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Ananta Sesa

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  1. Really nice quote! Do you happen to know in which of the Upanishads?
  2. Atheists say that God, to exist, must be unlimitedly complex, since He must be more complex than the universe itself...is that argument true?
  3. There were not even any "Big Bang"...it´s just a fantasy-theory of the "scientists"...
  4. What does Vedas say? If the Earth was created before the Sun (which btw both the Bible and Koran says), it basically proves that it´s the Sun which revolves around the Earth, and not the other way around, as we are "taught" in the "schools"! Any reference?
  5. So then Prabhupada was wrong when he wrote in the Gita that the light of the stars is the reflection of the Sun?
  6. The jiva is not eternal, conscious and blissful, in a spiritual body?
  7. But isn´t the jivatma also consisting of sat-cit-ananda vigraha?
  8. Lord Krishna is the source of all the energies; Antaranga, Tatastha and Bahiranga Sakti, but what about Himself; i.e. His form, His body? Is He Himself made of the same energy as Antaranga Sakti?
  9. . If the memories are stored in the subtle intelligence, how come then that the memories can be impoved by taking chemical substances, ie. medicines, against Alzheimer´s disease? Isn´t that a proof that memories also are stored in the network of the neurones?
  10. Thank You! The mind do not exist within the body? But the soul exists within the body? By the heart-chakra, or? The mind do not die even when one goes back to the spiritual world?
  11. . If mind - what´s the function of brain, regarding thoughts? If brain - what´s the function of mind, regarding thoughts? Thoughts are generated by the soul, but then...?
  12. . Btw, anybody who knows the REASON why all the planets (maybe with the exception of the Earth) and stars are spinning around their axis?
  13. But here is scientific proof, from the new book "Galileo was Wrong", that we in fact live in a geocentric world: http://www.geocentrism.com/possible.htm http://www.geocentrism.com/assumptions.htm http://www.geocentrism.com/observations.htm http://catholicintl.com/products/books/gwwprint.htm http://reformation.org/stationary-earth.html VIDEO: "Mysteries of the sacred Universe": (48 min) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-538297875584368796 Heliocentrism is in fact only built on assumptions: http://www.fixedearth.com/Assumptions.htm Scientific reviews of the book "Galileo was Wrong": "There exists no better exposition of the history and science of geocentrism. Very highly recommended and a must for all those interested in the issues surrounding geocentrism today" - Gerardus Bouw, Ph.D., Astronomy "In their over 700-page book, Drs. Sungenis and Bennett make a convincing case for the special and central position of the earth in the cosmos" - Vincent Schmithorst, Ph.D., Physics "Galileo Was Wrong is a work of monumental proportion which ranks, in my opinion, on a par with the meticulous observations of the Danish astronomer, Tycho Brahe, and the tireless efforts of Walter van der Kamp" - Neville Jones, Ph.D., Physics "In their new book, Sungenis and Bennett take no prisoners...Now that the Enlightenment is over, it was inevitable that the system upon which it was based should come in for the powerful critique which Sungenis and Bennett provide. Not inevitable, however, was the brilliant way they provide it" - E. Michael Jones, Ph.D., ed. Culture Wars "Sungenis and Bennett examine the anomalies that arise from the Copernican model...A must read for those who can set aside prejudices and a priori assumptions" - Joseph Strada, Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering "The book Galileo Was Wrong forcefully addresses the history, science, theological, philosophical, and worldview implications of our place in the universe" - Russell T. Arndts, Ph.D., Chemistry, LSU "It is with pleasure that I remand this volume into the hands of the reader" - Martin Selbrede, Chief Scientist, Unipixel "Robert Sungenis and Robert Bennett have done a great service to science and to men of good will. Those who see the universe as the handiwork of the benevolent God need no longer be subservient to fairy tales" - Anonymous, Ph.D., MIT "Galileo Was Wrong is a model for the kind of scholarship we need today -- intellectual understanding not as an end in itself, but as a commitment to reality, infused with moral passion, love for the earth, common sense and philosophical sensitivity" - Caryl Johnston, M. Ed., Jefferson Medical College
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