What is the smashing about? How old are you?
Anyway, here is a hopefully clearer translation:
iti ShoDaSakalAvRtasya jIvasyAvaraNavinASanam |
tatah prakASate param brahma meghApAye raviraSmimanDalIveti |
Tr: "(This mantra) destroys the sixteen kalas of the jiva, beginning
with the prana, which constitute the veil of ignorance. Then the
Supreme Brahman shines forth, just as the solar disc shines forth
brilliantly when the clouds vanish."
Ok, I didn´t read it the way you did though. Sense of individuality in the other translation I read as false ego. Which is quite different!
However, merging with God is also a possibility as per the Vedas. So don´t criticize it.