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Thanks for telling your experiences, Priyaji. What is amazing is if you speak to some of the American devotees is they have had more mystical or God realization experiences than any in the old and new testament combined. Then you read some story about an ancient Indian saint and the experiences seem miniscual compared to what has gone on in the lives of many of the early Kalki devotees. I suppose in the mahavakya of Kalki that reads something like "I shall reveal to you here and now all that I have revealed to every prophet sage saint and mystics throughout time" He really means it. Amazing He is.
Thanks for telling your experiences, Priyaji. What is amazing is if you speak to some of the American devotees is they have had more mystical or God realization experiences than any in the old and new testament combined. Then you read some story about an ancient Indian saint and the experiences seem miniscual compared to what has gone on in the lives of many of the early Kalki devotees. I suppose in the mahavakya of Kalki that reads something like "I shall reveal to you here and now all that I have revealed to every prophet sage saint and mystics throughout time" He really means it. Amazing He is.
*********quote: the world was not aware of terrorism asuras as they are now. in light of that iskcon and hare krishna need to focus on practicing and preaching gita/krishna and not chaitanya. *********** Which world? I find that to be an interesting statement considering how India and much of the world has suffered for eons at the hands of perhaps the most imperialistic cultures in the history of man.
Quote************ the ashram or gurukula did not admit those outside the faith, meateaters or people of other faiths********* Not admit meat eaters? Correct me if I am wrong but that seems kind of modern. Was there was considerable animal sacrifice and burnt offerings & feasts in pre-Upanishad days and Vedic ritual. Granted at the time of the Upanishads no respectable person in India ate meat per many scholars (whatever respectable may mean /images/graemlins/smile.gif) but before that........
Thank you for the reply. When I wrote communal I was not refering to physically living in communes but to communal religions-those that must have retention & new members to survive. Like the Catholic church setting aside a couple billion for the conversion of India, including Mother Theresa's missions after so many churches closed in the USA and Europe-this occurred long before the priest scandals. The nature of belief is that it must perpetuate itself. I understand that Hindu is not an ancient word as it would be very difficult to categorize the religions of India even today. Yet the sages of India proved to the British that all aspects of what they called Hinduism was geared towards mukti (enlightenment). Like there are those that worship the Christ who consider themselves Hindu as clearly in his message can be found moksha-liberation from births and deaths. So this leads me to the question then is the Krishna religion geared towards enlightenment?
I am wondering if then ISKON is a communal or missionary religion meaning it must retain and create have new devotees to survive? Mostly religions with a one omnipotent being like Christianity and Buddhism are communal and care alot if people come and go. Most Hindu sects are not communal. If you leave no one calls you on the phone or gets upset because you decided to go off to another temple or ashram for some time. No attempt is made really to retain devotees. I am interested and now wondering if you would consider the Krisha sects to be Hindu.
I attended a couple mukti yajnas at Satyaloka an enlightened community and ashram of a sage they call Kalki Bhagavan. The tradition is vegetarian, celebate, involves a lot of dietary restriction and yoga to start. There was about 6 months of preparation to attend the first 42 day yajna and during that preparation a dasa of Kalki taught us the ancient sadhanas and sutras of desire. It was awesome as they teaches the dynamics of desire and primal urges such as for food and sex. Basically it boils down to this: There will always be desire however it is a matter of whether you make use of desire or it will make use of you. There is tremendous energy in desire that can be used in spiritual pursuits. If you try and control it you will enter a state of reformation rather than transformation. There are ways you can make use of desire rather than having it make use of you. What is amazing about the sadhanas of desire is once mastered it is not so hard to attain renunciation in the world rather than of the world. Males and females can easily coexist in the ashrams without scandals, and all the dramas and sufferings that come from the trying to be celebate when it is not one's nature. What is really cool is you can apply the sadhanas and sutras of desire to food and do without, to sleep and do without just about anything. You no longer have to buy a Mercedes to experience a Mercedes! They still teach this in the USA at some of the centers for the teachers training.
Namaste Priyaji, I heard the yajna in LA was unsurpassed and that the sun danced in the sky. Did you see this? Please tell your experiences.
Namaste Priyaji, I heard the yajna in LA was unsurpassed and that the sun danced in the sky. Did you see this? Please tell your experiences.
Scientist have been working for quite some time in the proving of God. Following is an interesting exerpt by Acharya Sri Akshyamati. Enlightened as a teen, she is the author of the unsigned "The Dharma of Kalki" a popular book with Western seekers of mukti, recently translated into Russian and widely read in the former USSR. She writes: ************************************************************ Nowadays it has become a norm to relate everything to the presence of a scientific temper. But sadly. this terminology in iteself has been the victim of erroneous belief. True scientific nature primarily demands a mind that is receptive and open to new perceptions, howso ever far fetched they may seem in the Newtonian-Cartesian mode of thinking. Let us acknowledge and all pervading fact of life. In a way, all science too is poetry when it comes to the expression of natural phenomena. All science and related technology today owe their Genesis to the 1st postulate of mathmatics which is not subject to any debate. It is a hypothesis empirically defining the concept of "ZERO". If we take away this hypothesis the entire world of science would collapse. If we consider an inverted pyramid, the pointed apex at the bottom could be said to represent that one thought on which an entire mountain of creation rests. Spirituality in essence, is going back to that root point and being able to perceive things from there. And wonder of wonders how many of us are even aware that the definition of "ZERO" was the outcome of a spiritual sadhana by an Indian mystic, Bhaskaracharya. True creativity is thus born out of nothingness, even if it may be in the midst of chaos. What then is poetry? Poetry too is the creation of the human mind in the flight of imagination born out of a single spark of inspiration from an external or internal source.. In the context of this how would you define science when it cannot exist in theory without the concept of ZERO. The above is not to undermine the scientific in any way. Can one strand of a mat be utilized to judge the quality of the whole mat? It cannot, because it would be "Unscientific" to do so-it does not fulfill optimal sampling requirements. How then can we use one aspect of creation to fathom the laws of creation! It would be grave folly and this is the pitfall of today's generic thinking. Through brilliant advances of the mind we have been able to understand alot of "how things work" in creation. For instance we know that Silicon and Germanium have certain qualities which enable their usage as semi conductors of electricity. This facilitates their usage as switches in circuits. But then why the electrons, protons and neutrons in them are capable of behaving in a particular fashion is termed an "attribute" of the element, which is a given in life. We can only observe and exploit this aspect of creation, we cannot create it. Or we know that pennicillin is an antibiotic. WHy it has this property can only be ascribed to its being a gift of Creation. Of this it is absolutely necessary to be aware. The fact that science has given us alot of things to live with, but nothing, really, to live for......." cont www.vedicshamanism.com Later she writes: The word "God" has become a common part of our lexicon in everyday conversation. Some of us say "We believe in God" and others say that "We don't". Others are indifferent to the question Even amongst us who believe,there are various preceptions regarding this aspect. Some of us ascribe a specific form to God, while others swear that God is formless. All these perceptions emerge from the realm of belief, a belief or adherance to a particular religious system or denomination. No religion demands blind belief in its most original form. However our laziness coupled with convenience makes us take the easy way out. We become either "believers"or "non believers". And there are some of us who are just indifferent. With deference to our so called intellectual states and scientific temper, we do not even address this basic issue of ignorance in our lives, an issue which has a bearing over our entire lives. We do not possess any knowledge as regards to the "existence" or "non existence" of God. We possess merely "concepts" and "ideas.".............
It is a very good writing. Very profound. I would very much like to email it to some friends-would you mind signing it with the edit feature if it is ok?
This leads to an interesting dynamic. Elsewhere on this board people have said they are followers of Rama rather than Krishna yet are the incarnations seen as the same being or separate entities? It seems some Buddhists get amazingly upset if someone refers to Gautama Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu. Yet clearly the mission of Gautama Buddha appears to be quite similar as that of the Kalki Avatar-to attempt to liberate the masses from suffering. From the stories of Buddha it very much seems that he was sucessful in giving enlightenment to some. It does not seem like Sai Baba is the predicted Kalki Avatar as he does not seem to be liberating mankind from suffering or closing Kaliyuga-both aspects of the divine mission of the Kalki Avatar. Has he given enlioghtenemnet to any of his devotees? Has Sai Baba changed the truth or the consciousness of man on any level? I do not know, I am asking. Pretend for a minute the Kalki avatar would undeniably appear-would the devotees of Krishna and Rama worship them as their Beloved or would they stick to worshipping a past incarnation? If Christ was to come another time would his followers embrace him or stick to the image of the one on the cross? What about Matraiya? Could Buddhists accept him? Could man accept a living God or do we prefer them to be incarnationally challenged? Recently I have begun to worship Kalki as strange as it sounds as how can it be any different worshipping one from the past than one from the future. Curiously my prayers have been answered. On some level I suppose it is easier to relate that way maybe easier so for a female-kind of like being pregnant I suppose-you have great capacity to love the unborn. Even as a small girl you dream of the children you will have someday and you love them as you do your ancestors. Sometimes it reminds me of the line from Field of Dreams "Build it an they will come." There is a Kalki Temple in Jaipur built in the 1700's that has yet to be opened. It is interesting to me to think about. What if? Sometimes I wonder if they would open the doors surely he would come all matter begins as thought some would say-time is what stands between.
This leads to an interesting dynamic. Elsewhere on this board people have said they are followers of Rama rather than Krishna yet are the incarnations seen as the same being or separate entities? It seems some Buddhists get amazingly upset if someone refers to Gautama Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu. Yet clearly the mission of Gautama Buddha appears to be quite similar as that of the Kalki Avatar-to attempt to liberate the masses from suffering. From the stories of Buddha it very much seems that he was sucessful in giving enlightenment to some. It does not seem like Sai Baba is the predicted Kalki Avatar as he does not seem to be liberating mankind from suffering or closing Kaliyuga-both aspects of the divine mission of the Kalki Avatar. Has he given enlioghtenemnet to any of his devotees? Has Sai Baba changed the truth or the consciousness of man on any level? I do not know, I am asking. Pretend for a minute the Kalki avatar would undeniably appear-would the devotees of Krishna and Rama worship them as their Beloved or would they stick to worshipping a past incarnation? If Christ was to come another time would his followers embrace him or stick to the image of the one on the cross? What about Matraiya? Could Buddhists accept him? Could man accept a living God or do we prefer them to be incarnationally challenged? Recently I have begun to worship Kalki as strange as it sounds as how can it be any different worshipping one from the past than one from the future. Curiously my prayers have been answered. On some level I suppose it is easier to relate that way maybe easier so for a female-kind of like being pregnant I suppose-you have great capacity to love the unborn. Even as a small girl you dream of the children you will have someday and you love them as you do your ancestors. Sometimes it reminds me of the line from Field of Dreams "Build it an they will come." There is a Kalki Temple in Jaipur built in the 1700's that has yet to be opened. It is interesting to me to think about. What if? Sometimes I wonder if they would open the doors surely he would come all matter begins as thought some would say-time is what stands between.
There are some electronic devices you can plug in that emit a sound offensive to mice. They work quite well. They will go someplace else. Same with mosquitos-when I travel to india I take a device that has two programs-one the sound of dragonfly wings (works in South India) and one that makes a noise like a male mosquito-works better in the North-don't think it speaks the same language as S Indian mosquitos or something). The females (who bite)are repelled by and avoid the males. I got it at one of the Alpin Air stores. I think you can get the mouse repeller in most pet supply catalogues.
There are some electronic devices you can plug in that emit a sound offensive to mice. They work quite well. They will go someplace else. Same with mosquitos-when I travel to india I take a device that has two programs-one the sound of dragonfly wings (works in South India) and one that makes a noise like a male mosquito-works better in the North-don't think it speaks the same language as S Indian mosquitos or something). The females (who bite)are repelled by and avoid the males. I got it at one of the Alpin Air stores. I think you can get the mouse repeller in most pet supply catalogues.