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As long as all parties are Krsna Conscious, then forgiveness and acceptence is the result. Problem is, ISKCON today are very immature and have no idea how to deal with present problems except to ignore them and hope they go and fade away like a bad smell as one idiot sannyasi once said And the Gaudiya math camps are worse, they have no idea how to hate the sin and not the sinner because of their karmi polluted watered down version of Krsna Consciousness.
Spiritual Compassion <HR align=center width="100%" SIZE=1> By Hridayananda Das Goswami | Published 06/12/2005 Category: Articles on Hinduism Hridayananda Das Goswami -"I am writing to comment on the recent terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, which you must have heard of by now. I am aware that some devotees take a casual or dismissive attitude toward these events, declaring that "It's just a fight among the karmis." Or, "People are just suffering their karma." etc. If this is the full extent of our response to these events, I think that we are somehow deficient as devotees. My logic is as follows: Lord Krishna states in the Bhagavad-gita 6.32, that a devotee should possess universal empathy. A literal translation of this verse would read: "O Arjuna, I consider the supreme yogi to be one who, by comparison to the self, sees everywhere the same, whether happiness or distress." This verse, among other meanings, recommends a kind of universal empathy. In his own translation of this verse, Srila Prabhupada stresses this universal empathy: "He is a perfect yogi who, by comparison to his own self, sees the true equality of all beings, in both their happiness and their distress, O Arjuna!" In his purport, Srila Prabhupada continues to stress the point of empathy: "One who is Krishna conscious is a perfect yogi; he is aware of everyone's happiness and distress by dint of his own personal experience. In other words, a devotee of the Lord always looks to the welfare of all living entities, and in this way he is factually the friend of everyone." This is how we can apply such empathy in the case of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington: First, we can imagine what it would have felt like for us to have been on one of the four planes that were hijacked and destroyed, or in one of the three attacked buildings. There is ample information available so that we can be quite specific and explicit in imagining the experience. Second, we will probably have to honestly admit that we would feel significant discomfort, pain, or anxiety in such a situation. If we are capable of deep empathy, if we are able, as Srila Prabhupada states, to understand the experiences of others by comparing them to our own experiences, and we are "factually the friend of everyone," then we experience true Vaishnava compassion. In other words, we should not be more detached toward the suffering of others than we are toward our own suffering. We should not arrogantly dismiss the anguish of others, as if we are beyond anguish. A devotee who is truly transcendental to material suffering, and who would not have suffered at all in one of those four airplanes, or in one of those three buildings, would be a most exalted pure devotee and as such would feel great compassion for the fallen conditioned souls. Those who are not compassionate, and who dismiss as trivial or unimportant such great suffering, are not actually demonstrating advanced detachment in Krishna consciousness, but rather they are demonstrating a disturbing lack of common empathy, and are in fact embarrassing our movement by their neophyte response. ISKCON devotees oppose animal slaughter. How can we not oppose human slaughter? If one says, "it's their karma," then we reply that the same is true for cows and other animals who are slaughtered. If one says, "this is just a political fight among materialists," I would reply that in the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna clearly distinguishes between acts in the different modes of nature, and He specifically describes certain acts as not only materialistic, but as evil and demonic. It is surely evil and demonic to murder thousands of innocent persons. Let us remember that in Vedic culture, we are required to treat people according to their innocence and guilt in this life. God will take care of their past karma. We are not allowed in Vedic culture to abuse people, harm or kill them, and then say, "It must have been your karma." Vedic culture is not moral anarchy in the name of karma. We should be above mundane morality, not below it. During the Bangladesh War in the early 1970's, Srila Prabhupada strongly condemned the Muslim atrocities against the Hindus, and indeed against other Muslims, in Bangladesh. Of course in every country on earth there are tragedies, and the devotees will benefit themselves personally, and greatly enhance their preaching, if they are able to achieve a real state of deep empathy, not in the cause of materialism or the bodily concept of life, but as a symptom of a budding self-realization that leads one to feel liberated compassion for all suffering beings". <!-- This uses the Google468x60.html snippet --> <!-- Start ArticleOptionsPanel -->
Apologies to theist for high jacking this thread. Actually, you already answered everything as shown above
They claim the living entity is born from a plain sheet of consciousness and becomes the jiva- tatastha however, their interpretation of the word ‘tatastha’, that irrationally and incorrectly describes this independent nature of the jiva only to manifests after it’s birth from the impersonal Brahmajyoti, is clearly rejected by Srila Prabhupada. Their idea that the living entity manifests from the impersonal Brahmajyoti and then moves into the position of ‘tatastha sakti’ after it is born from the impersonal Brahmajyoti is nonsense. The fact is we all ‘sub-consciously’ came down from Vaikuntha millions of years ago from where our eternal Svarupa body is perpetually present and NOT the impersonal Brahmajyoti. So clearly their idea that our original beginning manifested on the border, in-between the land and the ocean (meaning Goloka and the material world) is incomplete and rejected by Srila Prabhupada because factually, there is no beginning or origin (coming into existence) of the living entity. Tatastha is the eternal position of the living entity which simple means the free will to choose Krsna or the mahat-tattva It's therefore clear they do not understand the concept of the 'eternal present', where the full possible bodily expression and potential of the jiva tatastha is eternally found within the perpetual 'NOW' of Goloka. We, the Jiva tatastha (simply meaning we have the free will to choose) are expressed there as who we really are IN OUR FULL MARGINAL POTENTIAL without the concept of past or future, that makes us imperishable in our endless NITYA-SIDDHA SVARUPA body, ALWAYS within that realm of the perpetual 'present'. This eternal present or the forever 'now' is found ONLY in Goloka. What is there is ALWAYS there, meaning we are in Goloka RIGHT NOW even though we are dreaming we are in the material creation of past and future. The Brahmajyoti is full of jiva-souls; sat chit ananda vigraha, the word sarva-gatah means life IS the Brahmajyoti and is everywhere. So, what is the Brahmajyoti? The Brahmajyoti or Krsna’s effulgence, IS the entire creation, divided up into three zones of conscious thought, from devotional activity in the Vaikunthas, to conditioned activity in the mahat-tattva, to inactivity in the dormant dreamless state - All are aspects of the Brahmajyoti 1.The Vaikunthas and Krsnaloka those are always active in service to Krsna or Vishnu 2. The mahat-tattva or material creation of Maha-Vishnu that is where the marginal living entity can CHOOSE to go to lead their own way of life without Krsna 3. When those who have entered the mahat-tattva become fed up with the temporary frustrating nature of the material world and the vessels or bodies they move around in, they often seek an inactive dormant state of consciousness. They only seek out such an end to their existence because they still have no memory or recollection of their eternal body in Krsnaloka. Therefore, due to this ignorant state the baddha-jiva is in, they choose to learn through the yogic process, to ‘close their consciousness down’ and stop the generation of thought. (Which can be achieved, but is also a temporary dormant 'state of the baddha-jiva's consciousness". This dormant conscious state of the baddha-jiva is known as the impersonal Brahmajyoti, which means it is the ‘inactive ‘state of consciousness of the souls that make up and IS the Personal Brahmajyoti – hence its reflection is the impersonal aspect of that same Brahmajyoti. Our original bodily svarupa form is 'locked sheltered and forever protected' within the realm of the ‘eternal present’, which makes that origin, eternally manifest and always in that state or moment of origin. In simply terms, we are always in Vaikuntha, right now we are there, but our dream of the material world is so powerful, we cannot see the TRUTH. But I suppose it is not necessary to understand. The so-called 'origin of the jiva', is not easy to realize. Doesn’t be sentimental and think 'O he is Indian Guru, so he knows truth' the fact is he does not Know otherwise he wouldn’t beat around the bush with nonsense word jugglery and out rightly say the truth which is – ‘We are all in Goloka right now but are dreaming we are in the material world’ Srimad Bhagavatam 6.2.43 - “Upon seeing the Visnudutas, Ajamila gave up his material body at Hardwar on the bank of the Ganges. He regained his original spiritual body, which was a body appropriate for an associate of the Lord”. The reason why all marginal living beings have an eternal bodily form is because they were ‘created’ within a dominion known as the ‘eternal present’ where every living entity in that realm were/are originally (without a beginning point) created as a person with full bodily features. This is the living entities ‘svarupa’ body that eternally and originally exists within that ‘eternal present’ of Goloka-Vrndavana as ever fresh, eternally in the stage of being new and original, an originality that is permanantly, without beginning or end, secure in that realm of origin. Even though our svarupa body, IS our original position, there is no beginning or end to that ‘original position’ because it is situated within the ‘eternal present’ This means technically they, like Krishna, were never actually created. This is because their real identities or eternal bodies, are all within the ‘eternal present’ of time and space, devoid of past and future within Gods eternal Kingdom known as Goloka Vrndavana or Krsnaloka right now. Within that unending world, all living entities are perpetually existing in a perpetual state of ORIGINALITY, which means they are always present there in ‘the eternal present’ without the concept of past and future as their bodily (vigraha) svarupa (devotional personality) form, which are the eternal servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna. Therefore, ALL living entities were created as sat, chit, ananda in the form of eternal vigraha in the beginning (which paradoxically was beginingless). In this way, the original residence of all living entities (marginal beings) is their original home Goloka-Vrndavana or Krsnaloka, which is the imperishable Kingdom of God. Srila Prabhupada - We have also come down from Vaikuntha some millions and millions of years ago." - Lecture on Bhagavad-gita on August 6, 1973 Srila Prabhupada: You are already in the spiritual sky, but you are simply covered. Just like the sun is already there. You are also already there…So actually we are always in the spiritual world. But when you forget Krishna by the cloud of illusion, then that is material. Try to understand”. In a Srimad-Bhagavatam lecture given in London, on July 30, 1971 The paradox here is no one never really leaves Goloka, they only imagine they do by falling out of sync with the 'eternal present' The resulting paradox is that while one is in the material world, they are actually in the material world because not only do they have no memory of their 'eternal svarupa' body, but also they have consciously separated themselves from the eternal present’ where their real eternal bodily self resides. It's almost as if the awareness of the living entities nitya siddha body is suspended within the eternal present because of consciously falling out of sync with the ETERNAL PRESENT’ of Krsnaloka where their 'permanent 'real' bodily self is serving Krsna. (At least it is this way to those who have fallen from the eternal present realm) But actually from the point of view of Goloka, everything is still going on in the service of the Lord in relationships with Krishna and His associates nothing is ever suspended there. The only thing that has changed is the ones awareness of 'eternal time' in relation to 'divided time' - hence it is not a division of consciousness, but rather a division of time. Actually, when one again becomes aware of their eternal nitya-siddha body and relationship with Krishna, it will be as if their baddha-jiva dreams state never existed. On return to the 'eternal present’, it will be as if they never left because nothing has changed in Goloka. 1. The 'eternal present' in the imperishable Vaikuntha and Krsnaloka Planets, can never be compared to the mahat-tattva dreams of Maha-Vishnu where the time span of a trillion mahat-tattva material universes, that seem an almost eternity in material time, would only appear no more than a mere moment of time in the eternal Kingdom of God (Vaikuntha) 2. And the divided time of 'past, present and future' of the perishable mahat-tattva, that has a further distortions of time and space in the higher, middle and lower material planetary systems, were there is even more dimensions of material time and space within the mahat-tattva, different again from our experience and perception of time on our middle earth planet. So we should all try to understand our original position that is our eternal identity in Krsnaloka', as Prabhupada would say’. Actually there is no birth of the jivas. They are all eternal, like Krishna Himself. Many things in the shastra is said to convince the jivas conditioned in the material world, that their real home is Krsnaloka. There are so many things that Vedic sastra has told us, whereas in reality, in Goloka Vrndavana dhama (Krsnaloka), due to the 'eternal presents', where there is no past or future, these things will be seen in another way. And what is that other way that many say is conceivable to understand? The simple answer is, on that level or ‘seeing things in an other way’, is the material creation, of trillion upon trillions of years and life times, will appear no-more than a moment of dreaming in Krsnaloka. “Formerly we were with Krsna in His Lila” Letter from Srila Prabhupada in 1972 to devotee in Australia
Origin of the jiva and the 'eternal present' Eventually I have began to realize the difference between the ‘eternal present’ in Goloka, that has no past or future and the material creation, that has no ‘present’, only past and future. Many have realized that if Goloka is an eternal imperishable place, then we are there right now and always have been there, we just have to realize and stop 'dreaming' we are in the material creation. The following is the final proof, as clearly explained by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, that all jiva/souls or marginal living entities are originally (Which means eternally when referring to the Kingdom of God), are actually serving Krishna perpetually, as their full devotional bodily form, right at this very moment. However, presently, due to the free will and choice all marginal living entities have, some have chosen to forget their real eternal vigraha (form) svarupa (devotional body) that is always present in Krsnaloka, just like one forgets their present biological body while dreaming. This means all living entities have an imperishable bodily form called ‘svarupa’ which is the full potential and expression of their character eternal present in Goloka even if they are ‘dreaming or thinking’ they are in the material creation (mahat tattva). Many have laughed when told their existence in the material world is just the dream state they have created. However, if they care to read Prabhupada’s books, they will find it is ALL their dream ONLY EXPERIENCED by 'entering' unlimited dream identities or vessels within the dreams of Maha Vishnu – Srila Prabhupada – “This material creation is the spirit soul's dream. Actually all existence in the material world is a dream of Mahā-Viṣṇu, as the Brahma-saḿhitā describes – Srila Bhaktisiddhanta - “This material world is created by the dreaming of Mahā-Viṣṇu. The real, factual platform is the spiritual world, but when the spirit soul wants to imitate the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is put into this dreamland of material creation”. 4.29.83.http://vedabase.net/sb/4/29/83/en Srila Prabhupada - “Of course, everyone has a particular relationship with the Lord, and that relationship is evoked by the perfection of devotional service. But in the present status of our life, we have not only forgotten the Supreme Lord, but we have forgotten our eternal relationship with the Lord”. Bhagavad-gita, Introduction Srila Prabhupada - “Every living being.has a particular relationship with the Lord eternally, That is called svarupa. By the process of devotional service, one can revive that svarupa, and that stage is called svarupa-siddhi—perfection of one’s constitutional position. Bhagavad-gita, Introduction. .” Srila Prabhupada - “We have an intimate relationship with the Lord, and because we are all qualitatively one . . . the whole purpose of Bhagavad-gita is to revive our sanatana occupation, or sanatana dharma, which is the eternal occupation of the living entity “. Bhagavad-gita, Introduction. . Srila Prabhupada - “The Lord descends to reclaim all of these fallen, conditioned souls to call them back to the sanatana eternal sky so that the sanatana living entities may regain their eternal sanatana positions of eternal association with the Lord.” Bhagavad-gita, Introduction. Srila Prabhupada – “In his original state, there is no doubt of enjoyment; therefore, that is his real state.” Bhagavad-gita, 13.21, purport. Srila Prabhupada – “Originally everyone (all marginal living entities) is nitya-siddha (eternally liberated)” Srimad-Bhagavatam Class 7.9.4– Mayapur, February 18, 1977 Srila Prabhupada - “Originally everyone is nitya-siddha. nitya-siddha krsna-bhakti ’sadhya’ kabhu naya sravanadi-suddha-citte karaye udaya. Every living entity originally nitya-siddha, ". Srimad-Bhagavatam Class 7.9.4– Mayapur, February 18, 1977 Srila Prabhupada - "So to go to Krishna means you will have to acquire your original, spiritual body. The spiritual body is already there, but we are now covered by this material body". by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda Germany, June 22, 1974 Srila Prabhupada - "As living spiritual souls we are all originally Krsna conscious entities, but due to our association with matter from time immemorial, our consciousness has now become polluted by the material atmosphere." (Original Hare Krsna album) Srila Bhaktivinoda Takura - “However, because of contact with matter, the imprisoned soul loses the memory of his original spiritual form in Vaikuntha. . . material rasas are perverted reflections of the soul's original spiritual rasas.” Prema-pradipa, p. 83 Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada - “It is the jivas who are the attendants in His Sports. They become attached to matter, having deviated from their own essential nature as the result of their desire for enjoyment. But when again the soul . . . gains true wisdom of the transcendental region of God . . . he begins to get back his pure essential nature” Sri Caitanya's Teachings, p. 323. Srila Prabhupada – “We have also come down from Vaikuntha some millions and millions of years ago." - Lecture on Bhagavad-gita on August 6, 1973 Srila Prabhupada – “This material creation is the spirit soul's dream. Actually all existence in the material world is a dream of Mahā-Viṣṇu, as the Brahma-saḿhitā describes – “This material world is created by the dreaming of Mahā-Viṣṇu. The real, factual platform is the spiritual world, but when the spirit soul wants to imitate the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is put into this dreamland of material creation”. 4.29.83.http://vedabase.net/sb/4/29/83/en Srila Prabhupada – “Existence in the impersonal Brahman is also within the category of non-Krsna consciousness. Those who are in the Brahman effulgence, they are also in the fallen condition. So there is no question of falling down from a fallen condition”. - Letter, June 13, 1970. Our original ‘svarupa’ position is eternal situated within the ‘eternal present’ of Goloka therefore; we are all eternally nitya-siddha in the full expression of our marginal identity, which IS our original and eternal position. However, when the living entity ‘dreams’ they are in the material world, as we are doing now, we presently become covered by our mistaken thoughts and non-Krishna conscious desires due to our choice to dream away in the material creation. Actually, the Brahmajyoti or Krsna’s effulgence, IS the entire creation, divided up into three zones beginning with all living entities bodily form devotional activity in the Vaikunthas, to the project conditioned thoughts or dreams that become active in the mahat-tattva due to the temporary bodily provisions offered by Maha-Vishnu. Only then, after being frustrated with the mahat-tattva, one can develop an inactive conscious state, or dormant dreamless state in a collective of souls that all manifest the impersonal aspect of the Brahmajyoti. These different aspects of the Brahmajyoti can be achieved or experienced by free will and choice however, ONLY Krsna's abode and the Vaikunthas, that make up 75% of the Brahmajyoti or Spiritual Sky, are without end and situated in the personal active 'eternal present' of Krsna's perpetual pastimes. The other 25% of the Brahmajyoti is made up of those who have chosen to forgotten their nitya -siddha body in the 'eternal present' and have entered that part of creation known as the perishable mahat-tattva and later on may enter the temporary impersonal Brahman, both in a 'dream consciousness' known as the baddha-jiva. (Conditioned soul) This devotional active original fullness of the Brahmajyoti is eternal personal, which means it is made up of ALL living entities that are perpetually represented there in their perpetual nitya-siddha body serving Krsna For a living entity, who has transmigrated through the lower species to the human biological body, simply means that the living entity had FIRST chosen to ‘consciously (like in a dream), fall down from Krsnaloka, long, long, long ago, from also the eternal body that is their real perpetual ‘self’ (nitya-siddha) whose only activity there is serving Krsna or God. This was achieved by free will and choice; the marginal living entity therefore is able to leave Goloka ‘consciously’ as their secondary lower baddha-jiva consciousness and travel to the heavenly planets within the mahat-tattva creation of Maha-Vishnu. The baddha-jiva may then travel further to the middle planets, then the hellish planets, and the then to lower species of biological life. Some baddha-jivas may also take shelter in the dormant aspect of their own baddha-jiva consciousness that is collectively, along with other baddha-jivas who have also chosen the dreamless dream state, known as the impersonal aspect of the Brahman effulgence The impersonal characteristic of the Brahmajyoti or Brahman IS the nitya-baddha souls in a collective of souls that IS the impersonal aspect of the Brahmajyoti. Srila Prabhupada rejects the ideas of those who preach the 'impersonal Brahmajyoti origin that claims that the marginal living entity is originally in a dormant state (a plain sheet of consciousness) from where one can develop and then use their free will to choose either Vaikuntha or the mahat-tattva. Many today in 'Hinduism' follow that misunderstanding and it appears to me, they have incorrectly used the word 'tatastha' to describe this impersonal dormant origin state of the jiva after its so called creation from this 'plain sheet of consciousness'. They claim the jiva’s originate from the Brahmajyoti, which is living and growing. Claiming that within this impersonal Brahmajyoti, their stability is somehow disturbed and progress begins. From no separation, separation begins. From a plain sheet of uniform consciousness, individual conscious units grow. And because the jiva is conscious, it is now capable of free will. So, from the marginal position they choose either the side of exploitation in the mahat-tattva or the side of dedication or service to Krsna in Goloka. Srila Prabhupada clearly rejected that impersonal nonsense idea that the jiva springs into existence from a dormant 'plain sheet of consciousness'. They have impersonally described jiva tatastha as manifesting first from a dormant state to become 'tatastha', meaning that now the living entity exists, it now has the ability to choose due to free will and can only then be called tatastha-sakti due to being created, or coming into existence, from the all pervasive impersonal Brahmajyoti.
I agree, they only think they do The Meaning of "Tatastha s'akti"? BY: GAURAGOPALA DASA Jul 12, USA (SUN) — The Article " Falling From the Spiritual World " by Abhay caran dasa and the comments by Radhavallabha dasa, humbly, appear to me as a complete misunderstanding of tatastha s'akti and the teachings of Srila Prabhupada. Can someone please tell me the real meaning of the word tatastha s'akti and the jiva soul's 'eternal' origin according to the devout teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada? This is how I understand his teachings: "So to go to God or Krishna means you will have to acquire your original, spiritual body. The spiritual body is already there, but we are now covered by this material body". His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Homburg, Germany, June 22, 1974 This seems to be pretty clear according to Srila Prabhupada, who rejects the 'impersonal Brahmajyoti origin that claims that the marginal living entity is originally in a dormant state from where one can use their free will to choose either Vaikuntha or the mahat-tattva. Many today in 'Hinduism' follow that misunderstanding and it appears to me, they have incorrectly used the word 'tatastha' to describe this impersonal dormant origin state of the jiva. Yes, I think I have understood this at least because Srila Prabhupada clearly rejected that idea. They have impersonally described tatastha to be our original state that is on the border, in-between the land and the ocean (meaning Goloka and the material world) but their understanding is incomplete and rejected by Srila Prabhupada It's therefore clear they do not understand the concept of the 'eternal present', where the full possible bodily expression and potential of the jiva tatastha is eternally found within the perpetual 'present' of Goloka. We, the Jiva tatastha (simply meaning we have the free will to choose) are expressed there as who we really are without the concept of past or future, that makes us imperishable in our endless body, ALWAYS within that realm of the perpetual 'present'. The eternal present or the forever 'now' is found only in Goloka. What is there is ALWAYS there, meaning we are in Goloka now even though we are dreaming we are in the material creation of past and future. It is there in Goloka or Krsnaloka our perpetual identity, personality and individuality is endlessly serving beautiful Krishna as our perpetual 'svarupa' body (nitya siddha), even if we sometimes forget that fact and 'dream' or 'think' we are in the material world. The paradox here is no one ever really leaves Goloka, they only dream, think and imagine they do by falling out of sync with the 'eternal present' and entering the dreams of Maha-Vishnu within His mahat-tattva creation. The only thing that has changed is one's awareness of 'eternal time' in relation to 'divided time' - hence it is not a division of consciousness but rather a division of time, just like when the concept of mundane time changes while one is dreaming. Actually when one again becomes aware of their eternal nitya-siddha body in Goloka and the eternal relationship they have with Krishna, it will be as if their baddha-jiva dream state, that has entered the dreams of the sleeping Maha-Vishnu, then taking on the identity of one of His material bodily creations, never existed. On return to the 'eternal present' it will be as if they never left because nothing has changed in Goloka. It is important to REALIZE that Goloka is a pure devotional place where perpetual loving service to Krsna, happens within the 'eternal present', devoid of past, future, decay and bodily absentees - every living entity is represented there by their permanent 'svarupa' body (also known as the Siddha-jiva) who is them without beginning or end. The material world, on the other hand, actually has NO 'present' at all; there is only past, future, decay, and impermanence. The mahat-tattva is where the living entities can 'sub-consciously' project themselves and experience their own dreamed-up manifestation, created by their own thoughts and dreams. This secondary consciousness, which cannot exist or be expressed in bodily form in Goloka, is called the baddha-jiva. Entering the material world therefore, is not a change of bodies, but rather a change of consciousness where the baddha-jiva is given bodily form by Maha-Vishnu in the restricted realm of past and future where the repercussion is a universe that is perishable and temporary. The 'eternal present' means exactly that, ones 'svarupa' body is always in Goloka even if one is dreaming they are in the mahat-tattva.. What is nitya baddha BODILESS consciousness? What is the Impersonal Brahmajyoti or Brahman? The Impersonal Brahmajyoti or Impersonal Brahman is not a place where one goes; it is not some empty place or void, it is rather, a dormant state of bodiless consciousness the marginal living entities or souls, in the baddha-jiva condition, develop or attain, once they free themselves from the ethereal and biological material bodies, provided by Maha-Vishnu FROM within his mahat-tattva creation. However, this place is also just a further dream state separate from the mahat-tattva the marginal living entity enters (as baddha-jiva dream manifestation), and is also a temporary state of consciousness one enters. This motionless individual, inactive, dreamless, baddha-jiva consciousness within the impersonal aspect of the Brahmajyoti can also be active or energetic in the mahat-tattva (material creation). This nitya-baddha inferior self, or the secondary dreaming state of the marginal living entity, is actually a bodiless condition of the jiva until it is provided bodily form or a vessel for expressing their desires, provided by Maha Vishnu within his dream creation. This nitya-baddha bodiless consciousness is the inferior dreaming condition that all marginal living entities can activate if they choose to use their free will to 'dream' of self importance and indulgence. Srila Prabhupada: "There are many energies, but they have been divided into three principal ones: the external energy, the internal energy, and the marginal energy. We living entities are the marginal energy. Marginal means that we may remain under the influence of the external energy or we may remain under the influence of the internal energy, as we like". "The Journey of Self Discovery - His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada In other words, the marginal living entity's secondary conscious projection is known as the baddha-jiva soul within the maha-tattva. The marginal living entity actually has two aspects of consciousness; one is 'eternal form' of sat, cit, ananda, Vigraha or one's perpetual Krishna Conscious bodily form (nitya-siddha) that is imperishable and never fades away, due to being eternally established within the 'eternal present' of Goloka, while the other is a non-Krishna conscious dreaming bodiless state (nitya-baddha). The living entities, as their nitya-siddha body, are properly situated within the Lord's internal energy as a perpetual bodily servant that is known as one's perpetual 'Svarupa'. When the marginal living entity misuses their independence and tries to act as enjoyers or lords, they are transferred to the material energy or mahat-tattva, not as their nitya siddha body, but rather, as a secondary dreaming consciousness called nitya-baddha. The Lord has three basic energies: internal, external and marginal. The living entities do not only belong to the marginal energy, they ARE the marginal energy or tatastha sakti that is embodied in their original full constitutional foundation, which is expressed as nitya-siddha in their innovative perpetual position. Tatastha simply means the ability to choose the land and the ocean or Goloka and the mahat-tattva. The marginal is therefore known as "tatastha sakti" The nitya-baddha consciousness is the result of the jiva-tatastha executing its dormant free will to choose between Krsna and their own plans of existence. When the baddha-jiva lower self enters a dormant inactive state of consciousness, they can only enter the impersonal aspect of the Brahmajyoti, ONLY after being liberated from the mahat-tattva, which is really and factually the Impersonal aspect of the Spiritual Sky or Brahmajyoti, or their own individual consciousness. That means, although we are properly situated within the Lord's internal energy in our 'svarupa' body eternally beyond mundane time and space, we always have the propensity to misuse our independence. This means we may choose to try and act as enjoyers or lords of all we purvey that immediately disqualifies us from being aware of our 'svarupa' body, and instead try to lord it over Krishna's material energy that is under the jurisdiction of the sleeping and dreaming Maha-Vishnu. Srila Prabhupada: "You are already in the spiritual sky, but you are simply covered. Just like the sun is already there. You are also already there…Try to understand. Actually we are not fallen therefore, at any moment we can revive our Krishna consciousness." Srimad-Bhagavatam lecture given in London, on July 30, 1971 "You are ever-liberated (nitya-siddha). The sky is always spiritual, but it is sometimes overcrowded with cloud, Actually, you are NOT conditioned (nitya-baddha). You are thinking. Just like in the dream that tiger is eating you. You were never eaten by tiger. There is no tiger. So we have to get out of this dream". Lecture on Sri Caitanya-Caritamrta, Adi-lila 7.108--San Francisco, February 18, 1967 "Actually we are not fallen therefore, at any moment we can revive (Regain, re-establish, wake up from the dream, remember who we really are as a body eternally in a state of originality) our Krishna consciousness. As soon as we understand that (my svarupa body is always in Krsnaloka), "I have nothing to do with (the material world and its bodily vessels my sub-conscious fallen nitya-baddha condition is housed in). I am simply Krishna's servant. Eternal servant. That's all". Srimad-Bhagavatam lecture given in London, on July 30, 1971 "You are liberated. You are liberated. Simply just a cloud has covered you. Drive away the cloud. There is no question that you were ever (conditioned as nitya-baddha in the material world)". Lecture on Sri Caitanya-Caritamrita, Adi-lila 7.108--San Francisco, February 18, 1967 "You are ever-liberated (meaning in our original and eternal state, we are all nitya-siddha). The sky is always spiritual but is sometimes overcrowded with cloud (known as the mahat-tattva or material creation that is in one corner of the Spiritual Sky), this is Maya (The cloud is created by Maha-Vishnu and His Wife Maya-Devi, through her powerful s'akti, controls all the bodily vessels occupied by the visiting DREAMING baddha-jivas)". Lecture on Sri Caitanya-Caritamrita, Adi-lila 7.108--San Francisco, February 18, 1967 "This is called Maya. Actually, you are not conditioned. You are thinking. Just like in the dream you are thinking that tiger is eating you. You were never eaten by tiger. There is no tiger. So we have to get out of this dream". Lecture on Sri Caitanya-Caritamrta, Adi-lila 7.108--San Francisco, February 18, 1967 Nothing is lost or regained in Goloka except for our memory and 'awareness' of who we really are. Everything is set eternally there is in a state of the living entities 'full potential originality as a nitya siddha embodied devotee of Krsna or Vishnu', which means ALL living entities or jiva sparks, have a Svarupa body that is eternally unchangable, eternally youthful, eternally original and eternal a person with bodily form sat, chit, ananda, VIGRAHA. If there is no past or future and only the present, then we are all in a perpetual state of originality. Remember, the living entity leaves Goloka not as one's eternal svarupa body, but via their sub-conscious dream, thought and imagination, so just as one's material body never changes while one is dreaming they are a King, ones 'svarupa' body never changes while one is living out their dreams in the material world. The nitya-siddha-svarupa body is locked and secured perpetually within the 'eternal present, which is an eternal state of originality' that has no past and future. This means when one finishes their dreams within the material world and again become 'aware' of their full potential 'svarupa body, it is like waking up from a dream and finding themselves as the body they always were and always have been. "We have also come down from Vaikuntha some millions and millions of years ago." Lecture on Bhagavad-gita on August 6, 1973 Srila Prabhupada explains it this way: "There is nothing to be gained in Goloka, only regained". "Originally everyone is nitya-siddha. nitya-siddha krsna-bhakti 'sadhya' kabhu naya sravanadi-suddha-citte karaye udaya Every living entity originally nitya-siddha". Srimad-Bhagavatam Class 7.9.4- Mayapur, February 18, 1977 "You have got original relationship with Krishna. Nitya-siddha krishna-bhakti. . Srimad-Bhagavatam lecture, December 7, 1974, Bombay "Everyone has got a particular relationship with Krishna in his original constitutional position that is called svarupa-siddhi". Nectar of Devotion lecture, 20 October 1972, Vrindaban "Because he falls down from Brahma-sayujya (impersonal liberated condition ), he thinks that may be his origin, but he does not remember that long, long, long, long ago before that even, he was with Krishna". Letter to Australian devotees 1972 under Madhudvisa Swami Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur: "However, because of contact with matter, the imprisoned soul loses the memory of his original spiritual form in Vaikuntha. . . material rasas are perverted reflections of the soul's original spiritual rasas." Prema-pradipa, p. 83 Srila Prabhupada: "Everyone has got a particular relationship with Krishna in his original, constitutional position. That will be revealed gradually as you advance in devotional service in the prescribed rules and regulations as they are directed in the shastras and by spiritual master. When you are trained up properly, you come to the platform of raga-marga, then your devotional si-… That is called svarupa-siddhi. Nectar of Devotion lecture, 20 October 1972, Vrindaban
If we are NOT a perpetual bodily form then what are we? To think we come from an inactive state or impersonal position of clear consciousness is impersonalism. Our nitya siddha or svarupa body IS who are eternally even if we forget that ‘eternal bodily self’ and dream we are nitya baddha if we choose’ It is the nitya baddha dream state, that is the impersonal aspect of the jiva tattva's marginal identity, that can come from a plain sheet of inactive individual consciousness on the atomic ember echelon (that all are collectively the impersonal Brahmajyoti characteristic of Krsna’s creation), ONLY AFTER FIRST experiencing the falling down to material dream bodies or vessels within the material world which is the Maha tattva dream of Maha Vishnu. The impersonal Brahmajyoti is not some place in the creation, it is a state of the individual consciousness of the jiva tattva. This is the correct understanding of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta’s teachings.
funny man - He is actually in Lord Caitanya's sanga
H.H Jayapataka Maharaja made his prayers to the Deities. Sometimes he slowly raised his hand and sometimes he folded his hands to offer prayers. Later he was taken to have darshan of Srila Prabhupada Jayapataka Maharaj Sunday, December 28 - Report from Ratnavali dd: The acupunctarist had suggested that Guru Maharaja be taken to see some nature or greeneries. Dr. Giriraj prabhu and Guru Maharaja's servants did some research yesterday to see which place was suitable to take Guru Maharaja. It was decided that today he would first go to have darshan of Sri Radha Giridhari temple which is just nearby, opposite to the Bhaktivedanta hospital and then to National park. Guru Maharaja had his breakfast, facial therapy in the morning and then was taken in the car to the temple. Braja Hari prabhu had purchased a new Innova car so Guru Maharaja could use it during his Mumbai stay. He had sent this car from Juhu to Bhaktivedanta hospital for Guru Maharaja to use. There was a big gathering of devotees in the temple. Jagajivan prabhu, the Temple President honoured Guru Maharaja by garlanding him and the kirtan party gave a warm reception welcoming Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja was taken in the wheel chair inside the temple. Guru Maharaja had darshan of Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra Devi and Sri Sri Radha Giridhari. Guru Maharaja made his prayers to the Deities. Sometimes he slowly raised his hand and sometimes he folded his hands to offer prayers. Later he was taken to have darshan of Srila Prabhupada. Jagajivan prabhu offered garland to Srila Prabhupada on behalf of Guru Maharaja. A mike was given to Guru Maharaja and he amazed all of us by starting to lead a kirtan: "Nitai Gauranga Nitai Gauranga Nitai Gauranga Jaya Nitai Gauranga Jaya Sacinandana Jaya Sacinandana Jaya Sacinandana Jaya Sacinandana Jaya Radha Giridhari Radha Giridhari Radhe Jaya Jaganatha Jaya Jaganatha Jaya Baladeva Jaya Subhadra Jagannatha swami nayana patha gami nayana patha gami bhavatume" The voice was quite clear and everyone repeated and sang in ecstasy. Few devotees have recorded the singing as well as the video clips of this event. As soon as it is edited we will send you the url to watch this glorious event. The devotees didn't want to strain him too much and he was taken back into the car and to continue his ride to National park. As it was Sunday there was lot of crowd. It is a beautiful place unlike the noisy Mumbai roads. Originally the plan was to bring him early in the morning as there would be fewer crowds but it got delayed. The vehicles were side parked in the woods. There were many monkeys there. Being in the vehicle Maha Varaha prabhu fed Guru Maharaja fruits while Deva Gauranga prabhu cut them. Ekanath Gaura prabhu, Acintya Nitai prabhu, Isvara Puri prabhu, Tusti Mohan prabhu they were all feeding the monkeys with cucumbers and had lot of fun. It just reminds us of the Krsna's pastimes with the cowherd boys and their feeding butter to the monkeys! As it was getting late for his lunch we returned back into the car, back to Bhaktivedanta hospital. Radhanatha Maharaja's blessings asking Guru Maharaja to lead the kirtan the day before yesterday had come true today. May Lord Krsna keep blessing our beloved Gurudeva to fully recover! Saturday, December 27 - Report from Ratnavali dd: Radhanath Maharaja came to meet Guru Maharaja today morning around 9.15 am along with Yamuna Mataji and Dina Tarini Mataji, Srila Prabhupada's disciples. They had only a brief meeting as Guru Maharaja had to go for physiotherapy session. In the afternoon at 1pm Radhanath Maharaja, Yamuna Mataji, Dina Tarini Mataji and other gurukuli devotees were scheduled to take lunch at Bhaktivedanta hospital auditorium. Dr. Giriraj prabhu and Dr. Shiromani Mataji had a spontaneous idea to bring Guru Maharaja also to the auditorium to have his lunch along with them. Guru Maharaja immediately agreed to this idea. He was brought in wheel chair to the auditorium and he was personally received by Radhanath Maharaja. Guru Maharaja had his prasadam as per his diet while his devotee servants fed him. Radhanatha Maharaja's lady disciples had cooked the feast for the guests. All of them happily relished the prasadam. When they finished their lunch, Guru Maharaja expressed his happiness and thanked Radhanath Maharaja, Yamuna Mataji and Dina Tarini Mataji for their wonderful association. Jayapataka Maharaja said to Yamuna Mataji how everyday he listens to the Govindam adi purusam song sung by her during the Deity greetings. Yamuna Mataji humbly passed on all her credit to Srila Prabhupada. She said how she is happy to see Guru Maharaja's recovery. Guru Maharaja mentioned that on the previous day some devotees had sung few bhajans for him. Yamuna Mataji responded if she could also sing for Guru Maharaja one day. Radhanath Maharaja suggested that the kirtan could be performed even at this moment while Guru Maharaja finishes his lunch. Everyone agreed and the gurukulis sang Hare Krsna Maha Mantra with kartalas, mrdangas and harmonium. When they finished Guru Maharaja asked Yamuna Mataji to sing. Yamuna Mataji sang Namaste Narasimha prayers. Guru Maharaja then asked Radhanatha Maharaja to lead the kirtan and in response Radhanath Maharaja asked Guru Maharaja to lead the kirtan. Everyone felt so jubilant to see their loving reciprocations. Radhanath Maharaja sang so beautifully Hare Krsna Maha Mantra. When Maharaja finished the kirtan Guru Maharaja again asked Yamuna Mataji to sing one more bhajan. She sang the names of Nitai, Gauranga and Jaya Sacinandana. During the kirtan Guru Maharaja sometimes would be clapping his hands very slowly or tapping his feet and also sometimes he was repeating the kirtan. At the end Guru Maharaja managed by himself to raise both the hands and chant, "Gauranga". The devotees repeated after him and Guru Maharaja again chanted "Gauranga" and the devotees repeated. Radhanatha Maharaja said to Guru Maharaja, "so you are leading the kirtan Maharaja!" Everyone burst into laughter. It was one of the most unforgettable moments for all those who had gathered. The whole atmosphere was spiritually surcharged with the presence of so many exalted Vaisnavas. Saturday, December 27 - Report from Vaikunthapati prabhu: 22-Dec-08 - Afternoon shift, 2 pm to 9 pm Guru Maharaja was taking facial therapy from Dr. Mahabahu prabhu when we arrived to his room. By his expert treatment Guru Maharaja could close his left eye better than before and the face appearance is getting better day by day. Everyday Guru Maharaja gets 2 or 3 times the facial therapy and each session lasts for 30 minutes. Prasadam was served after his facial therapy. Then the physiotherapist came to see Guru Maharaja to give bed exercises and also to teach Bhadara Balaram prabhu and Ekanath Gaura prabhu so that they can give the same exercises to Guru Maharaja as often possible during the day. At 4:30 pm the opthologist doctor came with their machine to check Guru Maharaja's eyes. They also appreciate face therapist's treatment that Guru Maharaja can close his left eye better and eventually Guru Maharaja will not have his left eye taped while sleeping at night. When the devotees were shifting Guru Maharaja to the bed his right hand accidently hit the rails of the bed and Guru Maharaja expressed a sudden pain saying, "ouch!" Immediately Dr.Shiromani mataji said this means the right hand started to sense the pain and it is a good sign. At 6:15 pm Jagannath, Baladev and Subadra deities came to Guru Maharaja's room. Guru Maharaja took darsan of Them, offered flowers and took a small piece of prasad. After that Narataki Mataji, Srila Prabhupada's disciple who resides above Guru Maharaja's room in the spiritual care department came to see him and recollected how Guru Maharaja was serving so nicely Srila Prabhupada. Guru Maharaja was so tired after getting so many therapies since the morning, so the servants desired to give him prasadam and put him to early rest. At 8:15 pm Guru Maharaja was served prasadam and at 9:15 pm he was on the bed sleeping. Ekanath Gaura prabhu shared with us all how in the morning during the physiotherapy session Guru Maharaja showed improvement in his walking using the parallel bars and with the support of the devotees. 21-Dec-08 - afternoon shift 12 noon to 9 pm Around at 12 am I went to Guru Maharaja's room to join with Bhadra Balaram prabhu. The physiotherapy doctor came to give bed exercises to Guru Maharaja. The exercises were for his hands, legs and trunk. He was able to sit at the edge of the bed for quite sometime and only with the support of his hands. He was made to stand and sit for two times with the support of the walker and with the help of devotees. The doctors are focusing now to teach Guru Maharaja to stand on his own. Guru Maharaja sat on a chair and took prasadam. After his prasadam he took rest. Here in Bhaktivedanta hospital many doctors always come and check Guru Maharaja. In this regard Guru Maharaja also commented that in Hinduja hospital he saw the doctors only few times in a day and the nurses were around him quite often. But in Bhaktivedanta hospital the doctors are all the time around him and he rarely sees the nurses. He was happy with many doctors taking care of him nicely and the atmosphere here is spiritual. Yesterday when Dr. Shiromani and another doctor was with Guru Maharaja, a topic came about the hospital deities, Jagannath, Subhadra and Baladeva. They everyday visit the patients and the patients also get the deities prasadam. Guru Maharaja told them jokingly that the deities don't come to see him. Dr. Shiromani mataji said, "No Guru Maharaja, you were taking rest at the time when They came to this floor and another time you were in the physiotherapy department at the ground floor." At around 5 pm I saw the Jagannath, Subhadra and Baladeva deities at the 4th floor where Guru Maharaja's deluxe suite is situated. Dr. Shiromani mataji was also present with the deities. I rushed to see if Guru Maharja was awake and he was awake. Bhadra Balaram prabhu was nearby him. We prepared to receive the deities. The deities arrived after a few minutes and the devotees brought Them closer to Guru Maharaja. He prayed for a moment and offered flowers to Them. He took one small piece of prasad from the deities. He was happy to see Them in his room! The facial therapist, Dr. Mahabahu prabhu came to begin his course for Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja was made to sit at the edge of the bed and was given facial therapy for half an hour. His face is getting better everyday, still his speaking and facial expressions needs a lot of improvement. After the theraphy he took some fruits. Ratnavali dd, Devakimayi dd and Madhuri Yamuna dd came to read get well letters for Guru Maharaja. The devotees' get well letters enliven Guru Maharaja always. After that again he got facial therapy for sometime and Bhadra Balaram prabhu fed him dinner. At around 9 pm the eye specialist came and checked Guru Maharaja's eyes. After that Guru Maharaja was put to sleep. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
H.H Jayapataka Maharaja made his prayers to the Deities. Sometimes he slowly raised his hand and sometimes he folded his hands to offer prayers. Later he was taken to have darshan of Srila Prabhupada Jayapataka Maharaj Sunday, December 28 - Report from Ratnavali dd: The acupunctarist had suggested that Guru Maharaja be taken to see some nature or greeneries. Dr. Giriraj prabhu and Guru Maharaja's servants did some research yesterday to see which place was suitable to take Guru Maharaja. It was decided that today he would first go to have darshan of Sri Radha Giridhari temple which is just nearby, opposite to the Bhaktivedanta hospital and then to National park. Guru Maharaja had his breakfast, facial therapy in the morning and then was taken in the car to the temple. Braja Hari prabhu had purchased a new Innova car so Guru Maharaja could use it during his Mumbai stay. He had sent this car from Juhu to Bhaktivedanta hospital for Guru Maharaja to use. There was a big gathering of devotees in the temple. Jagajivan prabhu, the Temple President honoured Guru Maharaja by garlanding him and the kirtan party gave a warm reception welcoming Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja was taken in the wheel chair inside the temple. Guru Maharaja had darshan of Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra Devi and Sri Sri Radha Giridhari. Guru Maharaja made his prayers to the Deities. Sometimes he slowly raised his hand and sometimes he folded his hands to offer prayers. Later he was taken to have darshan of Srila Prabhupada. Jagajivan prabhu offered garland to Srila Prabhupada on behalf of Guru Maharaja. A mike was given to Guru Maharaja and he amazed all of us by starting to lead a kirtan: "Nitai Gauranga Nitai Gauranga Nitai Gauranga Jaya Nitai Gauranga Jaya Sacinandana Jaya Sacinandana Jaya Sacinandana Jaya Sacinandana Jaya Radha Giridhari Radha Giridhari Radhe Jaya Jaganatha Jaya Jaganatha Jaya Baladeva Jaya Subhadra Jagannatha swami nayana patha gami nayana patha gami bhavatume" The voice was quite clear and everyone repeated and sang in ecstasy. Few devotees have recorded the singing as well as the video clips of this event. As soon as it is edited we will send you the url to watch this glorious event. The devotees didn't want to strain him too much and he was taken back into the car and to continue his ride to National park. As it was Sunday there was lot of crowd. It is a beautiful place unlike the noisy Mumbai roads. Originally the plan was to bring him early in the morning as there would be fewer crowds but it got delayed. The vehicles were side parked in the woods. There were many monkeys there. Being in the vehicle Maha Varaha prabhu fed Guru Maharaja fruits while Deva Gauranga prabhu cut them. Ekanath Gaura prabhu, Acintya Nitai prabhu, Isvara Puri prabhu, Tusti Mohan prabhu they were all feeding the monkeys with cucumbers and had lot of fun. It just reminds us of the Krsna's pastimes with the cowherd boys and their feeding butter to the monkeys! As it was getting late for his lunch we returned back into the car, back to Bhaktivedanta hospital. Radhanatha Maharaja's blessings asking Guru Maharaja to lead the kirtan the day before yesterday had come true today. May Lord Krsna keep blessing our beloved Gurudeva to fully recover! Saturday, December 27 - Report from Ratnavali dd: Radhanath Maharaja came to meet Guru Maharaja today morning around 9.15 am along with Yamuna Mataji and Dina Tarini Mataji, Srila Prabhupada's disciples. They had only a brief meeting as Guru Maharaja had to go for physiotherapy session. In the afternoon at 1pm Radhanath Maharaja, Yamuna Mataji, Dina Tarini Mataji and other gurukuli devotees were scheduled to take lunch at Bhaktivedanta hospital auditorium. Dr. Giriraj prabhu and Dr. Shiromani Mataji had a spontaneous idea to bring Guru Maharaja also to the auditorium to have his lunch along with them. Guru Maharaja immediately agreed to this idea. He was brought in wheel chair to the auditorium and he was personally received by Radhanath Maharaja. Guru Maharaja had his prasadam as per his diet while his devotee servants fed him. Radhanatha Maharaja's lady disciples had cooked the feast for the guests. All of them happily relished the prasadam. When they finished their lunch, Guru Maharaja expressed his happiness and thanked Radhanath Maharaja, Yamuna Mataji and Dina Tarini Mataji for their wonderful association. Jayapataka Maharaja said to Yamuna Mataji how everyday he listens to the Govindam adi purusam song sung by her during the Deity greetings. Yamuna Mataji humbly passed on all her credit to Srila Prabhupada. She said how she is happy to see Guru Maharaja's recovery. Guru Maharaja mentioned that on the previous day some devotees had sung few bhajans for him. Yamuna Mataji responded if she could also sing for Guru Maharaja one day. Radhanath Maharaja suggested that the kirtan could be performed even at this moment while Guru Maharaja finishes his lunch. Everyone agreed and the gurukulis sang Hare Krsna Maha Mantra with kartalas, mrdangas and harmonium. When they finished Guru Maharaja asked Yamuna Mataji to sing. Yamuna Mataji sang Namaste Narasimha prayers. Guru Maharaja then asked Radhanatha Maharaja to lead the kirtan and in response Radhanath Maharaja asked Guru Maharaja to lead the kirtan. Everyone felt so jubilant to see their loving reciprocations. Radhanath Maharaja sang so beautifully Hare Krsna Maha Mantra. When Maharaja finished the kirtan Guru Maharaja again asked Yamuna Mataji to sing one more bhajan. She sang the names of Nitai, Gauranga and Jaya Sacinandana. During the kirtan Guru Maharaja sometimes would be clapping his hands very slowly or tapping his feet and also sometimes he was repeating the kirtan. At the end Guru Maharaja managed by himself to raise both the hands and chant, "Gauranga". The devotees repeated after him and Guru Maharaja again chanted "Gauranga" and the devotees repeated. Radhanatha Maharaja said to Guru Maharaja, "so you are leading the kirtan Maharaja!" Everyone burst into laughter. It was one of the most unforgettable moments for all those who had gathered. The whole atmosphere was spiritually surcharged with the presence of so many exalted Vaisnavas. Saturday, December 27 - Report from Vaikunthapati prabhu: 22-Dec-08 - Afternoon shift, 2 pm to 9 pm Guru Maharaja was taking facial therapy from Dr. Mahabahu prabhu when we arrived to his room. By his expert treatment Guru Maharaja could close his left eye better than before and the face appearance is getting better day by day. Everyday Guru Maharaja gets 2 or 3 times the facial therapy and each session lasts for 30 minutes. Prasadam was served after his facial therapy. Then the physiotherapist came to see Guru Maharaja to give bed exercises and also to teach Bhadara Balaram prabhu and Ekanath Gaura prabhu so that they can give the same exercises to Guru Maharaja as often possible during the day. At 4:30 pm the opthologist doctor came with their machine to check Guru Maharaja's eyes. They also appreciate face therapist's treatment that Guru Maharaja can close his left eye better and eventually Guru Maharaja will not have his left eye taped while sleeping at night. When the devotees were shifting Guru Maharaja to the bed his right hand accidently hit the rails of the bed and Guru Maharaja expressed a sudden pain saying, "ouch!" Immediately Dr.Shiromani mataji said this means the right hand started to sense the pain and it is a good sign. At 6:15 pm Jagannath, Baladev and Subadra deities came to Guru Maharaja's room. Guru Maharaja took darsan of Them, offered flowers and took a small piece of prasad. After that Narataki Mataji, Srila Prabhupada's disciple who resides above Guru Maharaja's room in the spiritual care department came to see him and recollected how Guru Maharaja was serving so nicely Srila Prabhupada. Guru Maharaja was so tired after getting so many therapies since the morning, so the servants desired to give him prasadam and put him to early rest. At 8:15 pm Guru Maharaja was served prasadam and at 9:15 pm he was on the bed sleeping. Ekanath Gaura prabhu shared with us all how in the morning during the physiotherapy session Guru Maharaja showed improvement in his walking using the parallel bars and with the support of the devotees. 21-Dec-08 - afternoon shift 12 noon to 9 pm Around at 12 am I went to Guru Maharaja's room to join with Bhadra Balaram prabhu. The physiotherapy doctor came to give bed exercises to Guru Maharaja. The exercises were for his hands, legs and trunk. He was able to sit at the edge of the bed for quite sometime and only with the support of his hands. He was made to stand and sit for two times with the support of the walker and with the help of devotees. The doctors are focusing now to teach Guru Maharaja to stand on his own. Guru Maharaja sat on a chair and took prasadam. After his prasadam he took rest. Here in Bhaktivedanta hospital many doctors always come and check Guru Maharaja. In this regard Guru Maharaja also commented that in Hinduja hospital he saw the doctors only few times in a day and the nurses were around him quite often. But in Bhaktivedanta hospital the doctors are all the time around him and he rarely sees the nurses. He was happy with many doctors taking care of him nicely and the atmosphere here is spiritual. Yesterday when Dr. Shiromani and another doctor was with Guru Maharaja, a topic came about the hospital deities, Jagannath, Subhadra and Baladeva. They everyday visit the patients and the patients also get the deities prasadam. Guru Maharaja told them jokingly that the deities don't come to see him. Dr. Shiromani mataji said, "No Guru Maharaja, you were taking rest at the time when They came to this floor and another time you were in the physiotherapy department at the ground floor." At around 5 pm I saw the Jagannath, Subhadra and Baladeva deities at the 4th floor where Guru Maharaja's deluxe suite is situated. Dr. Shiromani mataji was also present with the deities. I rushed to see if Guru Maharja was awake and he was awake. Bhadra Balaram prabhu was nearby him. We prepared to receive the deities. The deities arrived after a few minutes and the devotees brought Them closer to Guru Maharaja. He prayed for a moment and offered flowers to Them. He took one small piece of prasad from the deities. He was happy to see Them in his room! The facial therapist, Dr. Mahabahu prabhu came to begin his course for Guru Maharaja. Guru Maharaja was made to sit at the edge of the bed and was given facial therapy for half an hour. His face is getting better everyday, still his speaking and facial expressions needs a lot of improvement. After the theraphy he took some fruits. Ratnavali dd, Devakimayi dd and Madhuri Yamuna dd came to read get well letters for Guru Maharaja. The devotees' get well letters enliven Guru Maharaja always. After that again he got facial therapy for sometime and Bhadra Balaram prabhu fed him dinner. At around 9 pm the eye specialist came and checked Guru Maharaja's eyes. After that Guru Maharaja was put to sleep.
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Is this Prabhupada's prediction? Another terror attack could lead to war between India and Pakistan London/Mumbai, (ANI): Sources close to Indian intelligence have claimed that another terror attack before the 2009 general election would almost certainly make war between India and Pakistan inevitable. America and Britain are keen that the present friction between Islamabad and New Delhi does not distract Pakistan, and make it take a decision to end their offensive against Al-Qaeda and Taliban “safe havens” in tribal areas close to the Afghan border. According to The Sunday Times, an Indian intelligence report claims the Mumbai gunmen were among a large group of volunteer “fedayeen” trained in commando tactics by Pakistan army and navy instructors over 18 months from December 2006. “The training of these 500 men was in three phases. The first was basic physical fitness and firearms training. The second was marine navigation and swimming. The third involved training to sabotage underwater installations such as oil rigs, ships and submarines,” said one official. “They were trained to a level of US Seals or Pakistani marine commandos. They were elite. Ten of these men were the ones who attacked Mumbai,” the report claims. Senior US officials believe “rogue and retired” ISI officials have helped Taliban and Al-Qaeda terrorists carry out a number of attacks, including last July’’s bombing of the Indian embassy in Kabul, which killed 58. “It’’s pretty clear that the LeT was behind the attacks. There is nothing that would point at the moment to direct links between the attacks and the ISI, but the ISI has a long association with the LeT and helped to create it,” the Sunday Times quoted a western diplomat, as saying. “The Indians don”t believe it is rogue and retired elements. In the Kabul embassy attack in July, the link [to the ISI] was more direct. But this is how they work, through retired officers,” he added. (ANI)