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  1. I use such programs: * Шри Jyoti Star 6 * Jagannatha Hora 7.0 * Jagannatha Hora 7.3 * Kala2008 * Maitreya 5.0 * Grahas 5.0 * Light Parashara's 6.1 All these programs differ in calculations a little. And some Dasa, for example Kalahakra and Sudasa consider very much differently. Even my site Gulika and Pranapada differ. In Jagannatha Hora fnd Kala2008 and Grahas 5.0 shows one, And Light Parashara's in 6.1 Шри Jyoti Star and 6 shows another. What program does consider more precisely??? Thanks.
  2. Ekadashamsha and Rudramsha is the same or not? It seems to me Ekadashamsha it is necessary to look for incomes, And Rudramsha – for destruction. That is Ekadashamsha is D-11, and Rudramsha – D-8.
  3. Ekadashamsha and Rudramsha is the same or not? It seems to me Ekadashamsha it is necessary to look for incomes, and Rudramsha – for destruction. That is Ekadashamsha is D-11, and Rudramsha – D-8.
  4. Excuse if has written with mistakes. I hope for your help! __________________ It is possible to answer on A.1_@mail.ru
  5. I want to find out, what program considers more correctly? I Russian andI used Russian-speaking program Jagannatha Hora 7.02, its new version Jagannatha Hora 7.3 recently has left. Began to use to her. Has decided to recheck financial questions - them well covers Sudasa. The principle such - when is included by 11-th from Arudha-Lagna - wait the income, As 12-th is included from Arudha-Lagna- wait for charges and losses. I correctly understand? And I have found out, that Jagannatha Hora 7.02 and Jagannatha Hora 7.3 consider Sudasa on miscellaneous. The main same period, and antar-daha and is naturally the others... Already others. It has surprised me, and I have given preferences new to the version - Jagannatha Hora 7.3, Nevertheless it new, can there programmers were mistaken a little, and now these mistakes have found and have corrected. And now about the most important! I have looked in Parashara's Light 6.1 and Shri Jyoti Star 6 and what my surprise was, When there this Sudasa at all was not, though programs that both paid and serious. In Jagannatha Hora 7.3 (as well as at 7.02) at me Pranapadain 5-th, and Gulika in 10-th. And in Shri Jyoti Star 6 and Parashara's Light 6.1 - at me Pranapadain 6-th, and Gulika in 11-th. How it can be??? Well under characteristics to the data in BPHS, to me like as approaches calculations Jagannatha Hora, Has tried to consider Gulika in manual, - yes, is exact in 10-th (well if not was mistaken). From here a question (simply to understand it would be desirable and to ask there is nobody) - unless can So authoritative programs to suppose such primitive mistakes??? I look KALA 2008 - in general the mess turns out. The third variant of calculations has already turned out. On KALA 2008 - at me Gulika as well as in Jagannatha Hora - in 10-th, and Pranapadain general in 3-rd has remained. Where the truth? I want to understand for myself, what program to me to use - what from them considers correctly?!? And still such question to those who uses Shri Jyoti Star 6: On what basis by asterisks are designated recommended Dasa? In program Shri Jyoti Star 6 depending on the card{map}, asterisks designate those kinds Dasa, Which recommend to use from that big number of these Dasa. For example, for my card, do not recommend to use Vimshottari-dasa, And suggest Astottari-dasa, Dwisaptati sama, Shat-trimshat sama, Sudarshana Chakra. Question: why? In fact on Vimshottari-dasaat me all converges! And how to use these Dasa, I unfortunately, yet do not know - where it speaks? I was born: Date: August 2, 1972 Time:18:04:28 Time Zone: 3:00:00 (East of GMT) Place: 37 ° E 53 ' 38 ", 47 ° 57 N ' 37 " Donetsk, Ukraine Ayanamsa: 23-28-42.48 Lahiri (Chitrapaksha) __________________ Look and explain please. It is possible to answer on A.1_@mail.ru
  6. It is known, that Viparita Raja the Yoga is formed by connection of managers duhstan (malicious houses - 3, 6th, 8th and 12th). Being in connection, managers of malicious houses destroy each other, that is the negative varies on a positive. Question: whether always Viparita Raja the Yoga is formed only when managers of these duhstan or in one of duhstan or in kendre/trikone. If, for example, at Lagna the Sagittarius managers 6th (Venus), 8th (Moon) and 12th (Mars) are connected in 11th (Scales), whether that arises Viparita Raja Yoga? And if yes, that it should bring: the income or on the contrary losses? Acubens@mail.ru
  7. Hare Krishna! I was born on August, 2 1972, 18:04:29.3 in Ukraine, Donetsk (48N00, 37E48), GMT + 3:00 (Lagna = 12-37-25 Sg) Very much and very much I am interested in Astrology Nadi. I shall be very grateful if look my D-150. What does she show? Tell please, 1) What yogas are in my horoscope 2) If at me Раджа-yoga 3) Connection Sun + Buddha + Mangala in 8-th house create Radja Yoga? (Ketu does not prevent?) 4) If at me a damnation from the last life? 5) What means an exchange of owners (Parivarthana-yoga) between 5-th and 8-th? 6) What planet and HOW to me follows умилостивить and in general what adjusting means to execute? Many thanks. Yours faithfully, Vitaly Guskov Astro_Veda@mail.ru
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