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The word Allah, according to several Arabic lexicons, means "the Being Who comprises all the attributes of perfection", i.e. the Being Who is perfect in every way (in His knowledge, power etc.), and possesses the best and the noblest qualities imaginable in the highest degree. This meaning is supported by the Holy Quran when it says: "His are the best (or most beautiful) names." (17:110; 20:8; and 7:180) Contrary to popular belief, the word Allah is NOT a contraction of al-ilah (al meaning 'the', and ilah meaning 'god'). Had it been so, then the expression ya Allah ('O Allah!') would have been ungrammatical, because according to the Arabic language when you address someone by the vocative form ya followed by a title, the al ('the') must be dropped from the title. For example, you cannot say ya ar-rabb but must say ya rabb (for 'O Lord'). So if the word Allah was al-ilah ('the God'), we would not be able to say: ya Allah, which we do. Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon (which is based on classical Arabic dictionaries), says under the word Allah, while citing many linguistical authorities: "Allah ... is a proper name applied to the Being Who exists necessarily, by Himself, comprising all the attributes of perfection, a proper name denoting the true god ... the al being inseparable from it, not derived..." Allah is thus a proper name, not derived from anything, and the Al is inseparable from it. The word al-ilah (the god) is a different word. The word Allah is unique among the names of God in all the languages of mankind, in that it was never applied to any being other than God. The pre-Islamic Arabs used it to refer to the Supreme Being, and never applied it to any of the other things they worshipped. Other names of God used by mankind, such as "lord", "god", "khuda", etc. have all also been used for beings other than God. They have meanings which refer to some particular attribute of God, but "Allah" is the name which refers to the Being Himself as His personal name. The Holy Quran itself refers to the uniqueness of the name Allah when it says: "Do you know anyone who can be named along with Him?" (19:65) Arabic is the only language, and Islam is the only religion, that has given the personal name of God (as distinct from attributive names such as lord, god, the most high, etc.) There are clear prophecies in previous scriptures (the Bible, the Vedas etc.) about the man who will come and give the name of God, which in previous religions was regarded as a secret. David prophesied: "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" (Psalms 118:26). This is also repeated in the Gospels (Matt. 21:9, etc.), and was fulfilled by the Holy Prophet Muhammad whose first revelation was "Read in the name of thy Lord" (the Quran, 96:1). Zechariah prophesied: "And the Lord shall be king over all the earth, in that day there shall be one Lord, and his name one." (Zech. 14:9) All Muslims, anywhere on the earth, speaking totally different languages, recognise the name "Allah", thus fulfilling this prophecy, "his name one". (All Christians, to take an example, do not recognise a single name of God, and therefore do not fulfil this prophecy.) Isaiah prophesied: "And in that day shall you say, Praise the Lord, call upon His name." (Isaiah 12:4) So Muslims say repeatedly exactly this: al-hamdu li-llah, and call upon His name Allah. An objection answered. The following objection has been raised regarding the name Allah: Al -'The', lah - 'God'. It means the God. It was one of the gods worshipped by the Arabs. His female equivalent was Allat, al- 'the', Lat 'goddess'. Muhammed's followers did not like the concept of worshipping a female diety. Answer. "Allah" was NOT "one of the gods" of the pre-Islamic Arabs, but was recognised by them as the supreme, abstract God. There was no idol which they called "Allah". The Quran quotes the idol-worshippers as presenting the argument that: "We worship them (i.e. the idols) only so that they may bring us nearer to Allah." (39:3) Obviously then, "Allah" was not just one of the gods. It is also entirely wrong to say that Al-Lat was a feminine form of Allah. Besides Allah, the different tribes of the Arabs believed in their tribal gods. "Al-Lat" was the tribal god of the Thaqeef tribe who lived in the city of Taif (where there was a shrine with an idol of Lat). The Quraish worshipped Uzza as their tribal god, and similarly with other tribes. So it is simply incorrect to say that the Arabs regarded Lat as being a female equivalent of "Allah". "Allah" was, as said above, regarded by them as their supreme God. Lat, Manat etc. were believed in as tribal gods. Moreover, Lat, Manat and Uzza were believed by them to be daughters of Allah, as the Quran says: "Have you then considered Lat and Uzza, and the third, Manat? Are the males for you and for Him the females" (53:19-21). The Quran is here pointing out the contradiction in their beliefs, that they ascribed daughters to Allah, but preferred to have sons themselves! So Lat being believed as a daughter of Allah, could not possibly be regarded by them as the female equivalent of Allah. In Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon the words ilah (god) and Allah occur under the root A-L-H, but the word Al-lat is given under an entirely different root L-T. Therefore, "Al-lat" is not the feminine form of the word Allah (for in that case it would occur under the same root as for "Allah"), but is derived from a completely different root with a totally different meaning. The root from which al-lat comes means (among other things) "to moisten". Lane quotes several reports on how the idol came to be so called. It is named after a man called Al-Lat. Sometime before Islam, there was a man who used to give pilgrims a barley meal (known as saweek), moistened with either water or clarified butter. He thus became known as Al-lat. After he died, the rock where he was buried came to be worshipped and was known by his name. And thus there came to be the idol named Al-lat. *Yours in Krishna* ripleymido7@hotmail.com (email only)
Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (aba) The Review of Religions, October 1996 -- On 13 January 1996, on the occasion of the inauguration of a new Ahmadiyya centre in Leicester, UK, the Fourth Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association in Islam, Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, hosted a large session with guests representing various faiths. He gave enlightening answers to all the questions that were put to him. Presented below is an edited transcript of two questions raised at that session and the response to them by Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad. Transcribed by Amatul-Hadi Ahmad. -- Krishna - `I am the Beginning and the End' Questioner: My question is about Lord Krishna (as). We Hindus treat Lord Krishna (as) as the creator, the preserver and the destroyer of all beings. As he himself said, 'of all the creations, I am the beginning and the end and the middle. I am unborn and without beginning. Though I am the Lord of all sentient beings, I still appear every millennium in my original transcendental form.' My question is, how far does this religious philosophy conform with the philosophy of Islam? Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad: First of all, I beg to differ with you as far as the interpretation of these lines is concerned. I have been a student of comparative religion. I found that every religion, however idolatrous it may appear to us today, was fundamentally a monotheistic religion because if one does not accept this universal principle then arguments between religions will have no end whatsoever and each religion will be understood to have emanated from a different source, from a different God. Now, as against the understanding of the Vedas which you have presented to us, you should have remembered also that this is exactly what Jesus Christ (as) said, that I am the Alpha, I am the Omega, and this is not only said by Jesus Christ (as) but also in the Holy Qur'an there is mention of this truth that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (as) is the source and means of people reaching God and when you say Khatemun Nabiyyeen (i.e. the `seal of all the Prophets') then it can be understood as Omega. But in another `Hadith' (tradition of the Holy Prophet (saw)) he claims himself to be the very first, the Alpha and according to all the Muslim sects together, in view of some Qur'anic verses and declarations of the Holy Prophet (saw), he was the first to be born. Now, the question here is that there are some translations made by yourself or somebody else, which indicate that Krishna (as) claimed that he was never born, that he is eternal. I have read the Bhagawat Geeta myself with deep attention and I have discovered only evidence of the truth and unity of God, and Krishna (as) himself only claimed to be a Messenger, no more. For instance, his being called `murli dhar' (flute player). Apparently, the flute is singing the song or creating the music but there is breath behind it. Then he has more hands than ordinary people and he has a body, a well defined body, but instead of two hands he has four hands and he is also known to have possessed wings. Now, what do these symbols, or if they are not symbols, the literal facts indicate, that is the question! As you said, he gave us the glad tiding that every one thousand years `I will reappear in my original form'. Is this the original form of God? Is this the space of human stature, with four arms, he can be confined and then disappear somewhere and then begin to rule from there. This is a very, very limited understanding of the nature of God which he has created. How could Lord Krishna (as) say that? There has to be some misunderstanding of his message or misinterpretation of his words. Such misunderstandings do appear in every religion because of the specific religious terminology. Take, for instance, the use of the word `wings'. The Holy Qur'an also uses the word `wings' in relation to angels. But the Holy Qur'an makes it specifically clear that these are not the `wings' used to fly with, only that the `wings' are indicative of attributes. So, if there are `two arms', the attributes are half the number possessed by a person who has four arms. The angels grew in attributes and in this world, according to the Holy Qur'an, they have four wings. But in the hereafter they will have eight 'wings' and these are all metaphorical terms and figures, let's say. For instance, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) himself is told to lower his 'wing' of mercy over those who believe him. Then the people are told to lower their 'wings' over their parents. So these usages of the same word 'wing' elsewhere in the Qur'an makes it very clear to us that they are just terms which have been misunderstood and misapplied. In short, according to the Ahmadiyya belief, Hadhrat Krishna (as) was a holy Messenger of Allah. He used a language of symbols to convey to the world of that time some truths and if you read the Bhagawat Geeta in detail, it is not just an account of war between two factions. It is, in reality, a masterpiece of description of goodness pitched against evil, or evil pitched against goodness. A battle between darkness and light. Now, turn to Zoroastrianism, what Zoroaster says is again the same thing in different terms. He speaks of fire against darkness, and makes fire the symbol of truth which is God and darkness a symbol of falsehood which is the devil. One finds similar symbolic statements in the Bible and in the Holy Qur'an, but there they do not mean that evil had a separate entity in itself and emanated from a God who was independent of the God of goodness. So, these are symbolic terms and the use of similar terminology is found in every religion. It is our duty not to be confused by them but to come to a reasonable, sensible understanding whereby we could reconcile the world religions as have emanated from the same single source that is God. I hope this will be sufficient as I don't think it will be very profitable to go much further into a debate on this issue. Jesus - 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Light' Questioner: I am engaged in private Catholic Evengalisation. As Jesus (as) was dying on the cross he said, 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do'. My question is, Jesus (as) said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the light - nobody can come to the Father except through me'. Any comment, please? Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad: I have already answered this question in answer to the question raised here by our Hindu friend when he spoke of Krishna (as) having made the same claim, long before Jesus (as) mind you, I have read the fundamental books of all major religions and I find reference to exactly the same thing in so many statements of either the prophets or the divine scriptures. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) has made exactly the same claim. So, you must remember that it is a time related claim. It has to be made by every Prophet because if a Prophet says, 'I am not the way', then he is denying himself. He is rejecting the necessity of the people to find God through him. Hence, in Islamic terminology, in the Holy Qur'an, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) is mentioned as Waseela, the 'doorway' to God. I have read that so many times. I love reading the Bible as well but because I have studied other religions (and read their books) I can immediately find similarities between the style of expression. But this only means that in relation to God, a Prophet becomes himself an eternal truth because if he speaks the language of God and God alone then he also becomes eternal, not in person, not in relation to his human form, but in relation to his views and ideas and ideology. So, if a person belongs to an eternal God, he must have some features of that eternal God or aspects of his character transferred to himself, otherwise the claim of such a person that he is in communion with God, or that he belongs to him, would be falsified if he cannot show any signs. So these are the fundamental signs which are shown by all the major Prophets of the world that they have become identified with an eternal Super Being and in them you find the 'Alpha' and the 'Omega' and the 'door'. I hope this will be sufficient for you to understand our viewpoint on this issue. by Ahmadiyya Muslim Community 1995-2001. All rights reserved. 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring MD 20905 If you have questions, comments or suggestions, email at info@alislam.org or call 1-800-WHY ISLAM between 8AM and 5PM USA Yours in Krishna
Let's all wait up for the Day of Resurrection and Judgement. Then we will see who was and is the Righteous One..... To Lord Allah be the Glory.....the One God. Your Friend In Krsna
No Religion But Islam.....that what God says....and he also says....No Compulsion upon Religion.... What is the right religion except the one that revealed to the human kind One God....Allah....the Past..and the Future..God Allah is the Creator of Everything....He descended the Holy Quran and reaveled what happened in the past and what was deviated and deflected from religions... Islam is the Religion of Our father Adam....and God said that's the Religion that I descended unto thou,Adam. and it continued uptil Muhammed-Peace be upon Him- Islam is the Religion of the Sub-religions. the Religion of Adam,Noah,Abraham,Moses,jesus,and Muhammed...and all the messengers and the prophets of Allah including Krishna. Each one has His own Book and teachings and they all say..No God But Allah... And for that Dhyana or sub-religion which means a section of Islam.....was nominated..and each prophet Hast His Sub-religion which is under the Authority of Islam The Religion. But when the sub-religions of Jesus and Moses....and Whose Prescribed sub-religion were deluded and bewildered and deviated....they automatically vanished from the Divisions or Dhyanas of islam.....and became individual religions.. and as said No religion but Islam. Islam is the Religion or Deen....and the sub-religions of Islam are called Dhyanan. Now there are religionS.....and the word religion or deen cannot be plural becuz there is only One....and as alwayes was. those claimed religions including Hinduism...were actually sub-religions correlated to the Big religion Islam.... Islam is like The Father of those Sons(Dhyanas)....but as soon as those sons were non-devotees....they ran away...and made their own way......exactly that what happened. I S L A M is the Deen of the Dhyanas...and each dhyana is a division of Islam....Deen is One.....and God is One....and Dhyanas are simulated to Islam....and all books of dyhanas have One Title (No God But Allah)and all books are similar and the same-blood becuz they are To Islam and By Islam. Now.....nothing is obvious.....and bulshit is increasing day after day.... and No one will alter to his true Congenital,Natural born Religion.....Islam..... Too bad! And I hope it is not too late for You! Your Friend in Krishna muhammedmagdi@hotmail.com
Krishna Is thy Divine Messagner of God
77_Krishna replied to 77_Krishna's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Your Friend in Krishna muhammedmagdi@hotmail.com [MSN and Email] -
Krishna Is thy Divine Messagner of God
77_Krishna replied to 77_Krishna's topic in The Hinduism Forum
Your Friend in Krishna muhammedmagdi@hotmail.com [MSN and Email] -
That is the Power of the qu'uran ,my friend. It hast simple words with flowin and fluxin Meanings... One Verse or part of verse you see....is divided into and frgmented unto many particles......each particl or atom has a glorious meaning.....try it by Using Your Spiritual Power that God put unto Thou... Each Singel Word in the Qu'uran especially in Arabic...becuz It was descended in pure arabic...is very Inspiring....and for one second.....you see that the River of one Particle of this One Word...is flowin unto thou.. Cheers! Your Friend in the Glorious Messenger Krishna
So...... You admit that there are gods and godesses....how shameful! There is No God but the Lord... the Lord is Allah... All is created but Him....not created... He is the Creator of everything. And becuz there is no God and no diety worthy of Worship but Him the One Lord.... So your question is groundless,mister! Pls......Read the Quran....and do yerself a favour! Krishna Lover
the Best way to stop the sexual urge.....is to hear the Divine Verses of God the Supreme Lord......and to recite it well and chant it clearly.... Or.. Mantra Power is required in that case.... as well as.... Seeing oneself above all that filthy stuff....actually Pride is good for that problem... Pride is thy Divine way to intercept the Sexuality... And God knows best.... Your Friend in Krishna
Krishna Krishna is One of the Divine Souls of thy Lord God Allah.. He is just like Gabrial,Mekhail,Israfeel....etc. Krishna is the Master of the Mystic Power.....from here came the Mysticism and Sufi-Healing... But krishna cannot be considered a God beside thy One God..Allah.... Krishna is a Corporal Soul and A Messanger of God Allah... But unfortuantely Everything was deviated as well...like that happened to Christianity,Judaism,Buddhism...... Everything and the One Truth springs out of the Quran.... All was deflected from its Righteous Path and deviated from its Proper Invitation......to Say that Allah is Unique and One. But the Quran....the one book that was not touched by any human finger....that was the status of all God's Book...including Bhagavan-Gita.....but unfortuantely all was deluded and was misled as well as gone astray.....but God said that that was n't goin to happen to the Holy Qu'uran.... Your Friend in Krishna -Peace Be Upon Him-
Krishna Krishna is One of the Divine Souls of thy Lord God Allah.. He is just like Gabrial,Mekhail,Israfeel....etc. Krishna is the Master of the Mystic Power.....from here came the Mysticism and Sufi-Healing... But krishna cannot be considered a God beside thy One God..Allah.... Krishna is a Corporal Soul and A Messanger of God Allah... But unfortuantely Everything was deviated as well...like that happened to Christianity,Judaism,Buddhism...... Everything and the One Truth springs out of the Quran.... All was deflected from its Righteous Path and deviated from its Proper Invitation......to Say that Allah is Unique and One. But the Quran....the one book that was not touched by any human finger....that was the status of all God's Book...including Bhagavan-Gita.....but unfortuantely all was deluded and was misled as well as gone astray.....but God said that that was n't goin to happen to the Holy Qu'uran.... Your Friend in Krishna -Peace Be Upon Him-