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  1. Beautiful Ashram for Sale Location: A five minute walk from the Prachin Mayapur Janmasthan of Gauranga Mahaprabhu attached to the main road just on the Ganga's bank on the northen side of Navadvipa. This ashram has a two-story house and an attractive mandir on 3 bighas of property (ABOUT ONE ACRE). It has lush gardens and a beautiful view overlooking the Ganga. It has a concrete paved ghat on the river side, and a brick wall surrounds most of the property. The environment is ideal for devotional purposes. There is plenty of room on the land for expansion for new rooms or additional buildings. The price is only 25 lakh rupees. If non-Indian nationals wish to buy, there is a method whereby they can purchase the property. I'll attempt to attach a few photos of the ashram. Hope it works. Additional photos available. Contact: xiromantu { at ] sbcglobal [dot} net
  2. A beautiful home located near the road and the Mayapur ferry ghat is for sale. It is on a large plot (approximately one acre of land) with a three-story house, two guest cottages, and a small mandira in the garden. The whole place is surrounded by beautiful landscaping, attractive flower gardens, 22 full-grown coconut trees, plus mango and lichi fruit trees. Sale price: 60 lakhs rupees. Contact information. Email address: gadadhar_das000 at dot co dot in Telephone: +91-9332660732 (for example, from the U.S. you would dial 011-91-9332660732)
  3. A beautiful home located near the road and the Mayapur ferry ghat is for sale. It is on a large plot (approximately one acre of land) with a three-story house, two guest cottages, and a small mandira in the garden. The whole place is surrounded by beautiful landscaping, attractive flower gardens, 22 full-grown coconut trees, plus mango and lichi fruit trees. Contact information. Email address: gadadhar_das000 at dot co dot in Telephone: +91-9332660732 (for example, from the U.S. you would dial 011-91-9332660732)
  4. Sri Mayapura Ashram For Sale A beautiful ashram located near the road and the Mayapur ferry ghat is for sale. It is on a large plot (more than one acre of land) with several residential buildings plus a mandira. There are attractive flower gardens and many fruit trees on the property which makes it an ideal setting for a small bhakta community. Because the estate is large, and worth a good price, we request that only bhakta who can afford to offer a fair price inquire. For more information contact Gaurahari dasa. gadadhar_das000 [ at ] [ dot ] co [ dot ] in
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