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  1. Dear Friends, I have wished to be considered a devotee of Lord Hari for some years, but I am also interested in tantra, laya yoga, mantra vijnana etc. In brief, is it considered offensive to study and practice various things, such as Shri Vidya, after one has taken shelter of the feet of the Lord through samashrayam, as long as the Lord is considered one's ultimate refurge for salvation? I look forward to your views. Please accept my respects.
  2. Devidasa


    Dear friends: I would very much like some recommendations and contact information for reputable Kali Temples in New York City. I am a devotee of Ma Kali and Lord Bhairava according to tantrik traditions and I am also familiar first-hand with Caribbean religious customs as they may relate to the Madrasi, Guyanese and Tamil traditions of worshipping Her and Her attendants. If someone can direct me, I will be grateful. I can be messaged here, or if you cannot or do not wish to PM me, my e-mail address is scorpio6rising@. Thank you! Devi das
  3. greetings friends - I am interested in what the most active temples are in NYC, and how to visit. please PM me, or e-mail: scorpio6rising@
  4. Can anyone tell me whether there is a form of Ma Kali that has a tiger as a vahana, and which form that is? Thank you.
  5. I have a very nice emerald Thai Buddha statue in the very regal style that shows clear Vishnu attributes like opulent crown, armlets, etc. Can puja of Vishnu be done with this statue given that Buddha is one of the 10 avatars?
  6. Namaskar to all. Can anyone give me any direction on how to e-mail the "Manollasa blogspot" gentleman? He has some of the most fascinating stuff available on the web on his blog, including extremely rare vaishnava tantrik pujas. I cannot however find contact info anywhere on his pages! Perhaps he doesn't want to be contacted?? If anyone can help, I appreciate it. Thank you.
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