyond our nation's recent blunders if the new administration proves to be heading in a more reasonable direction. Other nations around the world find our interference in their affairs condescending, and it is very dangerous for us. We may think we have much to gain by inserting ourselves in these complex situations, but on the contrary we suffer from many consequences. Other countries have their problems, to be sure. But how would we feel if China or Russia came to our soil and tried to depose our problematic leaders or correct our policies for us? Our problems are ours to solve, and we need to give other countries that respect as well. Instead, we have been turning alleged, phantom threats into real, actual threats. We should follow the foreign policy advice of the Founders – friendship and commerce with all nations. One positive step would be to end our destructive embargo of Cuba, which deprives our farmers of a market just 90 miles from U.S. shores while strengthening the Communist regime. We've seen 50 years of statist restrictions not accomplish anything. A change is needed. Other countries should decide how to govern themselves. Even if we don't necessarily approve, it's none of our business. If other people foolishly choose to live under statist experimental regimes, they need to fail in their own right, and not have us as a scapegoat. We need to focus on our own affairs. However, the pressures exerted on our leadership from the military-industrial complex and big business is not in favor of peace or freedom, or especially nonintervention. Intervention is big business. Defense contracts topped $300 billion last year, and total spending on war and our overseas empire is up to $1 trillion per year. That represents a lot of people earning a living off of war and conquest. But rather than adding to our economy, all of this money is taken from the economy in order to wage war and destruction. Imagine if those resources were put to creative, productive use here at home! We need to rein in our overseas empire, as quickly as possible. We need to bring our troops home and get our economy back into the business of production, not destruction. The smartest thing we could do is admit we don't know all the answers to all the world's problems. If the new administration can take a closer look at real free trade and no entangling alliances, we would be much better off for it. Economically, we could save hundreds of billions of dollars each year! The new leadership has the opportunity and the political capital to do this. But unfortunately, it is not likely to happen
  19. These are the final birth pangs of the golden age in my opinion. The destruction is gonna be massive but people will be humlbed and simple and God is much easier to understand in that frame of mind.
  20. That is a good well balanced answer to a complex and important question that I have often pondered myself Mahak. A bit off topic in regards to this girls problem and I apologize but I am coming to the belief that sometime in the not too distant future the theists of the world are going to be forced to go to battle against the government for their very survival. When Jesus was first incarnated he was not a warrior king he was a wandering mendicant preacher and his mission was to lay down his life and he did so and his fame has spread all over the globe. I view the second coming being when his followers take up a warrior stance against the government and his followers will be like the body of Christ and they will take the government back to sanity eventually. Krishna Consciousness will play a role in waking up the Christians further as well and how to run a sane government. Wether Jesus incarnates himself in that process I do not know.
  21. Definetly powerful visual evidence to inspire a person to keep chanting and get out of this place eventually.
  22. Hence the battle to end all battles coming? The jobs Obama is going to create are going to be centered around defending the global elitists interests from the angry mobs and informing on people that will be resistant to the tyranny. The pussy footed preachers from all religions will tell the people to lye down and don't fight the tyranny.
  23. When the Man Comes Around - Johnny Cash And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder: One of the four beasts saying: "Come and see." And I saw. And behold, a white horse. There's a man goin' 'round takin' names. An' he decides who to free and who to blame. Everybody won't be treated all the same. There'll be a golden ladder reaching down. When the man comes around. The hairs on your arm will stand up. At the terror in each sip and in each sup. For you partake of that last offered cup, Or disappear into the potter's ground. When the man comes around. Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers. One hundred million angels singin'. Multitudes are marching to the big kettle drum. Voices callin', voices cryin'. Some are born an' some are dyin'. It's Alpha's and Omega's Kingdom come. And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree. The virgins are all trimming their wicks. The whirlwind is in the thorn tree. It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks. Till Armageddon, no Shalam, no Shalom. Then the father hen will call his chickens home. The wise men will bow down before the throne. And at his feet they'll cast their golden crown. When the man comes around. Whoever is unjust, let him be unjust still. Whoever is righteous, let him be righteous still. Whoever is filthy, let him be filthy still. Listen to the words long written down, When the man comes around. Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers. One hundred million angels singin'. Multitudes are marchin' to the big kettle drum. Voices callin', voices cryin'. Some are born an' some are dyin'. It's Alpha's and Omega's Kingdom come. And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree. The virgins are all trimming their wicks. The whirlwind is in the thorn tree. It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks. In measured hundredweight and penny pound. When the man comes around. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts, And I looked and behold: a pale horse. And his name, that sat on him, was Death. And Hell followed with him.
  24. A Ponzi Scheme Within A Ponzi Scheme Bob Chapman Infowars December 30, 2008 Dwarfing the Madoff Ponzi scheme, which in the end may turn out to be, at least in part, a scam to feign investment losses for purposes of ripping off insurance companies with invalid claims for fraud while bilking taxpayers out their hard-earned money with deceitful requests for government bailouts and tax breaks, is the Social Security Ponzi scheme. While the Madoff Ponzi scheme, so-called, may be measured in the tens of billions, the Social Security Ponzi scheme can be measured in the tens of trillions, making it a thousand times worse. The Social Security system is truly a Ponzi scheme in the classic sense, where the first contributors to the fund are paid benefits mainly out of the funds received from the contributions of later participants. <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=416 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=16></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD width=16></TD><TD width=400></TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD width=16></TD><TD class=photo-caption vAlign=top align=left width=400>The Ponzi aspects of the Social Security scam were enhanced by one of the main conspirators in this scheme, the Federal Reserve.</TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>The Social Security system we are familiar with was originally enacted in 1935 by an incredibly corrupt Congress (much like the current one), and signed into law by FDR, a corrupt and ardent Illuminist who did as he was told to do by his Illuminist Puppet Masters (principally John Rockefeller, Jr. and J P Morgan, Jr.). At that time, the Social Security system was known as the Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program. The OASDI was not implemented until 1937 due to Constitutional challenges, but suffice it to say, the Illuminist puppets in the Supreme Court of that day, who were every bit as corrupt as FDR and the Congress, made sure the Socialist agenda went forward. The Ponzi aspects of this Social Security scam were enhanced by one of the main conspirators in this scheme, the Federal Reserve. Shortly after the Social Security system was implemented in 1937, our central bank inflated our currency by increasing the supply of money and credit in order to boost prices and incomes and take us out of depression. This process accelerated in 1941 in order to fund the war effort as WWII got underway following the 911 event of that time, namely, the attack on Pearl Harbor, which our government knew was coming way before it happened, but then turned a blind eye to the upcoming attack so we could be dragged kicking and screaming into the next Illuminist war for profit. Incomes and prices rose as Americans went to work to power the war effort, thus causing incoming Social Security contributions to burgeon, while simultaneously debasing the value of the benefits being distributed, thus further enabling the Ponzi scheme to be perpetuated. Note how in 1933, just prior to the enactment of the OASDI in 1935, bankster-buddy FDR took us off the gold standard domestically, leaving only dollars and dollar-denominated accounts held by foreigners backed by gold. That meant we had a domestic fiat currency, which allowed the Fed to do as it pleased with the supply of money and credit in the US, and as you may have guessed, the Fed chose to increase the supply quite dramatically to fund WWII so the military-industrial complex could grow filthy rich. This tied in perfectly with the Social Security Ponzi scheme as we became an economic powerhouse in the aftermath of WWII, with a peak in the late 1960s, by filling the Social Security fund with fresh infusions of inflated cash to keep the Ponzi scheme going, while debasing the fixed benefits being paid out to retirees. Next came the Vietnam War, and more debt, especially to foreign nations, and more inflation from an increase in the supply of money and credit to fund the latest war for profit. This brought about the final debasement of our currency after the London Gold Pool failed to cap the price of gold, resulting in a bank holiday in Britain during the Johnson Administration. President Nixon, also an ardent Illuminist, at the request of his Puppet Masters, in order to stop the outflow of our national gold to foreigners due to war debt and to enhance the Fed’s ability to increase money and credit to fund Johnson’s Great Society welfare programs, took us completely off the gold standard in 1971. As a result, inflation went out of control as our currency became purely fiat in nature, with double-digit inflation peaking in the early 1980s. Once again, the resulting inflation furthered the Social Security Ponzi scheme, which was an integral part of Johnson’s Great Society program. In order to placate complaints about the effects of inflation on the purchasing power of benefits, which grew quite pronounced with the passage of time, an attempt was made to counteract the impact of inflation by providing for cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) based on official inflation rates. Not to be daunted, the elitists made sure that the Bureau of Lying (Labor) Statistics (BLS), which they totally control with their puppets at the BLS, put out greatly understated official inflation statistics, usually at one half to one third of actual inflation, a process known as hedonics, which they use to screw Social Security recipients out of their proper COLA increases. As you can see, Inflation is the best tool available to perpetuate the Social Security Ponzi scheme, by burgeoning incoming money at the full rate of inflation while benefits are increased by only a fraction of the actual rate of inflation. This has changed recently, because wages have stagnated, and this has put stupendous pressure on our already bankrupt Social Security system, a huge, gargantuan Ponzi scheme that is about to unravel. Make no mistake about it; this was an Illuminist scheme to impoverish the middle class, not to provide for people’s security. Ask Social Security recipients how many of them feel secure based on the miniscule benefits they are receiving. This was a Communistic spreading of wealth from the middle class to the poor, not from the wealthy to the poor, since FICA contributions have always been cut off at a level of income associated with the middle class, leaving the wealthy free of FICA liability on most of their income because Social Security benefits are capped, presumably making FICA deductions, above the designated maximum level of income, unfair. In the end, the poor are still poor, the middle class has now joined the ranks of the poor, and the wealthy are now fabulously wealthy, which results are characteristic of any Communistic or Fascistic form of governance. Between the Social Security system, the Income Tax system and the Federal Reserve System, they will spend, tax and inflate, respectively, the American sheople into oblivion. Their Communistic, Fascistic mantra has been: Give us your money and we will take care of you from the cradle to the grave. They will take care of you all right — in a Halliburton-built, slave-labor internment camp, complete with disinformation centers where they will brainwash your children to make them into good, quiet, dumb, cooperative sheople-serfs. This mantra has in fact been used to help fund all their plans for world government by extorting a myriad of taxes out of you, and one of the main taxes which has been used to fund their plans has been the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), which funds their Social Security Ponzi scheme, which, as a result, has actually become a Ponzi scheme within a Ponzi scheme. So how has our Social Security system become a Ponzi scheme within a Ponzi scheme? We’ll tell you how. Our reprobates and sociopaths in Congress have regularly, over many decades, overspent money to fund their pork projects and social welfare programs to win votes, and to grease the wheels of the Illuminist wars for profit which power the military-industrial complex. This has resulted in massive budgetary current account deficits. Adding to our woes are the trade deficits, which we have to fund by borrowing from foreign nations, thus increasing our national debt. These trade deficits have been caused by the gutting of our manufacturing sector through free trade, globalization, off-shoring, outsourcing, and both legal and illegal immigration. Illegal currency manipulations by exporting nations like China, Japan, Russia and EU nations have also contributed to the trade imbalance by giving these nations unfair trade advantages via debasement of their currencies, which makes their exports cheaper in our country, and which makes our exports more expensive in their countries. These nations also provide subsidies to their domestic industries, thus decreasing their cost of goods and increasing their bottom lines. All these currency manipulations and subsidies make a mockery out of the concept of free trade. We need fair trade, not free trade. [url="http://www.efoodsdirect.com/products.html"] And now we have trillions in bailout money being given to the so-called too-big-to-fail banks and transnational conglomerates to make sure that their executives keep getting their salaries, bonuses, dividends, stock options and golden parachutes while we get hyper-inflated into oblivion by throwing good money after bad. Now mind you, these are the same executives who, on orders from their Illuminist masters, have burned their once prosperous companies to the ground to screw non-insider shareholders and bondholders, to bust unions, to ship our good-paying jobs and our once huge manufacturing infrastructure overseas where they can take advantage of slave labor, to repudiate their obligations under pension plans, to cut off employee benefits, to hamstring our economy, to consolidate with and to eliminate their competition and to ultimately become nationalized by our government to form a fascist police state while we undergo hyper-stagflation, recession and then depression from the deleterious effects of all the bailout money being bandied about like booze at a wild party. What has happened to our once dynamic auto industry is a perfect example of this intentional waylaying of some of our major corporations in the manufacturing sector while the insolvency of our major investment banks, commercial banks and insurance companies are a perfect example of this procedure in the financial sector. The ultimate objective behind this intentional decimation of our leading companies and destruction of our economy is to bring us to our knees so we will accept a corporatist, fascist, feudal, Orwellian police state in lieu of our Constitutional republic. Due to all these deficits and psychotic overspending on moronic bailouts, in order to help plug the gaps, our morons and village idiots in Congress invade the Social Security reserves, handing back a worthless IOU that will never be repaid. So they are using current Social Security benefits to fund both current and past deficits in the general budget, thus creating a Ponzi scheme within a Ponzi scheme. They have promised you security in return for the tax contributions they have extorted from you to help fund your retirement and the retirements of others in the system, and have then turned around and spent your hard-earned money on their projects to implement world government, leaving the Social Security fund totally bankrupt. So not only are they robbing Peter to pay Paul, they are using the funds robbed from Peter to pay Judas as well. Now let’s examine why the Social Security Ponzi scheme is about to unravel. The first reason is the use of Social Security reserves to help fund the general budget, which by and large is used to fund the Illuminist scheme for world government. This money will never be repaid. Where could such gargantuan repayments possibly come from, the printing press? Well, if that’s the plan, get ready for a reenactment of the Weimar Republic, or if you prefer, put on your Mugabe costume and get ready to have a Zimbabwe experience you’ll never forget. This bankrupting of the system has been intentional. The old and poor are now at the mercy of the Illuminati, while the rest of us slave away to keep our heads above water and to keep the Social Security Ponzi system from collapsing and impoverishing our parents. The next reason is that the Social Security system is not just a pension system; it is an insurance and social welfare system, meaning that benefits are often payable to those who have contributed little or nothing to the system. This is a thinly disguised form of Communism. You are supposed to reap what you sow. They should have had segregated accounts, and let voluntary contributions to charitable organizations, churches and hospitals take care of the poor and the sick as was done in the past. Without taxes dragging us down, we could all take care of the poor quite well, thank you. Instead, we now have an ingrained welfare mentality in a large cross section of our population. Fraud and abuse is out of control. Another reason is the population control agenda, spearheaded by Planned Parenthood and people like Commie Comrade Obama. Thanks to their efforts, we now have a stagnant population that can no longer keep the Social Security Ponzi scheme going. Soon there will not be enough new participants to contribute sufficient funds to pay current entitlements of the soon-to-retire Baby-Boomers, much less to fund future entitlements as well. Also, as you might expect, Big Pharma and Big Medicine have gotten their digs in on the huge pot of extorted taxpayer money in the Social Security fund. Doctor, hospital and prescription drug programs are spiraling out of control as healthcare costs push into the ozone. The government is too loose with our money, unlike private insurers, who try to contain costs. Our government is too busy flooding Big Pharma and Big Medicine with tons of cash as payola for the big campaign contributions they make via their powerful lobbies. Many in our government have sat on the boards of Big Pharma companies. And of course, our allopathic system of medicine is not meant to heal people but to treat their symptoms, keeping them alive and very sick so they continue to make office visits and buy tons of drugs which often hurt more than they help, necessitating the need for ever more drugs to fight the side effects. People need to lose weight, get exercise and take supplements. That would solve at least half of all the outstanding medical problems in society today and reduce Social Security medical, hospital and prescription pay-outs by hundreds of billions each year. But of course we couldn’t have that. That would be too easy and make too much sense, and it would drain money away from these allopathic parasites. We already mentioned the fact that wages have stagnated, not even keeping up with official inflation, and that has put a crimp in the Ponzi scheme by preventing contributions from increasing at a rate faster than the rate at which benefit pay-outs are being increased by COLA adjustments. This is a huge problem. Last, but not least is the destruction of our economy. Unemployed people contribute little in the way of FICA taxes. And as more and more become unemployed, FICA contributions will diminish at frightening rates. You are about to see one out of every three Americans recently unemployed, unemployed long term and no longer looking for work, or only partly employed in part-time positions. And as businesses go under and their employees hit the unemployment lines, their matching contributions to FICA will diminish as well, giving the Social Security Ponzi fund a double whammy. Just imagine FICA tax contributions being cut by a third from where they are now. The government does not even have enough money to keep Social Security going for more than a few years as it is. What will happen when contributions are cut by a third? We shudder to think. Based on all the above, all we can say is don’t retire, and buy as much gold and silver as you can afford and lay your hands on after getting out of debt, buying freeze-dried food, purchasing a water filter and obtaining a weapon for self-defense. IS ANYONE AS OUTRAGED AS WE ARE ABOUT THIS SOCIAL SECURITY PONZI SCHEME?! Look at all the hubris about the Madoff scandal, and we have a Ponzi scheme greater by three orders of magnitude that is about to unravel while everyone goes ho-hum. It is nothing less than surreal. You have to love some of life’s coincidences. It certainly looks like Mr. Madoff had the perfect name, as he “made-off” with everyone’s money. You just can’t make this stuff up.
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