O Arjuna, there are twenty deeds by which one can remove the influence of material life and attain pure spiritual life: 1) not coveting any honour, 2) absence of arrogance, 3) non-violence, 4) practicing forgiveness, 5) simplicity, 6) service to Acharya, 7) inward and outward purity, 8) honesty, 9) self-restraint, 10) dispassion for sense objects, 11) absence of false ego, 12) contemplation on suffering associated with birth, old age, disease and death, 13) non-attachment for material things, 14) absence of possessiveness for son, wife, home and belongings, 15) constant balance of mind in favourable and un-favourable events, 16) pure loving devotion for Me 17) Resort to a peaceful place, 18) apathy for places full of material activities, 19) constant awareness of spiritual knowledge about self and God, 20) Sincere search for the eternal spiritual essence. All these are to be regarded as true wisdom and all else as ignorance.