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DJ Ace

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  1. Son...with this problem ....if someone is sick they should go to the beach or sea to bath everyweek or so or every other day and pray to remove all sickness. If its more involving masta you have to talk to him and ask him what he wants in order to cure that person....it might include offering rum and cigerettes or someone else that i wont mention on this website....any more question email me at djace291@aol.com .
  2. ......im talking about A mother Kali church...any kali church ...that deals with mother kali......comprendey amigo
  3. i just want to know if dave is a good pujari and how old is him?????
  4. I kinda heard of this uncle lewis .... but I want to know a couple of things. I am in my mid teens and I want to know can he still teach a young student like me , are theres any other young pujaris at his mandir in queens NY , and is the mandir a big place like the kali church by van siclen (is it crowded)???? email me back or post it . DJACE291@aol.com
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