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  1. Hi Learned People, Does this include Rahu & Ketu as a planet as well for Kemdruma Yoga. Warm Regards Amit Nakai
  2. <hr style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> Hi Learned People, Please throw some light on the subject Warm Regards Nakai
  3. Hi Astro Learned ones, I am awaiting a reply till now. Please respond. Deepa Bhandari'ji has totaly ignored responding to my post after asking a query for Ketu Dasha. Warm Regards Nakai
  4. Hi Learned People, Please throw some light on the subject Warm Regards Nakai
  5. Hello Learned people, A good post for timing of events. Timing of Events through Dasha and Transit of Planets The birth chart of any native indicate the promise inherent in a Horoscopic chart because of the position of planet in chart and other qualifications that attend upon it, i.e., its location, conjuctions, aspects and its position and location in divisional chart. the horoscope only indicate the inherent promise. The time when promise will fructify depend uopn dasha and transit of planets. The total dasha period of a planet is divided in different parts and ruled by different planets. The dasha operative at the time of a particular planet and the results will pertains to natural signification, lordship, placements, aspects and strength of planet. The major period is known as mahadasa, the major period is further divideded into sub-period, and in Major dasha subperiod of all the planets are operative. Whenever, any important event is happening in the life of a native, the transit of planets play an important role, particularly transit of SATURN and JUPITER is very important. When SATURN and JUPITER both influence a house and house lord, activity related to that house start happening. In transit SUN indicate the month of event and the MOON indicate the day of event. In other word, we can say SATURN approve and JUPITER bless the event. For predicating any event in any natal chart, we have to study Dasha Anterdashas of planets and transit of planets particularly transit of SATURN/JUPITER. I have studied number of horoscopes and developed certain principals which clearly indicate as to when the particular event is likely to happen. I am discussing below the principals applicable for happening of following events by giving examples. These principals have been tested on number of horoscope and found accurate. Timing of Marriage Operative Dasha Parameter 1. Dasha of VIIth Lord. 2. Dasha of Lagna Lord. 3. Lagna Lord of D-9. 4. Dasha of RAHU/VENUS natural significator. 5. Dasha of VIIth lord from VENUS. 6. Planet position VIIth from Venus. 7. Dasha of planet posted in VIIth house, aspecting VIIth house or Lord. 8. Dispositer of VIIth Lord. Transit of Planets Parameter 1. Saturn and Jupiter will influence two conditions out of four mentioned below : i. VIIth house ii. VIIth Lord iii. Lagna iv. Lagna Lord 2. The Sun may indicate month of marriage by influincing one of four conditions mentioned above by posting or aspect. 3. The Moon may indicate date of marriage by influincing one of four conditions mentioed above by posting or aspect. CASE STUDY-1 Date of Birth : 19.10.1952 Time of Birth : 15.15 PM Place of Birth : Najibabad Date of Marriage : 26.12.1983 Dasha operative at the time of marriage Vimshotri : Jup/Rahu 09.05.1982 to 02.10.1984 Yognie : Samhta/Bhadrika Dasha Dasha oerating at the time of marriage was of Jupiter which is aspecting VIIth house and VIIth lord. Anterdasha operating was of RAHU which is natural significator of marriage. Hence operating Dasha and Anterdasha are covered under parameter 1 and 4 of Dasha parameter. Yogni Dasha Yogni dasha operatinf at the time of marrige was of SANKTA which is equivalent to RAHU the natural significator of marriage. The anterdasha operating was Bhadrika equivalent to Mercury which is posted with VIIth lord Sun. Hence dasha and anterdasha operating at the time of marriage are covered under parameter 4 and 5 of Dasha parameter. Transit At the time of marriage Saturn was transmitting in Libra where VIIth Lord Sun is posted. The Jupiter was transiting in Sagitarius from where it is aspecting VIIth house. Hence paramaters set in transit conditions are fulfilled. The Sun was transiting in Sagitarius it has just passed through Libra where VIIth lord Sun was posted. The moon at the day of marriage was in Cancer likely to enter Leo which is VIIth house. CASE STUDY- 2 Date of Birth : 08.11.1955 Time of Birth : 14.33 PM Place of Birth : Delhi Date of Marriage : 07.02.1977 Dasha operative at the time of marriage Vimshotri : VENUS/KETU 31.03.1976 to 31.05.1977 Yognie : SANKATA/SIDDHA 30.05.1976 to 19.12.1977 Dasha Vimshotri Dasha operating at the time of marriage was Venus the natural significator of marriage and anterdasha was of Ketu which is posted in VIIth house from Venus in the sign of Venus which is natural significator of marriage. Hence operating dasha and anterdasha are covered under parameter 4 and 5 of dasha parameter. Yogni Dasha Dasha operating at the time of marriage was of Sankta which is equivalent of Rahu, i.e., natural significator of marriage. The anterdasha was of Siddha which is equivalent to Venus. The Venus is the natural significator of marriage and is lord of VIIth from Venus hence operating dasha and anterdasha are covered under parameter 4 and 5 of dasha parameter. Transit Saturn was transiting in Cancer on date of marriage and was aspecting VIIth house since Saturn was ®. The Jupiter was transiting in Aries from where it was aspecting VIIth house and VIIth lord Sun. The Sun was in Capricorn likely to enter in Aquarius, i.e., in Lagna. The Moon was in Virgo it has just passed through Leo which is VIIth house. Warm Regards Nakai
  6. Hello Learned People, I have a general query ? If the birth chart is fixed during birth, then the person will live the life guided by the birth chart. We talk of the result for the person using the birth chart : Dasha & Bhukti only Then what effect does wearing Gems, prayers bring ?? Warm Regards Nakai
  7. Hello Learned people, Please provide insight to the fact that Saturn is retrograde in 11th house Ac: is Virgo & moon is in Sco. Warm Regards Nakai
  8. Hello Learned Ones, Does the post mean to say that the Yoga's in divisional charts are localised for the said dividional chart. What great significance are divisional charts for ? Hence Yoga in : D1 : personality D9 : related to spouse D10: related to career etc.... Please clarify, if a any one can. Warm Regards Amit Nakai
  9. Hello Learned One, Thanks for your analysis. This was the same period I also calculated from the Dasha & Bhukti periods. However a learned astrologer says, the time is in December 2008. Hence the lady is going for Test tube baby during this time period. The process is costly, the couple can only try the procedure for once, due to lack of funds. Any comments. Warm Regards Amit Nakai
  10. Good question Learned one, I have not received a reply yet on a neecha planet having neech bahnga & vargottam. I'm waiting patiently, if some learned one throws some light on the post. Lets see if you get a reply for your post. Warm Regards Amit Nakai
  11. Hi Bhaaskaran ji, What will be the result for the person dusring: Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Ven MD: 2004-04-16 (10:03:15) - 2024-04-16 (13:05:11) Moon AD: 2008-08-19 (10:35:43) - 2010-04-16 (22:57:43) Moon PD: 2008-08-19 (10:35:43) - 2008-10-09 (18:12:10) Jup SD: 2008-09-03 (13:07:00) - 2008-09-10 (10:00:12) Jup PAD: 2008-09-03 (13:07:00) - 2008-09-04 (11:07:49) Deha-antardasas in this PAD: Jup: 2008-09-03 (13:07:00) - 2008-09-03 (16:03:08) Warm Regards Nakai
  12. Namaskar Bhaaskaran Ji, One more fact I saw that from 3 Sep 2008, Ve enteres Hasta Nakshtara (Moon is the lord of Hasta Nakshtara). However, it is always important to keep in mind, when judging the effects of a particular transit, that planetary transits are always subordinate in influence to birth chart indications as well as to the influences of the currently operating Dasa and Bhukti cycles. Please throw your learned light ? Warm Regards Amit Nakai
  13. Hi Bhaaskaran Ji, Got the feel of the dasha system. However if I see BHPS text then during Pratyantar of Ju in Antar of Moon: Guru. Enjoyments, increase in dignity and glory, gain of knowledge through the preceptor, acquisition of a kingdom and acquisition of gems etc. In the natal chart: Ju is in own house (Pi), with 29 degrees (ready to moove to the next raasi) In Transit: Ju is retrograde presently, however will be direct from 10 Sep 2008. During 2nd house transit of Ju: result : Increase in good fortune, enemies become weak, gain of popularity, mental satisfaction, increase in money and other financial opportunities, family happiness, promotion at work, favorable time to buy gems and precious metals, gain in status. From 10 Dec 2008 onwards : Ju will move to 3rd house of person. Does the dasha, transit & natal Ju placements not amplify the results. As for Sa: Natal chart has Sa retrograde in 11th house of Mo. Transit has Sa in 10th house: Loss or change of job or profession, failure in undertakings, failure in education, life becomes difficult, obstacles in all deeds, mental distress, loss of health, loss of social status, unnecessary fears and worries. Sa in transit is presently Ast, because Su is with Sa. This Su will decrease the bad effects of Sa. Ve: in transit is in 11th House: Success in all undertakings, Increase in income, increase in wealth, general prosperity, increase in education, domestic peace and happiness, success in education, possibility of getting new house, improvement in skills at workplace. Ve in natal chart is in Trines, while Ve is the lord of 2nd house : Dasha of Ve Please bear with me, I am just learning how to read the permutation & combination of a chart. Warm Regards Nakai
  14. Hi Bhaaskaran Ji, I got the idea. However as per the information posted in my post, the person's good time started from 1 April 2004, i.e. starting for Ve Maha dasha. Since during the last phase of Ketu Dasha, the person was forcefully transferred from Delhi, India to Chennai, India. (Since his parents were in pain during that time). However as indicated from 1 April 2004, he returned to his hometown. Hence the dates I posted above prove nearly accurate for him. Using my dates as posted, what will the timing translate to, could you advise me. Warm Regards Nakai
  15. Dear Bhaaskaran ji, I checked Vimsottari Dasha using 360 degrees solar years. The following are Dahsa, Antar & pratyantar periods. Please clarify ? Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Ven MD: 2004-04-16 (10:03:15) - 2024-04-16 (13:05:11) Antardasas in this MD: Moon: 2008-08-19 (10:35:43) - 2010-04-16 (22:57:43) Pratyantardasas in this AD: Moon: 2008-08-19 (10:35:43) - 2008-10-09 (18:12:10) Mars: 2008-10-09 (18:12:10) - 2008-11-13 (20:13:17) Rah: 2008-11-13 (20:13:17) - 2009-02-10 (10:42:21) Jup: 2009-02-10 (10:42:21) - 2009-05-02 (2:14:57) Sat: 2009-05-02 (2:14:57) - 2009-08-09 (6:46:32) Merc: 2009-08-09 (6:46:32) - 2009-11-04 (3:17:02) I have placed only relevant periods in the post. Warm Regards Nakai
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