product of mother's love
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kal bhairo/kateri/sangani
product of mother's love replied to summergirl's topic in The Hinduism Forum
Namaste Brother, Yep, the mandir at Van Siclen is ALWAYS crowded, they have lots of new comers every week so i can understand if you get a bit frustrated or shy becasue there are too many people to deal with. I use to go to one around atlantic area where they had it in a basement or something dunno how it is now, this was back in 90's. They used to charge money before you see Master (at that time only Master used to see people I think. But we stopped going there long time ago. Yes, the only mandir I go to is any of the branches affiliated with Pujari basdeo, he is very strict but from what I've seen, I guess he has to be. Too many people take advantage of these things. I am not a weekly goer as I'd like because I live out of state but I try to go when I am in the NY area. If you wanted to go back there, I would suggest that you talk to Pujari basdeo or one of the other pujari there, his name is Buddy. Very good guy, I can give you his number. If you call and explain to him that you are interested in learning how to play tapu and perhaps one day "HELP THEM AT THE MANDIR" (you don't have to mention what ur true purpose is immediately until you get a feel for it yourself) then he can give you advice on what to do. I do like Uncle Buddy a whole lot he is always positive, always in good humor and never takes too much seriously. He is the one who plays Mother Kali every week. I think you might enjoy talking to him. He always gives good advice (and besides, i like anyone who has a good sense of humor with stuff like this and doesn't act like they know it all and uncle buddy is not judgemental at all). Is your uncle a pujari in Guyana? -
kal bhairo/kateri/sangani
product of mother's love replied to summergirl's topic in The Hinduism Forum
Blessings brother, I know that special feeling! It is beautiful when we are singled out like that to aid them in any way we can. WOW mid teens and are so dedicated. Reminds me of myself. I do really and truly hope you find what you seek, positively. The reason why i suggested pujair basdeo is because he has many young pujari's in training. Since I have been going there, there have been a handful of young boys playing the tapu since before teens. A few of them started before 10 years of age! I am SHOCKED to see how much they have grown up since I've been there. Many are now a frequent part of the calling up process, playing tapu and even "play" themselves. It is a beautiful site to see such young boys be so dedicated. Imagine at such a young age they give up EVERY weekend to be a part of Mother's service EVERY week. Fasting starts from Friday-Sunday. And EVERY weekend these boys are there, it is very rare not to see them there on a given weekend, even holidays they and their families are present at the temple. Yes, mother does come on her own sometimes during a prayer or worship service to check up. I must admit I love to see her any way I can and we never try to abuse it by "influencing" her to do so. Does your family live in NY, perhaps near Brooklyn? If you are, perhaps you may go for a visit or even speak with the Pujari there for help or aid. I'll forewarn you, he's a VERY straight forward speaking old man and he can sometimes be mistaken for being mean, but he has a good heart. He's also very old and sickly now so he is training the mandir staff there as much as he can, especially the pujari's. Also, there is a branch in Miami where the head Pujari there also has a host of young boys in training. Not sure about the Ontario branch; though the folks who opened it has a young pujari there as well (Rudy i think, but I can't remember). He seems like a nice kid and his Love for Mother is very obvious. Are you planning on opening up your own Mandir? Product of Mother's DIVINE Love P.S. I'm editing because I totally missed the part you said about "licks" LMAO. AMEN to that brother! I witnessed somebady ketchin a cut @ss one time, and I'll tell you what, ALL the newcomers that day NEVER came back LOOOL. It's hard for newcomers to grasp that type of behavior especially if they don't understand the culture too much. One time I asked Mother why she doesn't give a cut @ss to some of the folks there who really deserve it. She look at me like I was one of the person's who deserved it LMAO. Mother and Baba does have quite a sense of humor if you understand them on that level (thank god), if not, they would've worn out my sarcastic butt with Papa's rope a long time ago -
kal bhairo/kateri/sangani
product of mother's love replied to summergirl's topic in The Hinduism Forum
Good day mantra, How are you brother? One can do whatever he or she wishes in the home; however, it is ill fated to practice "calling-up" within your home (especially unsupervised). It is acceptable to do within a temple surrounding supervised by the Purjari's due to many things that can go very wrong for you. A temple surrounding is CLEAN and therefore the only ideal place to perform such a task. In an unclean surrounding many "other" things can come up during the "calling-up" process. Also, it is generally frowned up upon doing so because people often get carried away when they do these things at home. We should always TRY and follow the path that pleases Mother and wherever her presence is requested should always remain humble, clean and without disdain. I know many people do things within the home and Mother does not complain but that is because we "force" her (and baba etc,) to be there through various chants, music etc... She always tries to please ALL of her children. Honestly, I have "been around" since childhood with a number of members in my family who used to attend people's homes where they do this, and I have never been to a home that seemed "light" or without misery but people often miss the BIG picture that doing this in the home is NOT RECOMMENDED and wonder why they "help so many people" but always seem to have too many problems of their own! Most of the people I know who practice this outside of temple is in it for material gain (not saying EVERYONE) but many out there do that. If you would like to learn more about Mother and the divine meaning of this process, contact a Pujari. Personally, Pujari Basdeo of the Van Siclen temple would be the best person to do this with. He is the FOUNDING father of Shri Maha Kali Ma mandir in Guyana, Trinidad, U.K., Canada... Hope that was helpful. Blessings to you and good luck in your search for finding the right thing. PRODUCT OF MOTHER'S *DIVINE* LOVE -
kal bhairo/kateri/sangani
product of mother's love replied to summergirl's topic in The Hinduism Forum
Namaste everyone, I am new to this forum. I found it while in search for contact information and location to the Brampton, ON mandir in Canada (Mariamman temple I believe?). If anyone has that info, please post. Also, I have been scrolling through the various posts and please I beg you to all keep in mind ONE thing. EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES based on MANY elements of life. Some of us grew up in a surrounding where worship (of any kind) is positive, while others may not have been as fortunate. That is why those of us that have POSITIVE experiences must be understanding of those that ask "dumb" questions (but please keep in mind THERE ARE NO SUCH THING AS DUMB/IGNORANT QUESTIONS WHEN IT COMES GO GOD). So please be SUPPORTIVE, ENCOURAGING, PATIENT, AND KIND when responding to those who do not seem to understand. The reason for doing this is to REPRESENT OUR MOTHER! FIRST AND FOREMOST WE ARE CHILDREN OF GOD. Does not matter Madrass, madrassi, aryasamaj, catholic, presbyterian etc... PEOPLE LEARN BY EXAMPLE. Therefore, we, Mother's children (or child of Jesus whichever you are) you must first set the precedence for others to follow. I feel very fortunate to have been born into a culture where I know and am able to devote myself to Mother (whether she be Durga, Kali, Kateri etc...) There are no favorites here. Someone did make mention to Lord Krishna in an earlier post that according to Krishna you can ONLY worship him. There is nothing wrong with that statement either because according to all scriptures every God or Goddess has something to that effect written into their chalisa (if you devote urself to so and so there is no need to practice worship to any other gods or goddess) this is a correct statment on the larger scale of Enlightenment. For example, if you believe that there is only ONE God and that God took many forms then that is a correct statement. Therefore, we should not be upset at others. Whatever your belief, whichever God or Goddess your heart takes a liking to, you should worship and without FAIL you will be relieved of any misconceptions, confusions, or negativity you have because GOD, THE DIVINE PRESENCE WHOSE REAL FORM WE KNOW NOT, AND WHOSE REAL NAME WE KNOW NOT IS PRESENT WITHIN ANY AND ALL DEVAS. Further, worshipping the master, Sangani, kateri ma is NOT a bad or evil thing that most people make it out to be. In general, they are here to HELP us. And I agree with the individual who pointed out that IT IS UP TO THE PERSON HOW THEY WORSHIP THESE GODS. If you are WORSHIPPING them in a wrong or selfish way only to bring others down or wreak havoc upon others, guess what my brothers and sisters? It comes back to you for another 10 lifetimes (i just made that number up to show an example so please don't beat down the keyboard trying to ask me to prove it LOL) but anyway - guess what? Master Bhairo (the love of my life cuz he's so sweet!) and Sangani Baba (a little more serious at times but he's also spoiled me rotten - my real father) and Mother Kateri (whose nothing but DIVINE and beautiful in all aspects) are GOD! God who is our real mother and father does not wish to harm His Children as much as YOU wish to harm your own children, correct? Who here would WANT to go and take a baseball bat to their child and cripple them or put run them bankrupt to go live in the streets and eat garbage? NO ONE!! Therefore, for those out there who uses Mother and Baba to do wrong things will incur SEVERE PENALTIES because Mother and Baba DO NOT want to hurt their children (US). They only want what is best for us just as your physical mom and dad do! Therefore, CREATING FOR THEM A SITUATION WHERE YOU GIVE SACRIFICE TO DO SOMETHING WRONG TO SOMEONE WILL ONLY MEAN THAT YOU YOURSELF ARE SETTING THE STAGE FOR YOUR OWN DEMISE. So okay, why did I go into all that crap above? Simple, within the West Indian community there are inevitable skepticism among MANY individuals about these 3 gods (Bhairo baba, Sangandy Baba and Kateri ma, who I will now start to refer to as "THE 3"). The 3 has been blamed for everything that happens in certain individual people's lives and family and though, I agree TO A CERTAIN EXTENT that promises made by our forefathers can turn harmful to the present generation, THE 3 does NOT hold us to ANYTHING! In fact, they are here to HELP US ELEVATE OURSELVES in life and if you PRAY to THE 3 to guide you and to provide you with the way to REMOVE such an ordeal upon you and future generations, THEY WILL GIVE IT TO YOU. Albeit, not immediately, it will take some time but it will INEVITABLY work, whatever their advice is. Our ultimate goal in life is God Realization (aka Consciousness, Enlightenment etc...). These things have nothing to do with "playing" but has everything to do with KNOWLEDGE and DEVOTION. "Playing" is not a bad thing (if used properly to help others - i have seen and dealt with many whose egos have turned them into a DICTATOR in life but I am not here to judge, just merely stating my opinion). "Playing" happens when you have devoted yourself to a certain God or Goddess and you have received their BLESSING and acceptance as a result of your worship. Does that mean that if you do not "play" Mother or whoever does not love you? HELL NO. There are some who do not wish to receive this "element" of worship and so it is not given (I have heard of others who did not have a choice but I have other opinions on that) anyways, it does not mean that you are not special or that your prayer and worship is not good as somebody who "plays" it could mean a lot of different things such as family background/lineage, cargo (sp), meaning these people who play do it b/c it probably ran in their family or something but please do not feel "left out" by any means because it is far from being that serious! Mother often jokes with me about it! About those complaining about certain temples (I will get off my darned soap box when I feel I have covered everything LOL) - Okay so temples are bad? That's okay, there are reasons for making such statements. What are those reasons you ask, hmm, well first of all I am about to list a few things which I have witnessed. 1. Pujari's have YELLED at devotees in front of others 2. Some devotees were made fun of or were embarrassed by others 3. Every now and again, it did not seem that SOME mandirs were on the up and up (meaning the things that were said to devotees by people who were "playing" just seem outright WRONG or untrue. I am am sure many of you know of what I speak. HOWEVER, this does not make the MANDIR bad! It makes the PEOPLE BAD. An establishment is made up of its PEOPLE. What the people portray is what you will say the establishment is like, correct? Therefore, a judgement should NOT be made on KALI MA INC. It should be made upon the peer or individual conducting himself or herself in a wrongful manner. For example, YOU own a company and you have many employees, business is good things are smooth, then one day you see your company on FOX NEWS that you're going to be part of an investigation for fraud or what not (like Enron) you must ask yourself WHO IS ENRON? WHAT IS ENRON? WHAT DID ENRON DO? "ENRON" did not do anything, the CEO "JOE DOE" OR "JANE DOE" SPECIFICALLY did something, correct? The rest of the employees were INNOCENT and were victims of ENRON while the CEO and CFO's were the one's doing the wrong but BOTH SETS of people (CEO and Employees are a PART of Enron), correct? Now to the aunty or uncle who made the statement about the "Temple on Jamaica" I understand what you mean. First and foremost, your FIRST temple is in your HEART, practice meditation and prayer within your home DAILY with a sincere heart and concentration of how to remove your problems and MOTHER or whoever your pray to will SEND YOUR ANSWER TO YOU, GUARANTEED! If you are still looking for a mandir, the one I go to is on Van Siclen in Brooklyn. I have found that ALL TEMPLES THAT I HAVE BEEN TO HAVE DRAMA but if you sincerely CONCENTRATE on just YOU and maintain that focus when you are at the temple, then you will find yourself laughing at the drama and not letting it get to you. When I go, I do not let myself get distracted by the people and what they say, I focus on my prayer, my purpose for being there, and mediatate on Mother and I always leave their happy with a smile! Okay, did I forget anything? Oh yeah, someone said on here BELIEVE IS A CURE. YOU COULD NOT BE MORE RIGHT! It can work in opposition for you too! If you believe with all your might that SOMEONE can harm you or IS harming you...you will find everything in your life going wrong! So BELIEVE IN GOD MY FRIENDS and everyday tell yourself that this is just a TEST and meditate on finding a POSITIE outcome or resolution and it will come. For all of you please look up books by Paramahansa Yogananda Vol's 1-3 and start reading. Please don't be judgemental that he mentions CHRIST along with Krishna in there because remember CHRIST was supposed to be one of Lord' Vishnu's incarnation here on earth. Blessings to all of you and PLEASE SOMEONE POST THE CONTACT INFO/ADDRESS FOR THE LOCATION OF THE BRAMPTON, ON MANDIR IF YOU HAVE IT. - Product of Mother's DIVINE Love -