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शुक्र शनि और राहु का स्थापन अगर मीन राशि का होकर ग्यारहवें भाव में हो जाता है,मंगल वृश्चिक का होकर सप्तम में विराजमान हो जाता है,तो यह योग वास्तव में अनिष्टदायक माना जा सकता है ? सप्तम का कारक मंगल अगर वृश्चिक का है,तो लगन वृष होना स्वाभाविक है। राहु अगर शनि और शुक्र के साथ है तो जातक का वैवाहिक जीवन असफ़ल ही माना जा सकता है। गुरु (वक्री) केतु के साथ पंचम में है,तो बजाय आध्यात्मिक होने के भौतिक ही माना जा सकता है। जन्म तारीख 13 Feb.1969 Time- 13:30 Birth Place- Mumbai (India)
पानी के अन्दर गन्धक का अम्ल मिलाकर एक बीकर में भर लेते है,बीकर के दोनो किनारों पर एक तांबे की और दूसरी जस्ते की प्लेट लगा देते है,दोनो प्लेटों के अन्दर एक छ: वोल्ट की बैटरी से करेंट पास करते है,इस क्रिया के द्वारा हाईड्रोजन गैस आक्सीजन से हलकी होने के कारण पानी से ऊपर उठने लगती है,उसे किसी दूसरे सिलेंडर या जार में इकट्ठी कर लेते है,इस गैस को हाई वोल्टेज के देते ही यह विस्फ़ोट करती है,उस विस्फ़ोट की शक्ति को ताकत में प्रयोग करने के साधान बना लिये जाते है,इसी तरीके से जापान ने कारों को चलाने का तरीका बनाया है.
सभी सज्जनो को पता होगा कि प्रत्येक ग्रह अपने से तीसरे पांचवे भाव को देखता है,गुरु राहु केतु पूरी तरह से देखते है,लेकिन बाकी के अपनी साधारण द्रिष्टि से देखते है,किसी भी ग्रह की मनुष्य की तरह से सामने वाले ग्रह पर निगाह जाती है,इस प्रकार से वैदिक ज्योतिष से सप्तम ग्रह और भाव को ग्रह जरूर देखता है,महाभारत की कथा सभी सज्जनों को पता होगी,कि जब अर्जुन और दुर्योधन दोनो ही भगवान श्रीकृष्ण के पास सहायता मांगने के लिये गये थे,अर्जुन देर से पहुंचे थे सो पैरों के पास बैठ गये थे,दुर्योधन पहले पहुंच गया था,सो सिर के पास बैठा था,भगवान श्रीकृष्ण जब जगे तो सबसे पहले उन्होने अर्जुन को देखा था,उन्होने अर्जुन को देखकर उनका हाल चाल पूंछा,उसी समय दुर्योधन ने उनको टोका कि वह पहले आया है,अत: उससे ही पहले बात करें,लेकिन योगेश्वर ने जबाब दिया था,कि जगने के बाद सबसे पहले जो सामने पैरों की तरफ़ होता है,वही दिखाई देता है,सामने के बाद जगने पर दाहिने और बायें निगाह जाती है,दाहिने बलरामजी और बायें धर्म खडा था,अर्जुन के दाहिने धर्म था,और बायें बलदाऊ जी थे,बायां हिस्सा सभी का कमजोर होता है,बलदाऊजी भी उनकी बात को नही काट पाये थे,जब हम किसी की कुन्डली को देखते है,तो सबसे पहले किसी भी भाव को पढते वक्त पहले सातवें भाव को देखते है,फ़िर सहायता के लिये दाहिने और बायें देखते है,यही निगाह त्रिकोणात्मक कहलाती है,और पंचम तथा नवम हमेशा साथी भाव कहे गये है,अधिक हिन्दी में पढने के लिये आप http://astrobhadauria.wikidot.com जरूर देखिये.
Question about a book -- if you have read it
astrobhadauria replied to a topic in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)
150th part of one sign,30 degrees divided by 150,and there are 00-00-12 part of one sign indicate "Chandrakala Nadi".Each Nadi has own effects in the life,and also managing living life,Example if one born in the Vasudha Nadi period,it is first Nadi of Mekh,Kark,Tula and Makar,gives results like a lady emporer,one brother and self two sisters,mother and brother also maintain the properties of people,and properties covers after battles by people,the lord of this nadi is Mars in Mekh,Moon in kark,Venus in Tula and Saturn in Makar,combined effects posible in all four signs,like in Mekh Mars>Moon>Venus>Saturn=Yodha>People>Physical Wealth>Properties.name count from first like A by Mars,H by Moon,R by Venus,and J by Saturn,the full name we can say like Ahiraj,Athiraj,etc.and If one born in the first nadi of Kark sign then we can make this formula like Moon>Venus>Saturn>Mars,People>Physical wealth>Properties>Battle.and name start from the name like H by Moon,R by Venus,J by Saturn and A by Mars.name by Hindu religions like Hariram,harajee,etc. -
Varnashrama Dharma, A Morning Walk Conversation
astrobhadauria replied to a topic in Spiritual Discussions
A story I heared in childhood,Naradji thinked in his mind that he was the supper bhakta of vishnuji,and went to vishnuji then asked to him,Who is the supper Bhakta in this Brhmand?,Vishnuji thinked in his mind and replied for his answer that a farmer living in Mrtuloka,he is the supper Bhakta of Vishnu,Naradji went to in the home of farmaer and start to feel how that farmer is supper from him.The daily life of that farmer was very busy,before sun rise he wake up and chant three time 'narayan,narayan,narayan,and start his daily work,and when he goes to sleep then three time he chant 'narayan,narayan,narayan,naradji went to Vishnuji and start to say,I am chanting your name full day and full night,and that farmer chant only for the six time perday,then how posible that farmer is great then naradji.Vishnuji,said to him,one day he will make answer how that farmer is more great then naradji. After long time one day naradji,vishnuji,laxmiji,and other gods and goddess siting for the making sense of brahmand,a god came to vishnuji and hinted to all devoties that Dasha of shai is coming on vishnuji,if some body make the pradakchhina with a pot of oil,then something is good with vishnuji,naradji seen in the eyes of vishnuji and start the prakchhina with the pot of oil of vishnuji,after making prdakchhina naradji give that oil to bhaddari,and start to next topic of the world,in the topic,vishnuji asked to naradji,when was busy in the prdakchhina,which time he chant the name of narayana,naradji answered to vishnuji,if he chant narayana that time,the oil start to fall in the earth,vishnuji replied the answer of naradji,that farmer every day felling with the narayana after doing all the works and maintaining the full family like the pot of oil,and after that he is chanting continuesly narayana,narayana,narayana,everyday.Then who is the supper bhkta of Vishnuji? -
Dear I read your artical and find there are all true as you write.Mahatatva,and Mahabhuta,all related to body,everyone feel that living posible by the body,body in save by the Panchbhuta,(five elements)if one element out of body then future of body not safe.Every animal has safty things like Horns,Nails,Voice,and fight up to the Jeevan and strenth of that not finished.Human have only the safty through mind,Panch Mahabhutas give intimations of presenting anything of this living world byEars,Nose,Eyes,Mouth,and mind.Mind has conectivity in full through all above,but the head of the body,is mind,and mind feel illness then body is also giving results like illness,and if mind feel happy,then body give expressions that happy.Body genrated by mother,body saved by mother,first education presented by mother,if body not genrated by mother,then how can we see the Brhama,Vishnu,Mahesha,and others?Then who is the great in world or who is the supper in life?
(1) Intelligence (2) flower (3) good perfume (4) going to a fortress (5) disease (6) Brahmin (7) idleness (8) Phlegmatic humor (9) epilepsy (10) enlargement of the spleen (11) mental disposition (12) heart (13) woman (14) virtue or vice (15) sourness (16) sleep (17) happiness (18) anything like water (19) silver (20) thick sugarcane (21) typhoid (22) travel (23) well (24) tank (25) mother (26) impartiality (27) mid-day (28) pearls (29) consumption (30) whiteness (31) waistband (32) bell-metal (33) salt (34) short stature (35) mind (36) ability (37) pond (38) diamond (39) winter season (40) white color (43) belly (44) worshipping Goddess Gauri (45) honey (46) joking (47) nourishment (48) wheat (49) pleasure (50) splendor (51) face (52) sharp in thought (53) love of curd (54) mendicant (55) fame (56) learned (6) beauty (57) strength at night (58) facing westward (59) learned (60) saline (61) getting a job (62) love for west (63) the middle world (64) nine gems (65) middle age (66) life (67) eating (68) going to far off countries (69) ailment of the shoulders (70) Umbrella or any other royal insignia (71) good fruits (72) blood purity and vitality (73) fish and other water creatures (74) serpent (75) silk garments (76) good budding (77) brilliant things (78) clean crystal and (79) soft and velvety clothes all these belong to the Moon. [Jataka Parijata] Significations: the mind, royal,a youth with a white body, benefic if waxing or with benefics, a person of 70 years, the color white, gems, a pure spotless pearl, North-West, a shore or river-bund, saltish. The Moon has phlegm and wind in his composition, and is given to rambling. His speech is soft, and he is discriminating. He has fine eyes, his limbs are firm and exceedingly lovely. He is always sensible, with a figure slim, but round. It is the Moon that determines the character of one's heart, understanding, royal favor, mother and affluence. The Moon, when malefic, causes trouble by means of diseases generally brought on by venereal indulgence, such as pallor, catarrh, jaundice and inflammation of the nose, and also with the aid of numerous female goblins and demonesse. The Moon has strength in Cancer, Taurus, his week day, his Drekkana, his Hora, his Navamsa, the end of a sign, when aspected by benefic planets, at night, in the 4th house, in his passage to the south of the Equator. The Moon with all the digits complete is strong in all positions except the Riksha Sandhis (i.e. the last quarters of Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revati). The same with aspect by all the planets bring to men a royal destiny. The Moon is the Karaka(significator) of the 4th house. The Moon's friends are the Sun and Mercury. Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Saturn, are neutral.
Jagat kee hansaai kari Prabhu,hame to nachaay diyo, Gavay diyo Gaun mai,Rubaay diyo seja pye, Khwaai diyo naam ko bhoj,Pivaay diyo rashan ko naam, Hare Krishan kavhai diyo,jahee to mariyaadaa hai./ Baansuri kee taan suni,Sakhiyan ko gaan suni, Gauan ke gaam mai,Bachharan kee Rambhaani suni, Gopi Gwal hansat jaat,Prabhu ki Muskaan dekhi, Radha dulaari pyaari nand gaun kab aavegee.//
Em Hreem Kleem hamundaye Vichhay,Aum Glom Hum Kleem Joom Saha,Jwaalya Jwaalay,Jwal Jwal Prajwal Prajwal,Em Hreem kleem Chamndaye Vichchaye Jwal Ham Sam Lam Chham Fata Swaha.
If you have Tulsi mala then there are heavy protections about telling lie.and if you want to take tulsi mala then leave all type grhathi. The opposite of Neem is Money,in hindi,and neem is always usfull for the totel illness of body.If you have feaver,like tizaari etc.then both Tulsis and Neem eat with black pepar (kali Mirch).
In the Jyotish-Lalkitab,the meaning of Dog is Ketu,and there are three type dogs everyone have,like "Sasural mai Janwaai Kutta,Bahin ke Ghar bhai Kutta,Mama ke ghar Bhanja Kutta." then how Dog is Sudra.other name is "Darvesh".Ketu is Ganeshji,Rahu is Sarswati,Venus is Laxmi,all three deities are head in Deepawali Pooja.Ketu is Sadhan,Rahu is Viddhya,Venus is metrial wealth.
First Guru my mother,she genrate my body, Second Guru my father,always with me, Third Guru is my teacher,who teach me talk, Fourth Guru is my mind,that allowed my walk. Place of first Guru in my heart, Second Guru always with my name, Third Guru in School,busy in teach, Fourth Guru in my head,like a RAM. Save of body like a Car, Mind is stairing,Education is drive. Four Vedas are wheels,Purana s are parts, Gita is driver,Soul is live. World is market,parents are seller, Cost of body,maintain by retailers, For type Values in the Market, How many cost,words declairs. Cost of religion,free in this world. Cost of money,very heavy in world. Cost of genration,out of market. Cost of peace,everyone finding.
Dear, The meaning of "Bhagawad Geeta" is:- Bhag=Bhagwan Krishan Wada=kahaa. Ga=Gaakar. Itee=Anta Aa=Vapas Aanaa. "Bhagwaan Shri Krishan ne Gaa kar kahaa ki yeh Sansaar main anta hone ke waad hee aanaa hotaa hai." "Mana Maaro Tana Bas Karo,Saadho sakal Shareer/Fikir Faari Kafanee Karo Taako naam Fakeer//" "Beej ko nayaa paidaa karane ke liye pahale jameen mai jindaa dafan honaa padataa hai." Maanav ko Bhagwaan ko prapt karane ke liye pahale aath prakaar kee mauto se maranaa padataa hai, Raam na sakahi naam guna gaai// "Kras=Kamjor. "Na=Nahee. Kamjor nahee.
Should Christians be friends with Hindus/Hare Krishnas/etc.?
astrobhadauria replied to a topic in Spiritual Discussions
paramadarniya Guruvar, Everyone is Vaishnav if he feels the pain of others,there are all the human of this earth,and there are only "Bhawana" is most powerfull,"Jaakee Rahee Bhawanaa jaisee/Prabhu Moorati tin dekhee taisee//"if anyone have good bhavana and having kindness in heart that is human,in Sanskriti-yesham na vidhya na tapo na daanam,Gyaanam na sheelam na guno na dharma,te mrityu loke bhuvi bhaar bhootaa,manushya roopen mrags charanit,there are no fame,no education,no meditations,no donations to poors,no knowledge,no respects to elders,no habits to make good works,no religion in mind,those persons are heavy weight on this earth,like a bhoot(Ghost) they are like a deer and eating grass. "kaddu kaati mridang banaayo,neeboo kaati manjeeraa,paanch turayaan magal gaave naachee baalam kheeraa". When some body in the true bhakti of Shri hari,then he can arrenge all instruments of Keertana,like a vegitable seller,he completed the Mridang after cut the pumpkin,and Manjeeraa instrument by the Lemons,it is the way of true Bhakti,not required who is big or who is small,everyone have breaths in counting,and not make damage by saying more and more,make some bhakti. -
Varnashrama Dharma, A Morning Walk Conversation
astrobhadauria replied to a topic in Spiritual Discussions
Paramadarniya Guruvar, One time Naradji,feel,that he is a great bhakta of Shri hari,and went to near charnapadukam of Shri Hari,Antaryami Shri Hari,sense the mind trouble of Naradji,and asked him about his feelings,naradji,described the Antar kathaa to Shri Hari,That he is great Bhakta of Shri hari.Shri Hari send him to a village and descibes him that a farmer is great then Shri Naradji,naradji went to the village of that farmar and see there,When Sun arise that farmar leave his coat and speak three time-naarayan,naarayan,naaraayan,after three time speaking he start the daily works,and when went to sleep he chand three time naaraayan,naaraayan,naaraayan.Naradji stay there for one month,and calculate totel chanting of "Naaraayan",came back to shri Hari,when naradji,asked to shree haree,that he chant everyday,that farmer chant in one month,then how that farmar is great then Naradji,Shri said to naradji,leave this artical,and do a work for him,one Jyotishi said him that saadhesaatee is starting on him,and donate oil after fill in a bowl,Shri Hari Filled full that bowl and said to naradji,that he make parikrama,of shri hari with that bowl,and mind no oil fall on earth single drop,naradji started parikrama,and after making parikrama,naradji answered to shri Hari,that not single drop falled on earth,Shri Hari asked to naradji,when you was in parikrama,how many time you chant the name of "naaraayan",naradji replid to shri hari,if they speak naaraayan that time then more posible to fall the oil on the earth,Shri Hari made Upadesh to Naradji,That farmar is a Grhastha and after making works of Grahastha he speak six times daily naaraayan,then think who is great bhakta? naradji made silence and went to his sansaar vichran.The Grhastha dharam is great then other dharma,The first Prahar is the time of Sudra,in morning,when every person works complete related to toilets and bathrooms,Then every person is Brahmins,when he make worship,and after worship and completing the break fast,everyone start works for gains,that time everyone is Vaisya,after coming to house,make security for children and family everyone is Khashitrya,then where is other caste in world?