l the forms of God and Goddesses known as almighty powers are naturally self-submitted to Radha Krishn. Almighty forms of God have Their Blissful form of Divine regality which a Saint experiences in Vaikunth. It is somewhat like a king to his subject’s relationship and preferences. The loving form of Radha Krishn is the ocean of unlimited Divine Bliss. It reveals such a ‘love’ that is beyond imagination. It is so marvelous that even Goddess Maha Lakchmi cannot describe it. That makes it exceptionally special and great. Just think, if the sandalwood tree bears a flower, how deep and exciting would be its fragrance? This is the excellence of Radha Krishn love as compared to the Blissfulness of Vaikunth.
The Upnishads say that ahladini power is the supreme power of God Krishn that holds all the powers within itself. He is called poorntam purushottam brahm, the supreme personality of God. Thus, all the forms of God reside within Krishn, whereas all the forms are absolute and are Divinely one. Also, all the forms are the various forms of Krishn Himself representing Their respective Divine powers with varying Blissful elegance. Thus, there is an absolute oneness with definite Blissful differences in all the forms of God. This simultaneous non-differential difference is the natural feature of God Krishn which is established by the yogmaya, Radha, Who is the essence and life force of ahladini power.
The concentrated essence of ahladini power is called the ‘Divine love power’, like the concentrated perfume of rose flowers in an essence form. This is the power that manifests the loving leelas of Krishn. The absolute essence of the Divine love, and absolute culminated state of all the exciting, loving and thrilling aspects of the Divine love power is Mahabhao. That Mahabhao is Shree Raseshwari Radha Rani, the supreme Queen of Divine Vrindaban. Her eight personal aides, Lalita etc., are the expansion of Her own personality.
So, Radha Krishn are the absolute supreme brahm in two forms. Shree Raseshwari Radha Rani is the supreme para shakti. The Puranas describe the superiority of Radha upon leela purushottam Krishn by saying that Radha is the ‘soul’ and ‘life breath’ of Krishn and thus She is the origin of Krishn’s all-greatness. However, Radha and Krishn are one; whatever is Radha, the same is Krishn.
The Divine beauty of Radha and Krishn is beyond imagination. Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj has revealed thousands of chantings and pads that describe the Gracious beauty of Their Divine form. The following are English translations of two of Shree Maharajji’s Divine chantings explaining the exceeding beauty of Radha, and Krishn’s supreme form and exquisite decorations.