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  1. yes i think so. Still we respect Buddha.
  2. i don't think so... as Buddha came for a specific goal as mentionned, we don't follow Him because he preached against the Vedas to make people stop animal slaughter... But of course, we honor Him and offer pranams
  3. Hey bro ! i'm 29 and we got married with my girlfriend too. don't worry, marriage has nothing to do with the regulative principles. i'm a initiated devotee but my girlfriend is protestant, she eats meat and smoke or drink sometimes.... i don't know if they'll agree to marry you but at least you'll find someone i think.
  4. yes but if rules becomes an impediment as it is the case here better save them for later. following rules for the sake of following rules is not good.
  5. Hey i just got a small harmonium. i got some of the songs on "gauranga.org" and as i'm a really novice musician and let's say it, i've never really had some talent at it, i'd like to know if some of you know very simple songs, in the same style of Jaya Radha Madhava or Nrsimha prayers, where you press 2 or 3 keys at the same time and change form time to time: example: DMR then PGS... you know what i mean, very simple but beautiful songs in the same style. i really enjoy playing the 2 songs above but the others in the book downloadable from gauranga.org are too complicated for me. Any help welcome !! Sunanda
  6. yes you can do that. but the main thing is acting in a detached way. you can use your money to maintain your life, family but alwasy remember everything belongs to God and that you're not the enjoyer. you keep your love for God secretely growing in your heart and act externally as a normal person... like the gopis. There's a beautilful book talking about it, maybe you should have a look... it's downloadable it's called Venu-gita By BV Narayana Maharaja : http://www.purebhakti.com/library/index.shtml
  7. i would add, some advice is good here. i must say i'm married, diksa intiated and still have lot of lust. I add some big masturbation habit some years ago, and it went away... i'm careful because you can always fall down and sometimes it happens. So alkaline food mostly, no erotic material like magazines and website, and yes, be careful if you stay in bed late... it's the time you are more vulnerable. Anyway, keep on chanting and try not to worry so much if you fall down, tomorrow is another day and you can practice and turn to God. i understand it is very difficult if you are single, and i know i would probably still have this habit if i was single also. So find a serious relationship, and everything will be better. one wife, regulation and after 50-60, give it up ! there's a good book called the 4 principles of freedom by Satyaraj (steven rosen) which talk elaborately about this issue.
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